Amend Amendment No. 10 by Hughes to SB 8 (house committee printing) by adding the following appropriately numbered item to the amendment:
(____) Add the following appropriately numbered ARTICLE to the bill and renumber subsequent ARTICLES and SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____.01. INTERIM STUDY OF ADVANCE DIRECTIVES AND HEALTH CARE AND TREATMENT DECISIONS. (a) The lieutenant governor shall issue an interim charge to the standing committee of the senate with jurisdiction over health care treatment to conduct a study as described by Subsection (b).
(b) The study must examine the provisions of Chapter 166, Health and Safety Code, including:
(1) the scope of medical and physical conditions covered by the chapter;
(2) forms for executing advance directives;
(3) operational issues, including the conflict resolution process;
(4) reporting requirements;
(5) due process provisions;
(6) forms for executing physicians' orders; and
(7) court intervention that was sought, for damages or injunctive relief, during or arising from the health care provided and treatment decisions made pursuant to Chapter 166, Health and Safety Code.
(c) Not later than January 1, 2013, the committee shall report the committee's findings and recommendations to the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house, and the governor. The committee shall include in its recommendations specific changes to statutes and agency rules that may be necessary, based on the results of the committee's study conducted under this section.
(d) Not later than November 1, 2011, the lieutenant governor shall issue the interim charge required by this section.
(e) This section expires January 1, 2013.