Amend Amendment No. 49 by Smithee (page 141 of the prefiled amendment packet) to CSSB 1420 as follows:
(1) Strike page 1, line 2, and substitute the following:
the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and
(2) On page 1, line 5, strike "Section 201.2002" and substitute "Sections 201.2002 and 201.2003".
(3) At the end of the amendment, add the following:
Sec. 201.2003. EDMUND P. KUEMPEL REST AREAS. (a) The eastbound and westbound rest areas located on Interstate Highway 10 in Guadalupe County are designated as the Edmund P. Kuempel Rest Areas.
(b) The department shall design and construct markers at each rest area described by Subsection (a) indicating the designation of those rest areas as the Edmund P. Kuempel Rest Areas and any other appropriate information.
(c) The department shall erect markers at appropriate locations at the rest areas.
(d) Notwithstanding Subsections (b) and (c), the department is not required to design, construct, or erect a marker under this section unless a grant or donation of private funds is made to the department to cover the cost of the design, construction, and erection of the marker.
(e) Money received under Subsection (d) shall be deposited to the credit of the state highway fund.