Amend CSHB 2357 (house committee report) as follows:
SECTION ____. Section 544.012(c), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows:
(c) The municipality shall install signs along each roadway that leads to an intersection at which a photographic traffic monitoring system is in active use. Each sign [The signs] must:
(1) be located at least 100 feet but not more than 750 feet from the intersection in accordance with the [or located according to] standards established in the manual adopted by the Texas Transportation Commission under Section 544.001;
(2) [,] be easily readable to any operator approaching the intersection;
(3) have affixed a flashing yellow circular beacon;
(4) [, and] clearly indicate the presence of a photographic monitoring system that records violations that may result in the issuance of a notice of violation and the imposition of a monetary penalty; and
(5) comply with design and size requirements established by the Texas Department of Transportation.
SECTION ____. Section 707.003(g), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows:
(g) The local authority shall install signs along each roadway that leads to an intersection at which a photographic traffic signal enforcement system is in active use. Each sign [The signs] must:
(1) be located at least 100 feet but not more than 750 feet from the intersection in accordance with the [or located according to] standards established in the manual adopted by the Texas Transportation Commission under Section 544.001;
(2) [,] be easily readable to any operator approaching the intersection;
(3) have affixed a flashing yellow circular beacon;
(4) [, and] clearly indicate the presence of a photographic traffic signal enforcement [photographic monitoring] system that records violations that may result in the issuance of a notice of violation and the imposition of a monetary penalty; and
(5) comply with design and size requirements established by the Texas Department of Transportation.