Amend CSSB 341 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) In the recital to SECTION 4.01 of the bill (page 22, line 24), between "52," and "53," insert "52B,".
(2) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, after added Section 52, Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 25, between lines 26 and 27), insert the following:
Sec. 52B. (a) The rural contracts review board consists of three members appointed as follows:
(1) one member appointed by the Commissioners Court of Bexar County;
(2) one member appointed by the Commissioners Court of Medina County; and
(3) one member appointed by the Commissioners Court of Atascosa County.
(b) The System shall renew a contract with a water supply company, water district, or municipal water utility for emergency water supply or interconnect fees that was transferred or assigned to the System as a result of the dissolution of the District on the same terms as the original contract, unless a change in the terms of the contract is approved by the rural contracts review board. The rural contracts review board may not approve a change in the terms of a renewal contract that is unfair to the water supply company, water district, or municipal water utility.