Amend HB 2093 (Senate committee report) as follows:
(1)  In SECTION 1 (page 1) in added Section 151.001, Insurance Code, line 27, strike "single-family home, duplex, triplex, or quadruplex" and substitute "single family house, townhouse, duplex, or land development directly related thereto".
(2)  In SECTION 1 (page 1) in added Section 151.001, Insurance Code, strike lines 32-37 and substitute the following and renumber any subsequent subdivisions and update any cross-references accordingly:
(4)  "Claim" includes a loss or liability for a claim, damage, expense, or governmentally imposed fine, penalty, administrative action, or other action.
(5)  "Construction contract" means a contract, subcontract, or agreement, or a performance bond assuring the performance of any of the foregoing, entered into or made by an owner, architect, engineer, contractor, construction manager, subcontractor, supplier, or material or equipment lessor for the design, construction, alteration, renovation, remodeling, repair, or maintenance of, or for the furnishing of material or equipment for, a building, structure, appurtenance, or other improvement to or on public or private real property, including moving, demolition, and excavation connected with the real property. The term includes an agreement to which an architect, engineer, or contractor and an owner's lender are parties regarding an assignment of the construction contract or other modifications thereto.
(6)  "Indemnitor" means a party to a construction contract that is required to provide indemnification or additional insured status to another party to the construction contract or to a third party.
(7)  "Insurer" has the meaning assigned by Section 560.001.
(3)  In SECTION 1 (page 1, between lines 48 and 49), in added Chapter 151, Insurance Code, insert the following new Subchapter C and renumber and reletter any subsequent sections and subchapters and update any cross-references accordingly:
Sec. 151.101.  APPLICABILITY. (a) This subchapter applies to a construction contract for a construction project for which an indemnitor is provided or procures insurance subject to:
(1)  this chapter; or
(2)  Title 10.
(b)  Subsection (a) applies regardless of whether the insurance is provided or procured before or after execution of the contract.
Sec. 151.102.  AGREEMENT VOID AND UNENFORCEABLE. Except as provided by Section 151.103, a provision in a construction contract, or in an agreement collateral to or affecting a construction contract, is void and unenforceable as against public policy to the extent that it requires an indemnitor to indemnify, hold harmless, or defend a party, including a third party, against a claim caused by the negligence or fault, the breach or violation of a statute, ordinance, governmental regulation, standard, or rule, or the breach of contract of the indemnitee, its agent or employee, or any third party under the control or supervision of the indemnitee, other than the indemnitor or its agent, employee, or subcontractor of any tier.
Sec. 151.103.  EXCEPTION FOR EMPLOYEE CLAIM. Section 151.102 does not apply to a provision in a construction contract that requires a person to indemnify, hold harmless, or defend another party to the construction contract or a third party against a claim for the bodily injury or death of an employee of the indemnitor, its agent, or its subcontractor of any tier.
Sec. 151.104.  UNENFORCEABLE ADDITIONAL INSURANCE PROVISION. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a provision in a construction contract that requires the purchase of additional insured coverage, or any coverage endorsement, or provision within an insurance policy providing additional insured coverage, is void and unenforceable to the extent that it requires or provides coverage the scope of which is prohibited under this subchapter for an agreement to indemnify, hold harmless, or defend.
(b)  This section does not apply to a provision in an insurance policy, or an endorsement to an insurance policy, issued under a consolidated insurance program to the extent that the provision or endorsement lists, adds, or deletes named insureds to the policy.
Sec. 151.105.  EXCLUSIONS. This subchapter does not affect:
(1)  an insurance policy, including a policy issued under an owner-controlled or owner-sponsored consolidated insurance program or a contractor-controlled or contractor-sponsored consolidated insurance program, except as provided by Section 151.104;
(2)  a cause of action for breach of contract or warranty that exists independently of an indemnity obligation;
(3)  indemnity provisions contained in loan and financing documents, other than construction contracts to which the contractor and owner's lender are parties as provided under Section 151.001(5);
(4)  general agreements of indemnity required by sureties as a condition of execution of bonds for construction contracts;
(5)  the benefits and protections under the workers' compensation laws of this state;
(6)  the benefits or protections under the governmental immunity laws of this state;
(7)  agreements subject to Chapter 127, Civil Practices and Remedies Code;
(8)  a license agreement between a railroad company and a person that permits the person to enter the railroad company's property as an accommodation to the person for work under a construction contract that does not primarily benefit the railroad company;
(9)  an indemnity provision pertaining to a claim based upon copyright infringement;
(10)  an indemnity provision in a construction contract, or in an agreement collateral to or affecting a construction contract, pertaining to:
(A)  a single family house, townhouse, duplex, or land development directly related thereto; or
(B)  a public works project of a municipality; or
(11)  a joint defense agreement entered into after a claim is made.
(4)  In SECTION 1, in added Section 151.002, Insurance Code (page 1, line 41), strike "this chapter" and substitute "Subchapter B".
(5)  Insert the following appropriately numbered SECTION and renumber any subsequent SECTIONS accordingly:
SECTION ____.  Section 2252.902, Government Code, is repealed.
(6)  In SECTION 2, line 52, between the period and "Chapter", insert "(a)".
(7)  In SECTION 2, between lines 58 and 59, insert the following:
(b)  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to an original construction contract with an owner of an improvement or contemplated improvement that is entered into on or after the effective date of this Act. If an original construction contract with an owner of an improvement or contemplated improvement is entered into on or after the effective date of this Act, the changes in law made by this Act apply to a related subcontract, purchase order contract, personal property lease agreement, and insurance policy. If an original construction contract with an owner of an improvement or contemplated improvement is entered into before the effective date of this Act, that original construction contract and a related subcontract, purchase order contract, personal property lease agreement, and insurance policy are governed by the law in effect immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
(8)  In SECTION 3, line 59, strike "September 1, 2011" and substitute "January 1, 2012".