Amend CSHB 2594 as follows:
(1)  On page 3, line 5, strike "a motor vehicle certificate of title" and substitute "an unencumbered motor vehicle".
(2)  On page 3, line 19, strike "305" and substitute "349".
(3)  On page 3, line 20, between "business" and "do not", insert "conducting business under this chapter".
(4)  On page 7, line 12, after the semicolon, insert "and".
(5)  On page 7, lines 14-15, strike the following:
; and
(3)  may use remote closing agents
(6)  On page 12, line 20, between "refinancing" and "of the extensions", insert "transactions".
(7)  On page 13, line 3, between "surrendered" and "under", insert "or repossessed".
(8)  On page 13, line 7, strike "average" and substitute "mean, median, and mode of the".
(9)  On page 13, line 17, strike "holder".
(10)  On page 14, line 20; page 15, lines 1, 4, and 18; page 16, lines 8-9, 11-12, and 16-17; and page 17, lines 18 and 26, strike "Subchapter G of Chapter 393" each time it appears and substitute "Chapter 393 with respect to a credit access business".
(11)  On page 16, line 22, strike "person" and substitute "credit access business".
(12)  On page 16, lines 23 and 24, strike both occurrences of "Subchapter G,".
(13)  On page 16, line 26, and page 17, line 1, strike both occurrences of "Subchapter G of Chapter 393,".
(14)  On page 17, line 2, between "Title 4," and "to make", insert ", or a credit access business who violates or causes a violation of Chapter 393 or a rule adopted under Chapter 393,".
(15)  On page 17, line 10, strike "Subchapter G of Chapter 393" and substitute "Chapter 393, if the person is a credit access business,".