Amend CSHB 599 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 2, strike lines 8 through 12 and substitute the following:
the order. Except as provided by Subsection (i-1), a criminal justice agency may disclose criminal history record information that is the subject of the order to an agency or entity listed in Subsection (i) only if the offense for which the person was placed on deferred adjudication is a felony. A person may petition the court
(2) On page 3, line 18, and page 5, line 19, strike "was a felony" and substitute "is a felony".
(3) On page 5, line 20, after the underlined period, add the following:
A criminal justice agency may disclose criminal history record information that is the subject of an order of nondisclosure under Subsection (d) to an agency or entity listed in Subsection (i)(20) if the offense for which the person was placed on deferred adjudication is:
(1) a felony; or
(2) a misdemeanor under Chapter 31, Penal Code, or under Section 32.21 or 32.45 of that code.