Amend Amendment No. 11 by Harper-Brown (page 25 of the prefiled amendments packet) to CSSB 1420 by striking page 4, lines 2-14, and substituting the following:
(e) For highway projects described in Section 201.753(a), the standards may provide a process and criteria for the prioritization of environmental review documents in the event the department makes a finding that it lacks adequate resources to timely process all documents it receives. Standards established pursuant to this subsection must provide for notification to a local government sponsor if processing of an environmental review document is to be delayed due to prioritization, and must ensure that the environmental review document for each highway project will be completed no later than one year prior to the date planned for publishing notice to let the construction contract for the project, as indicated in a document identifying the project under Section 201.753(a)(1) or a commission order under Section 201.753(a)(2).