Amend Floor Amendment No. 10 by Parker to CSSB 653 by striking all below the floor amendment heading and substituting the following:
Amend CSSB 653 (house committee printing) in SECTION 1.004 of the bill as follows:
(1)  In proposed Section 221.009, Human Resources Code (page 39, line 20), between "(b)" and "[In addition", insert the following:
The board shall make its best effort to develop regularly updated performance measures of the effectiveness of programs and services on outcomes for youths, public safety, and victims, make those measures publicly available online, and use those measures in determining funding levels for programs and services
(2)  In proposed Section 221.009, Human Resources Code (page 39, line 25), strike "youth." and substitute "youth]."
(3)  In proposed Section 221.009, Human Resources Code (page 39, line 26), strike "[(c)]" and substitute "(c)".