Amend CSHB 272 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In SECTION 8 of the bill, in added Section 2210.071(c), Insurance Code (page 3, line 47), between "Subchapter M" and the underlined period, insert "and, notwithstanding Subsection (a), may be paid from the proceeds of public securities issued under Section 2210.072(a) before an occurrence or series of occurrences that results in insured losses".
(2)  In SECTION 50 of the bill, in added Section 2210.6136(b), Insurance Code (page 19, line 16), between "period from" and "the date", insert:
"the earlier of, as applicable:
(1)  the date on which public securities are issued under Section 2210.072(a) before an occurrence or series of occurrences that results in insured losses; or