Amend HB 242 (senate committee report) as follows:
(1)  Strike SECTION 1 of the bill, amending Section 1701.357(b), Occupations Code (page 1, lines 11 through 31), and substitute the following:
SECTION 1.  Section 1701.357, Occupations Code, is amended by amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), and (d) and adding Subsections (b-1), (c-1), and (j) to read as follows:
(a)  This section applies only to:
(1)  a peace officer;
(2)  a federal criminal investigator designated as a special investigator under Article 2.122, Code of Criminal Procedure; [and]
(3)  a qualified retired law enforcement officer who is entitled to carry a concealed firearm under 18 U.S.C. Section 926C and is not otherwise described by Subdivision (1) or (2); and
(4)  a former reserve law enforcement officer who served in that capacity not less than a total of 15 years with a state or local law enforcement agency .
(b)  The head of a state or local law enforcement agency may allow an honorably retired peace officer an opportunity to demonstrate weapons proficiency if the retired officer provides to the agency a sworn affidavit stating that:
(1)  the officer:
(A)  honorably retired after not less than a total of 15 years of service as a commissioned officer with one or more state or local law enforcement agencies; or
(B)  before completing 15 years of service as a commissioned officer with one or more state or local law enforcement agencies, separated from employment with the agency or agencies and is a qualified retired law enforcement officer, as defined by 18 U.S.C. Section 926C;
(2)  the officer's license as a commissioned officer was not revoked or suspended for any period during the officer's term of service as a commissioned officer; and
(3)  the officer has no psychological or physical disability that would interfere with the officer's proper handling of a handgun.
(b-1)  The head of a state or local law enforcement agency may allow a person who served as a reserve law enforcement officer as described by Subsection (a)(4) an opportunity to demonstrate weapons proficiency if the person provides to the agency a sworn affidavit stating that:
(1)  the person served not less than a total of 15 years as a reserve law enforcement officer with a state or local law enforcement agency;
(2)  the person's appointment as a reserve law enforcement officer was not revoked or suspended for any period during the person's term of service; and
(3)  the person has no psychological or physical disability that would interfere with the person's proper handling of a handgun.
(c)  The agency shall establish written procedures for the issuance or denial of a certificate of proficiency under this section.  The agency shall issue the certificate to a retired officer who satisfactorily demonstrates weapons proficiency under Subsection (b), provides proof that the officer is entitled to receive a pension or annuity for service with a state or local law enforcement agency or is not entitled to receive a pension or annuity only because the law enforcement agency that employed the retired officer does not offer a pension or annuity to its retired employees, and satisfies the written procedures established by the agency. The agency shall issue the certificate to a person described by Subsection (a)(4) who satisfactorily demonstrates weapons proficiency under Subsection (b-1).  The agency shall maintain records of any person [retired officer] who holds a certificate issued under this section.
(c-1)  For purposes of Subsection (c) [this subsection], proof that a retired officer is entitled to receive a pension or annuity or is not entitled to receive a pension or annuity only because the agency that last employed the retired officer does not offer a pension or annuity may include a retired peace officer identification card issued under Subchapter H, Chapter 614, Government Code.
(d)  A certificate issued under this section expires on the second anniversary of the date the certificate was issued.  A person [retired officer] to whom this section applies may request an annual evaluation of weapons proficiency and issuance of a certificate of proficiency as needed to comply with applicable federal or other laws.
(j)  On request of a person described by Subsection (a)(4) who holds a certificate of proficiency under this section, the head of the state or local law enforcement agency at which the person last served as a reserve law enforcement officer shall issue to the person identification that indicates the person's status. An identification under this subsection must include a photograph of the person.
(2)  In SECTION 2 of the bill, strike amended Section 46.15(a)(5), Penal Code (page 1, line 63, through page 2, line 12), and substitute the following:
(5)  an honorably retired peace officer, qualified retired law enforcement officer, [or] federal criminal investigator, or former reserve law enforcement officer who holds a certificate of proficiency issued under Section 1701.357, Occupations Code, and is carrying a photo identification that is issued by a federal, state, or local law enforcement agency, as applicable, and that[:
[(A)]  verifies that the officer is:
(A)  an honorably retired peace officer;
(B)  a qualified retired law enforcement officer;
(C)  a federal criminal investigator; or
(D)  a former reserve law enforcement officer who has served in that capacity not less than a total of 15 years with a state or local law enforcement agency [after not less than 15 years of service as a commissioned officer; and
[(B)     is issued by a state or local law enforcement agency];
(3)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumber the remaining SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____.  Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, is amended by adding Section 411.1992 to read as follows:
Sec. 411.1992.  FORMER RESERVE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS. (a) A person who served as a reserve law enforcement officer, as defined by Section 1701.001, Occupations Code, not less than a total of 15 years with a state or local law enforcement agency may apply for a license under this subchapter at any time.
(b)  The applicant shall submit to the department two complete sets of legible and classifiable fingerprints and a sworn statement from the head of the law enforcement agency at which the applicant last served as a reserve law enforcement officer. A head of a law enforcement agency may not refuse to issue a statement under this subsection. If the applicant alleges that the statement is untrue, the department shall investigate the validity of the statement. The statement must include:
(1)  the name and rank of the applicant;
(2)  the status of the applicant;
(3)  whether the applicant was accused of misconduct at any time during the applicant's term of service and the disposition of that accusation;
(4)  a description of the physical and mental condition of the applicant;
(5)  a list of the types of weapons the applicant demonstrated proficiency with during the applicant's term of service; and
(6)  a recommendation from the agency head regarding the issuance of a license under this subchapter.
(c)  The department may issue a license under this subchapter to an applicant under this section if the applicant was a reserve law enforcement officer for not less than a total of 15 years with a state or local law enforcement agency and is physically and emotionally fit to possess a handgun.
(d)  An applicant under this section must pay a fee of $25 for a license issued under this subchapter.
(e)  A former reserve law enforcement officer who obtains a license as provided by this section must maintain, for the category of weapon licensed, the proficiency required for the person under Section 1701.357, Occupations Code. The department or the local law enforcement agency at which the person last served as a reserve law enforcement officer shall allow the person an opportunity to annually demonstrate the required proficiency. The proficiency shall be reported to the department on application and renewal.
(f)  A license issued under this section expires as provided by Section 411.183.
SECTION ____.  The heading to Section 1701.357, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: