Amend CSSB 1133 (senate committee report) in SECTION 1 of the bill as follows:
(1)  Strike added Section 186.007(a), Utilities Code (page 1, lines 17-36), and substitute the following:
(a)  In this section, "commission" means the Public Utility Commission of Texas.
(a-1)  The commission shall analyze emergency operations plans developed by electric utilities as defined by Section 31.002, power generation companies, municipally owned utilities, and electric cooperatives that operate generation facilities in this state and prepare a weather emergency preparedness report on power generation weatherization preparedness. In preparing the report, the commission shall:
(1)  review the emergency operations plans currently on file with the commission;
(2)  analyze and determine the ability of the electric grid to withstand extreme weather events in the upcoming year;
(3)  consider the anticipated weather patterns for the upcoming year as forecasted by the National Weather Service or any similar state or national agency; and
(4)  make recommendations on improving emergency operations plans and procedures in order to ensure the continuity of electric service.
(2)  In added Section 186.007(b), Utilities Code (page 1, lines 37-38), strike "a power generation company or wholesale electric generator" and substitute "an electric generation entity subject to this section".
(3)  In added Section 186.007(b), Utilities Code (page 1, lines 41-42), strike "company or generator can ensure the continuity of electric utility service in the event of a weather-related forced interruption" and substitute "electric generation entity can provide adequate electric generation services".
(4)  In added Section 186.007(c), Utilities Code (page 1, lines 44-45), strike "and any other rules necessary to accomplish the purposes of the report".
(5)  In added Section 186.007, Utilities Code (page 1, line 61, through page 2, line 3), strike Subsection (f) and substitute the following:
(f)  The emergency operations plans submitted for the report described by Subsection (a-1) and any subsequent plans submitted under Subsection (e) are public information except for the portions of the plan considered confidential under Chapter 552, Government Code, or other state or federal law. If portions of a plan are designated as confidential, the plan shall be provided to the commission in a redacted form for public inspection with the confidential portions removed. An electric generation entity within the ERCOT power region shall provide the entity's plan to ERCOT in its entirety.
(6)  In added Section 186.007, Utilities Code (page 2, lines 4-9), strike Subsection (g).