H.B. 2549

By: Crownover

State Affairs

Committee Report (Unamended)






The Texas State Historical Association (TSHA) is a nonprofit educational organization whose mission is to further the appreciation, understanding, and teaching of Texas' rich and unique history through research, writing, and publication of related historical material. The TSHA accomplishes this mission by promoting research and writing on Texas history by and for a variety of audiences, including students, academic scholars, and the general public. The TSHA services are provided for free or at minimal costs to users. Public funds make up only a small percentage of TSHA's funding and the remainder of TSHA's resources are provided by individual and foundation support.


With the national economic recession affecting all state organizations, interested parties believe that it is necessary to find alternate sources of revenue. H.B. 2549 seeks to allow certain charitable historical organizations, such as TSHA, to participate in the state employee charitable campaign and receive voluntary donations from state employees.




It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.




H.B. 2549 amends the Government Code to entitle a charitable historical organization to participate in a state employee charitable campaign as an eligible charitable organization.  The bill entitles a state employee to authorize a deduction from the employee's salary or wage for contributions to a charitable historical organization as a charitable contribution and authorizes the organization to use the contributions for the purpose of administering and providing educational outreach programs established by the organization. The bill defines "charitable historical organization."




September 1, 2011.