Amend CSHB 15 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 6, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following:
Sec. 171.056.  INFORMATION RELATED TO VASECTOMY. If, after being provided with a sonogram and the information required under this subchapter, the pregnant woman chooses not to have an abortion, the physician or an agent of the physician shall notify the woman that she may apply for an order under Section 171.057.
Sec. 171.057.  MANDATORY VASECTOMY. On an application under Section 171.056, a court shall order a man to undergo a vasectomy if it is shown that:
(1)  the man is the father of the pregnant woman's child outside of marriage; and
(2)  previous to the date of application, the man was a father to two or more other children by two or more other women outside of marriage.
(2)  Renumber sections of Subchapter C, Chapter 171, Health and Safety Code, as added by the bill, and any cross-references appropriately.