Amend CSHB 272 (Senate Committee Report) in SECTION 2 of the bill, amending Section 541.152(b) and (c), Insurance Code by striking the subsection (c) on page 1, lines 29-31.
And amend C.S.H.B. 272 (senate committee report) in SECTION 37 of the bill, amending Section 2210.552(f), page 12, lines 42-44, by substituting the following:
"(2)  may recover damages under Section 541.152(b) or under Section 17.50, Business & Commerce Code, not to exceed two times the amount of actual damages, only if the claimant proves by clear and convincing evidence that the association knowingly or intentionally committed an act prohibited by Chapter 541 as an unfair method of competition or an unfair or deceptive act or practice in the business of insurance."