Amend CSHB 3746 (house committee report) as follows:
(1)  On page 1, between lines 10 and 11, insert the following:
Sec. 422.001.  DEFINITION. In this chapter, "ICAC task force" means an Internet Crimes Against Children task force that is:
(1)  located in this state; and
(2)  recognized by the United States Department of Justice.
(2)  On page 1, line 11, strike "Sec. 422.001" and substitute "Sec. 422.002".
(3)  Strike page 1, line 21, through page 2, line 2, and substitute the following:
(e)  Money in the account may be appropriated only to support the administration and activities of an ICAC task force.
(4)  On page 2, lines 5-6, strike "each Internet crimes against children task force described by Subsection (e)" and substitute "each ICAC task force".
(5)  On page 2, line 7, strike "Sec. 422.002" and substitute "Sec. 422.003".
(6)  On page 2, line 8, strike "prosecuting attorneys" and substitute "persons authorized under this section".
(7)  On page 2, lines 11-12, strike "an Internet crimes against children task force described by Section 422.001(e)" and substitute "an ICAC task force".
(8)  On page 4, lines 12-13, strike "where the person resides or does business" and substitute "where the subpoena was issued".
(9)  On page 4, line 17, between "prosecuting attorney" and "shall", insert "or ICAC task force".
(10)  On page 4, line 22, strike "Sec. 422.003" and substitute "Sec. 422.004".
(11)  On page 4, line 24, strike "Section 422.002(b)" and substitute "Section 422.003(b)".