Amend CSHB 15 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 3, between lines 5 and 6, insert the following:
(c)  A health care provider, facility, or clinic may not be included on the list described by Subsection (a)(3) unless the health care provider, facility, or clinic:
(1)  clearly informs a client that the health care provider, facility, or clinic does not:
(A)  perform abortions or provide abortion-related services; or
(B)  make referrals to any abortion provider or to any provider of birth control;
(2)  discloses, verbally and in writing, before providing a pregnancy test or counseling related to a pregnancy, that the health care provider, facility, or clinic is not qualified to diagnose or accurately date a pregnancy and inform the woman that only a licensed medical provider can confirm a pregnancy and provide medical advice about a pregnancy if the provider, facility, or clinic is not qualified to diagnose or accurately date a pregnancy;
(3)  clarifies in advertising and consumer contacts that a pregnancy test provided at the health care provider, facility, or clinic is self-administered if the provider, facility, or clinic provides a self-administered pregnancy test; and
(4)  informs persons who call or visit the health care provider, facility, or clinic that the provider, facility, or clinic is not a medical facility if the provider, facility, or clinic is not a medical facility.
(2)  On page 3, line 6, strike "(c)" and substitute "(d)".