Amend Amendment No. 1 by Kolkhorst (82R29960) to SB 8 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) In item 24 of the amendment, in added Section 848.004(b), Insurance Code (page 7, line 20), strike "The" and substitute "Except as provided by Subsection (c), the".
(2) In item 24 of the amendment, after added Section 848.004(b), Insurance Code (page 7, after line 31), add the following:
(c) The remedies available under this chapter in the manner provided by Chapter 541 do not include:
(1) a private cause of action under Subchapter D, Chapter 541; or
(2) a class action under Subchapter F, Chapter 541.
(3) Add the following appropriately numbered item to the amendment and renumber subsequent items of the amendment accordingly:
( ) In SECTION 3.01 of the bill, strike added Section 848.057(6), Insurance Code (page 25, line 27, through page 26, line 1), and substitute the following:
(6) the pro-competitive benefits of the applicant's proposed health care collaborative are likely to substantially outweigh the anti-competitive effects of any increase in market power.