Amend CSHB 1 in Article VI of the bill, page VI-21, by amending Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Rider 26 as follows:
(a) strike "$583,289" and substitute "$100,000";
(b) strike "The TCEQ shall use these funds in Strategy A.3.1, Radioactive Materials Management, to operate the Low-Level Radioactive Waste and Radioactive Materials Management programs" and substitute "These funds shall be provided to the TLLRWDCC for additional operating costs once the low-level waste disposal site in Andrews County becomes operational"; and
(c) strike "None of these additional funds shall be used to pay for costs related to "full-time equivalent (FTE)" positions" and substitute "The TCEQ, upon completion of necessary actions to assess or increase fees to be deposited to the Low-Level Waste Account No. 88, shall furnish copies of the TCEQ's minutes and other information supporting the estimated revenues to be generated for the 2012-13 biennium under the revised fee structure to the Comptroller of Public Accounts. If the Comptroller finds the information sufficient to support the projection of increased revenues, a finding of fact to that effect shall be issued and the contingent appropriation shall be made available for the intended purposes".