Amend Amendment No. 93 to CSHB 1 by Frullo (pages 157-164, prefiled amendment packet) as follows:
(1) On page 1 of the amendment, under the AMENDMENT heading, in item 1., strike "by substituting" and substitute "by adding".
(2) On page 1 of the amendment, under the AMENDMENT heading, in item 1., strike "for Section 14, Medicaid Informational Rider. Appropriate and accurate funding amounts to be inserted by the Legislative Budget Board upon the next printing of HB 1." and substitute the following:
appropriately numbered rider:
____. Medicaid Funding Transparency. Not later than December 31, 2012, the Legislative Budget Board, in cooperation with the Health and Human Services Commission, shall submit to the Legislature and publish on the commission's Internet website a report that includes the following information:
(3) On page 1 of the amendment, under the AMENDMENT heading, strike the paragraph beginning with "Sec. 14. Medicaid Informational Rider." and ending with "program include the following:".
(4) On page 1, under the GRAND TOTAL, MEDICAID FUNDING FOR THE 2012-2013 BIENNIUM heading, strike the paragraph beginning with "It is the intent of the Legislature that all documents" and ending with "with appropriate historical year information."
(5) On pages 2-8, under the GRAND TOTAL, MEDICAID FUNDING FOR THE 2012-2013 BIENNIUM heading, strike "FY 2010" each time it appears and substitute "FY 2012".
(6) On pages 2-8, under the GRAND TOTAL, MEDICAID FUNDING FOR THE 2012-2013 BIENNIUM heading, strike "FY 2011" each time it appears and substitute "FY 2013".