S.B. 66

By: Zaffirini

Public Education

Committee Report (Unamended)






A child is currently authorized to transfer from the child's school district of residence to another district in the state under certain circumstances.  S.B. 66 seeks to clarify a district's powers relating to the revocation of a midyear transfer of a student from the school district of the student's residence to another district.




It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.




S.B. 66 amends the Education Code to authorize a transfer agreement relating to the transfer of a child from the child's school district of residence to another district to authorize the receiving school district to revoke, at any time during the school year, the approval of the child to transfer if the child fails to maintain a specified school attendance rate or comply with a condition specified in the agreement that is a circumstance specified in the district's student code of conduct under which a student may be removed from a classroom, campus, or disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP); a condition specified in the student code of conduct that authorizes or requires a principal or other appropriate administrator to transfer the student to a DAEP; or conduct for which a student is required or permitted to be removed from class and placed in a DAEP or expelled from school. The bill requires the receiving school district, if a transfer approval is revoked under any of these circumstances, to refund an amount of any tuition fee charged by the district proportionate to any portion of the school year remaining after the revocation and for which the fee was paid.


S.B. 66 removes language limiting the authorization for a child to transfer from the child's school district of residence to another district to an annual authorized transfer. The bill makes its provisions applicable beginning with the 2011-2012 school year.




On passage, or, if the bill does not receive the necessary vote, September 1, 2011.