Amend CSSB 656 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In SECTION 11 of the bill, strike amended Section 33.205(c), Natural Resources Code (page 3, line 49, through page 4, line 3), and substitute the following:
(c)  The commissioner [council] may [not] review a proposed agency or subdivision action subject to the requirements of Subsections (a) and (b) [of this section] for consistency with the goals and policies of the coastal management program if [unless]:
(1)  the consistency determination for the proposed action was contested by:
(A)  a [council] member of the committee or an agency that was a party in a formal hearing under Chapter 2001, Government Code, or in an alternative dispute resolution process; or
(B)  another [a council member or other] person by the filing of written comments with the agency before the action was proposed if the proposed action is one for which a formal hearing under Chapter 2001, Government Code, is not available;
(2)  a person described by Subdivision (1) [of this subsection] files a request for referral alleging a significant unresolved dispute regarding the proposed action's consistency with the goals and policies of the coastal management program; and
(3)  any three members of the committee [council] other than the representative [director] of the Texas [A&M University] Sea Grant College Program agree that there is a significant unresolved dispute regarding the proposed action's consistency with the goals and policies of the coastal management program and the matter is referred to the commissioner for review [placed on the agenda for a council meeting].
(2)  In SECTION 15 of the bill, in amended Section 33.206(g), Natural Resources Code (page 7, lines 15-19), strike the first sentence of the subsection and substitute the following:
Notwithstanding the other provisions of this subchapter, on request for referral, the commissioner may not review a consistency determination of the land office, the commissioner, or the board.