Senate Research Center

H.B. 2139

82R16556 YDB-D

By: Guillen (Zaffirini)


Government Organization










Currently, state agencies are dealing with budget cuts that have forced, and will continue to force, reductions in services and public resources.  Libraries, a vital and treasured resource in many communities, are no exception.  With no other source of revenue, public libraries will be forced to make drastic cuts that will inevitably hurt the communities these libraries serve.  H.B. 2139 would establish and publicize an Adopt-A-Library program.  With the program in place, it might be able to offset what is surely to be a substantial reduction in library and archival services throughout Texas.


Adopt-A-Library program would receive donations from cash, grants, and in-kind contributions that will be used to initiate, improve, or expand library services.  In addition to encouraging local businesses and citizens to make donations to their libraries, H.B. 2139 would add the Adopt-A-Library program to the state employee charitable campaign.  This would establish the program to be entitled as an eligible charitable organization, and authorizes a state employee a deduction for contributions to the program.


H.B. 2139 amends current law relating to the establishment of an Adopt-A-Library program and state employee charitable contributions to the program.




Rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in SECTION 1 (Section 441.0085, Government Code) of this bill.




SECTION 1.  Amends Subchapter A, Chapter 441, Government Code, by adding Section 441.0085, as follows:


Sec. 441.0085.  ADOPT-A-LIBRARY PROGRAM. (a) Authorizes the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) to establish or to assist other state agencies or organizations in the establishment of an Adopt-A-Library program to encourage investment in and donations to public libraries in this state.


(b)  Authorizes TSLAC to use any cash, gift, grant, donation, or in-kind contribution that it receives from a public or private entity through the Adopt-A-Library program to assist TSLAC or public libraries in this state in the establishment, provision, improvement, or expansion of library services.


(c)  Requires TSLAC to provide information about the Adopt-A-Library program on TSLAC's Internet website.


(d)  Authorizes TSLAC to adopt rules reasonably necessary to perform its duties under this section.


(e)  Provides that, for purposes of Subchapter I (Charitable Contributions), Chapter 659 (Compensation):


(1)  the Adopt-A-Library program is considered an eligible charitable organization entitled to participate in the state employee charitable campaign; and


(2)  a state employee is entitled to authorize a deduction for contributions to the Adopt-A-Library program as a charitable contribution under Section 659.132 (Deduction Authorized).


SECTION 2.  Effective date: September 1, 2011.