Amend CSSB 341 (Senate committee report) as follows:
(1) In SECTION 1.02 of the bill, in added Section 37(b)(1)(A), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 2, line 31), between "in" and "or", insert ",".
(2) In SECTION 1.02 of the bill, in added Section 37(b)(1)(A), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 2, line 32), between "of" and "the", insert ",".
(3) In SECTION 1.02 of the bill, in added Section 38, Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 3, line 19), between "quarterly" and "on", insert ", or as requested by the Commission or the Committee,".
(4) In SECTION 2.01(b) of the bill (page 3, lines 36 through 39), strike "following the date of preclearance under Section 5 of the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. Section 1973c) of all provisions of the Act enacting this section that are subject to preclearance, the commission" and substitute "the commission, after consultation with the secretary of state,".
(5) In SECTION 2.01(b) of the bill (page 3, lines 42-45), strike "If the commission determines that preclearance under Section 5 of the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 is not required, the commission shall hold the election on the next uniform election date after the date the commission makes that determination."
(6) In SECTION 2.01(c) of the bill (page 3, line 46), strike "another entity" and substitute "one or more entities".
(7) In SECTION 2.01(e) of the bill (page 3, line 59), between "date of" and "the", insert "the beginning of early voting for".
(8) In SECTION 2.01(f) of the bill (page 3, line 65), strike "of" and substitute "owned by".
(9) In SECTION 2.02(b)(2) of the bill (page 4, line 9), strike "officially declared" and substitute "certified".
(10) In SECTION 2.02(c)(1) of the bill (page 4, line 13), strike "officially declared" and substitute "certified".
(11) In the recital to SECTION 4.01 of the bill (page 8, line 1), strike "and 57" and substitute "57, and 58".
(12) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 50(a), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 8, line 3), strike "of the canvass of the election" and substitute "the election results are certified to the secretary of state as".
(13) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 50(b), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 8), strike lines 6 through 9 and substitute the following:
(b) On the date the election results are certified to the secretary of state, the System assumes control of the operation and management of the District, except as provided by Sections 52 and 53 of this Act and other law applicable to the System.
(c) Not later than the 90th day after the date the election results are certified to the secretary of state, the conservator, under the oversight of the Commission and the Committee, shall transfer or assign the:
(14) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 50(b), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 8, lines 10 through 11), strike "associated with the provision of water services".
(15) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 50(c), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 8, line 18), strike "(c)" and substitute "(d)".
(16) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 50(c), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 8, line 19), strike "(b)" and substitute "(c)".
(17) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 50(d), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 8, line 22), strike "(d)" and substitute "(e)".
(18) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 50(e), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 8, line 27), strike "(e)" and substitute "(f)".
(19) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 52(a), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 8), strike lines 42-44 and substitute the following:
(3) prudent utility practices and fiscal policies;
(4) costs and revenue; and
(5) potential impacts on the customers of the District and the System.
(20) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 52(b), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 8, line 45), after "(b)", strike "The" and substitute "During the integration period described by Subsection (a), the".
(21) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 52(b), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 8, lines 47 through 50), strike ". If the System fails to comply with the requirements of this section, the Commission may assess a penalty against the System in the manner provided by Section 13.4151, Water Code." and substitute "of not more than three additional years."
(22) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 52(d), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 8, lines 56 and 57), strike "and at least until the date specified in Subsection (a) of this section,".
(23) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 52(d), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 8, line 59), between "District" and the period, insert "under the System's certificate of convenience and necessity".
(24) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 52, Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 8, between lines 59 and 60), insert the following:
(e) After the integration described by Subsection (a) is complete, the System shall provide water service to former ratepayers of the District in the same manner the System provides water service to other ratepayers of the System. The integration is considered complete if:
(1) the areas of service located in the former District are no longer operated as a special project within the System;
(2) the ratepayers of the former District pay the same rates for services provided by the System as other similarly situated ratepayers of the System; and
(3) the ratepayers of the former District receive water service that meets the requirements of the Commission.
(f) If the System fails to integrate the services and infrastructure of the District into the System in accordance with Subsection (a), the Commission may find the System in violation of the obligation under the System's certificate of convenience and necessity to provide continuous and adequate service. The Commission may bring an enforcement action against the System, including the imposition of an administrative penalty under Section 13.4151, Water Code.
(25) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 55(a), Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 9, line 21), between "into" and "during", insert ", amended, or renewed".
(26) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 57, Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 9, line 40), between "pending" and "shall", insert "against the District".
(27) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, in added Section 57, Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 9, line 40), strike "District" and substitute "System".
(28) In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, following added Section 57, Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945 (page 9, between lines 42 and 43), insert the following:
Sec. 58. (a) In this section, "advisory committee" means a committee appointed under Subsection (b) of this section.
(b) Not later than the 60th day after the date the District is dissolved under Section 50 of this Act, the System shall work cooperatively with the commissioners court of each county in which the former District was wholly or partly located to establish an advisory committee to advise the System regarding the integration of the services and infrastructure of the former District, including service integration issues and the delivery of water services by the System, in specific areas or water systems located in the area outside the corporate boundaries of the largest municipality served by the System.
(c) The advisory committee shall include one representative from each county served by the System who resides in the boundaries of the former District or the owner or operator of a business located in the boundaries of the former District.
(d) Until the integration described by Section 52 of this Act is complete, the board of directors of the System shall:
(1) consult with the advisory committee about the matters described by Subsection (b) of this section at least quarterly, during a regularly scheduled or specially called board meeting of the System; and
(2) on request by the advisory committee chair, provide members of the advisory committee an opportunity to address the System's board of trustees on matters relating to the duties of the advisory committee.
(29) In the heading to ARTICLE 5 of the bill (page 9, line 43), between "5." and "NOTICE;", insert "DEADLINES;".
(30) In ARTICLE 5 of the bill (page 9), between lines 43 and 44, insert the following SECTION and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION 5.01. If a deadline established in Articles 1 through 4 of this Act cannot be met because of a requirement imposed by the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. Section 1973c or any other provisions of that act), the deadline is the next available date after the requirement is met.