Amend Floor Amendment No. 14 by Harper-Brown to CSSB 1420 (page 37 of the prefiled amendments packet) as follows:
(1) On page 2, line 2, strike "not more than three".
(2) On page 2, line 3, strike "each of which" and substitute "if the contract".
(3) On page 2, line 5, strike ", in any fiscal year".
(4) On page 4, lines 10-12, strike "If the department receives only one responsive qualifications statement, the department shall terminate the procurement" and substitute "If the department receives only one responsive qualifications statement to a request for qualifications, an independent audit by the comptroller's office must confirm and validate that:
(1) the project, for which the request for qualifications was issued, delivered value for the public investment; and
(2) no anti-competitive practices were involved in the procurement".