Amend HB 1951 on third reading as follows:
(1) In Section 1458.001(2)(A), Insurance Code, as added on second reading by Amendment No. 34 by Eiland, between "services" and the semicolon, insert "to covered individuals".
(2) In Section 1458.102(a)(1), Insurance Code, as added on second reading by Amendment No. 34 by Eiland, strike ", other than a payor who is not an insurer or a health maintenance organization,".
(3) After Section 1458.102(e), Insurance Code, as added on second reading by Amendment No. 34 by Eiland, insert:
(f) The notice described by Subsection (a)(1) is not required to include information regarding payors who are insurers or health maintenance organizations.
(4) In Section 1458.151(a), Insurance Code, as added on second reading by Amendment No. 34 by Eiland, strike "(a)".
(5) Strike Section 1458.151(b), Insurance Code, as added on second reading by Amendment No. 34 by Eiland.