Amend CSSB 14 by striking SECTION 25 of the bill (house committee printing, page 15, lines 11-12) and substituting the following:
SECTION 25.  Except as otherwise provided by this Act, this Act takes effect on the later of:
(1)  January 1, 2012; or
(2)  the date on which the secretary of state completes a study that:
(A)  provides an analysis, disaggregated by ethnicity and county, of the access to photo identification by state residents, including the availability of, location of offices for, and cost of obtaining the following:
(i)  a passport;
(ii)  a driver's license or personal identification card; and
(iii)  citizenship documents that include the person's photograph; and
(B)  provides an analysis of the potential impact on voter turnout if the changes in law made by this Act take effect based on:
(i)  aggregate turnout data at the county level; and
(ii)  individual-level survey data from current population surveys conducted by the United States Census Bureau for source data.