Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) in Article XI, insert the following appropriately-numbered rider and renumbering any subsequent riders and updating any cross-references accordingly:
____. CONTINGENCY APPROPRIATIONS. Contingent upon the enactment of HB 259, or similar legislation, relating to an assessment on subscription video service providers, by the Eighty-second Legislature, Regular Session 2011 and contingent upon the Comptroller's certification of available General Revenue of approximately $240 million in for the biennium above the Comptroller's 2011 Biennial Revenue Estimate, the General Revenue generated by the legislation shall be appropriated as follows:
(a) On page II-21, for Total, Goal A. Children with Disabilities, strike "156,619,856" for year 2012 and substitute "222,228,813" and strike "156,618,368" for year 2013 and substitute "235,068,075" to fully fund at recommended levels.
(b) On page II-34, for Total, Goal C: Prevention Programs, strike "24,123,549" in year 2012 and substitute "45,883,571" and strike "24,123,550" in year 2013 and substitute "45,883,571" to fully fund at 2010-2011 levels.
(c) On page II-46, for strategy B.2.6 Reduce Use of Tobacco Products, strike "2,662,173" in year 2012 and substitute "9,450,315", and strike "2,115,062" in year 2013 and substitute "9,450,315" to fully fund at 2010-2011 levels.
(d) On page II-47 for strategy C.2.1 Mental Health Community Hospitals, strike "29,239,096" in year 2012 and substitute "48,388,046.50" and strike "29,239,096" in year 2013 and substitute "48,388,046.50" to fund near recommended levels.