Amend SB 181 by inserting the following appropriately-numbered SECTION and renumbering any subsequent SECTIONS and updating any cross-references accordingly:
SECTION ____.   Section 16.053(c), Water Code, is amended to read as follows:
(c) No later than 60 days after the designation of the regions under Subsection (b), the board shall designate representatives within each regional water planning area to serve as the initial coordinating body for planning. The initial coordinating body may then designate additional representatives to serve on the regional water planning group. The initial coordinating body shall designate additional representatives if necessary to ensure adequate representation from the interests comprising that region, including the public, counties, municipalities, industries, agricultural interests, environmental interests, small businesses, electric generating utilities, river authorities, water districts, and water utilities. The regional water planning group shall maintain adequate representation from those interests. In addition, the commissioners court of each county located in the regional water planning area shall appoint one representative of the county to the regional water planning group. In addition, representatives of the board, the Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Department of Agriculture shall serve as ex officio members of each regional water planning group.
SECTION ____.  As soon as practicable after the effective date of this Act, the commissioners court of each county in this state shall appoint an initial representative of the county to the regional water planning group for the regional water planning area in which the county is located, as required by Section 16.053(c), Water Code, as amended by this Act.