Senate Research Center

H.B. 3404

82R11986 MCK-D

By: Naishtat (Watson)


Government Organization










In 1989, the legislature passed S.B. 1480 establishing the Child Care Development Board (board) and requiring the board to develop and administer a program to provide child care services for state employees who work in state-owned building or the Capitol Complex.  The bill established the Child Care Advisory Committee (committee) to advise the board on the location, site, and design of the child care facilities, and the curriculum required to be provided by the facility.  The bill required the General Services Commission (GSC), to establish child care facilities at the direction of the board by acquiring or renovating property, making contracts, and implementing plans for the facilities.


In 2001, passage of S.B. 1496 abolished the board and transferred to GSC the key duties and responsibilities of the board relating to the provision of child care services to state employees.  The bill required the committee to advise GSC on the location, size, and design of the child care facilities, and the curriculum required to be provided by the facility.


Under Section 2110.008(b)(2) (relating to the duration of advisory committees), Government Code, the committee ceased to exist in 2005.  Since that time, the child care center has continuously been subject to the normal regulations applicable to all such child care operations and the Texas Facilities Commission (TFC), as successor agency to GSC, has continued to provide facility management services to the Capitol Complex Child Care Center (center).  However, there is no formal state entity comprised of individuals who are interested in child care services for state employees and who possess specific subject-matter expertise to advise TFC on matters relating to the center.


H.B. 3404 reestablishes the committee to advise TFC on the location, site, and design of the child care facilities, and the curriculum required to be provided by the state child care center.


H.B. 3404 amends current law relating to establishing a child care advisory committee to advise the Texas Facilities Commission.




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1.  Reenacts Section 663.051, Government Code, and amends it as follows:


Sec. 663.051.  ADVISORY COMMITTEE.  (a)  Requires the Texas Facilities Commission (TFC) to appoint a child care advisory committee (committee) composed of individuals who are interested in child care services for state employees.

(b)  Authorizes the Texas Facilities Commission (TFC) to appoint to the committee:


(1)  the executive directors of:


(A)  TFC; and


(B)  the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs;


(2)  two representatives of nonprofit organizations involved with the delivery or support of child care services;


(3)  a representative of child care providers;


(4)  one or more state employees subject to the state classification plan:


(A)  each of whom has at least one child in a child care facility; and


(B)  if more than one is appointed, each of whom resides in a different geographic area of the state; and


(5)  one or more individuals knowledgeable in child care services or the need of working individuals for child care services.


Deletes existing text authorizing TFC to appoint a representative of the corporate child development fund to the committee.  Makes nonsubstantive changes.


(c)  Requires the committee to advise TFC on the:


(1)  location, size, and design of the child care facilities; and


(2)  curriculum a child care facility must provide to ensure the provision of developmentally appropriate services of a high quality.


(d)  Provides that the committee is abolished and this section expires September 1, 2021.


SECTION 2.  Effective date: September 1, 2011.