Amend CSSB 1420 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 12, line 16, strike "improvement program" and substitute "plan".
(2) On page 12, line 17, strike "specific, long-term".
(3) On page 14, line 12, after "necessary.", add "An update or revision of the statewide transportation improvement program or the 10-year developmental program is an amendment or administrative modification and does not require an update to the statewide transportation plan."
(4) On page 14, line 15, strike "PLANS AND POLICY EFFORTS" and substitute "PLANS, PROGRAMS, AND POLICY EFFORTS".
(5) On page 14, line 16, strike "plans and policy efforts," and substitute "plans, programs, and policy efforts,".
(6) On page 14, line 18, strike "plan or policy effort" and substitute "plan, program, or policy effort".