Amend HB 1244 (senate committee printing) by striking SECTION 1 of the bill, amending Section 51.3062, Education Code, and substituting the following appropriately numbered SECTION:
SECTION ____.  Section 51.3062, Education Code, is amended by adding Subsections (a-1), (i-2), (i-3), and (i-4) and amending Subsections (f), (i), and (k) to read as follows:
(a-1)  In this section, "program evaluation" means a systematic method of collecting, analyzing, and using information to answer questions about developmental education courses, interventions, and policies, particularly about their effectiveness and cost-efficiency.
(f)  Each assessment instrument designated by the board for use under this section must be diagnostic in nature and designed to assess a student's readiness to perform freshman-level academic coursework. The board shall prescribe a single standard or set of standards for each [the] assessment instrument to effectively measure student readiness as demonstrated by current research [or instruments that reflect that student readiness. An institution of higher education may adopt more stringent assessment standards with respect to student readiness].
(i)  The institution of higher education may refer a student to developmental coursework as considered necessary by the institution to address a student's deficiencies in the student's readiness to perform freshman-level academic coursework, except that the institution may not require enrollment in developmental coursework with respect to a student previously determined under Subsection (q-1) or determined by any institution of higher education to have met college-readiness standards. An institution that requires a student to enroll in developmental coursework must offer a range of developmental coursework, including online coursework, or instructional support that includes the integration of technology to efficiently address the particular developmental needs of the student.
(i-2)  An institution of higher education must base developmental coursework on research-based best practices that include the following components:
(1)  assessment;
(2)  differentiated placement and instruction;
(3)  faculty development;
(4)  support services;
(5)  program evaluation;
(6)  integration of technology with an emphasis on instructional support programs;
(7)  non-course-based developmental education interventions; and
(8)  course pairing of developmental education courses with credit-bearing courses.
(i-3)  The board shall adopt rules for the implementation of Subsection (i-2).
(i-4)  The board, in consultation with institutions of higher education, shall develop and provide professional development programs, including instruction in differentiated instruction methods designed to address students' diverse learning needs, to faculty and staff who provide developmental coursework to students.
(k)  An institution of higher education shall determine when a student is ready to perform freshman-level academic coursework. The institution must make its determination using learning outcomes for developmental education courses developed by the board based on established college and career readiness standards and student performance on one or more appropriate assessments [on an individual basis according to the needs of the student. The determination shall include:
[(1)     requiring a student to retake a board-approved assessment instrument, if the student did not initially perform within a deviation established by the board; or
[(2)     other board-approved means of evaluating student readiness, if the student did not initially pass the assessment instrument but performed within a deviation established by the board].