Add the following rider to the Department of State Health Services' bill pattern:
Family Planning Service Providers. From funds appropriated in Strategy B.1.3, Family Planning Services, the Department shall allocate funds through grants or contracts for family planning services or projects to entities according to the following priorities with the most important listed first:
1. Public Entities which provide family planning services, including state, county, and local community health clinics, which do not:
a. perform elective abortions;
b. refer pregnant women to an abortion provider for an elective abortion; and
c. refer clients to organizations that perform elective abortions for any family planning services;
2. Non-public entities which provide comprehensive primary and preventive care in addition to family planning services, which do not:
a. perform elective abortions;
b. refer pregnant women to an abortion provider for an elective abortion; and
c. refer clients to organizations that perform elective abortions for any family planning services;
3. Public Entities which provide family planning services, including state, county, and local community health clinics, which do not:
a. perform elective abortions; and
b. refer pregnant women to an abortion provider for an elective abortion;
4. Non-public entities which provide comprehensive primary and preventive care in addition to family planning services, which do not:
a. perform elective abortions; and
b. refer pregnant women to an abortion provider for an elective abortion;
5. Public Entities which provide family planning services, including state, county, and local community health clinics;
6. Non-public entities which provide comprehensive primary and preventive care in addition to family planning services;
7. Entities that do not qualify for 1-6.
The priorities outlined above shall be applied by health service regions in the selection of contractors and in determining the amount of the grant or contract. When there are competing entities, the funds shall be allocated to the entity that complies with the higher priority in the above list.
The commissioner shall reallocate funding if the above priority formula would result in a significant reduction of services in specific geographic area.