S.B. 1100

By: Shapiro


Committee Report (Unamended)






The interchange located in the heart of Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan region in Irving, Texas, at which State Highways 114 and 183, and Loop 12 intersect forms the geographic shape of a diamond and has come to be regarded as a distinctive and signature landmark in North Texas.  This intersection serves significant north-south and east-west mobility needs, but has yet to be designated with the name by which it is commonly known to most North Texans.  S.B. 1100 designates this interchange as the Irving Diamond Interchange.

S.B. 1100 amends current law relating to the designation of the Irving Diamond Interchange.



This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.



S.B. 1100 amends the Transportation Code to designate the interchange in Irving between State Highway 183, State Highway 114, Loop 12/Interstate Highway 35E, Spur 482 and Trinity Parkway, and the Orange Line of the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Authority as the Irving Diamond Interchange. The bill requires the Texas Department of Transportation to design and construct markers indicating the interchange number, the designation as the Irving Diamond Interchange, and any other appropriate information and to erect a marker at one or more sites on the interchange and approaching the interchange in each direction.




September 1, 2011.