Amend SB 8 (house committee printing) in ARTICLE 2 of the bill by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTION to that ARTICLE and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of that ARTICLE appropriately:
SECTION 2.____. (a) The Texas Institute of Health Care Quality and Efficiency under Chapter 1002, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, shall conduct a study:
(1) evaluating how the legislature may promote a consumer-driven health care system, including by increasing the adoption of high-deductible insurance products with health savings accounts by consumers and employers to lower health care costs and increase personal responsibility for health care; and
(2) examining the issue of differing amounts of payment in full accepted by a provider for the same or similar health care services or supplies, including bundled health care services and supplies, and addressing:
(A) the extent of the differences in the amounts accepted as payment in full for a service or supply;
(B) the reasons that amounts accepted as payment in full differ for the same or similar services or supplies;
(C) the availability of information to the consumer regarding the amount accepted as payment in full for a service or supply;
(D) the effects on consumers of differing amounts accepted as payment in full; and
(E) potential methods for improving consumers' access to information in relation to the amounts accepted as payment in full for health care services or supplies, including the feasibility and desirability of requiring providers to:
(i) publicly post the amount that is accepted as payment in full for a service or supply; and
(ii) adhere to the posted amount.
(b) The institute shall submit a report to the legislature outlining the results of the study conducted under this section and any recommendations for potential legislation not later than January 1, 2013.
(c) This section expires September 1, 2013.