Amend CSSB 6 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1) In SECTION 22 of the bill, adding Section 31.0211, Education Code (page 6, between lines 56 and 57), add the following subsections:
(d-1) Notwithstanding Subsection (d), for the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2011, a school district shall use an allotment received under this section to purchase instructional materials that will assist the district in satisfying performance standards under Section 39.0241, as added by Chapter 895 (H.B. No. 3), Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009, on assessment instruments adopted under Sections 39.023(a) and (c).
(d-2) Subsection (d-1) and this subsection expire August 31, 2013.
(2) In SECTION 65 of the bill, in the recital (page 20, line 49), strike "Subsection (d)" and substitute "Subsections (d), (e), (f), and (g)".
(3) In SECTION 65 of the bill, amending Section 43.001, Education Code (page 20, between lines 55 and 56), add the following subsections:
(e) Subsection (d) applies beginning with the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2013. For the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2011, each year the State Board of Education shall set aside an amount equal to 40 percent of the annual distribution for that year from the permanent school fund to the available school fund as provided by Section 5(a), Article VII, Texas Constitution, to be placed, subject to the General Appropriations Act, in the state instructional materials fund established under Section 31.021.
(f) In calculating the amounts to be set aside as provided by Subsection (e) for the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2011, the State Board of Education shall consider only the amounts of the annual distribution of the permanent school fund for that biennium. The board shall not consider amounts distributed for the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2009, regardless of the date on which those amounts were approved for distribution.
(g) Subsections (e) and (f) and this subsection expire September 1, 2013.
(4) In SECTION 67 of the bill (page 21, line 5), strike "2012" and substitute "2011".