S.B. 542 |
By: Hegar |
Homeland Security & Public Safety |
Committee Report (Unamended) |
S.B. 542 seeks to amend current statutes relating to the regulation of law enforcement officers by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education to clarify statutory language and address inconsistencies and other minor problems within those provisions of law.
It is the committee's opinion that rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education in SECTION 4 of this bill.
S.B. 542 amends the Occupations Code to remove the specification that the prohibition against the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE) issuing a license to a person unless certain medical test requirements are met applies to a person seeking licensure as a law enforcement officer or a county jailer. The bill removes from the medical test requirements for licensure a reference to physical examination as an option for testing for drug dependency or illegal drug use.
S.B. 542 makes provisions of law relating to rules for continuing education procedures for licensees applicable to all persons licensed by TCLEOSE, rather than specifically to peace officers. The bill requires a police chief to complete the initial training and continuing education program for police chiefs provided by the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas at Sam Houston State University in accordance with state law. The bill makes conforming changes and makes a technical correction in provisions of law relating to continuing education procedures.
S.B. 542 repeals Section 1701.055(d), Occupations Code, prohibiting an ex officio member of TCLEOSE from voting at a commission meeting and makes a conforming change.
September 1, 2011.