H.B. No. 275
  relating to making an appropriation of money from the economic
  stabilization fund for expenditure during the current state fiscal
         SECTION 1.  (a) The amount of $3,198,661,120 is appropriated
  from the economic stabilization fund to the comptroller of public
  accounts for the purpose of depositing that amount to the credit of
  the general revenue fund as money available for use during the state
  fiscal year ending August 31, 2011, to make expenditures previously
  authorized by appropriations from general revenue for the state
  fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2011.
         (b)  This Act takes effect only if it receives a vote of
  three-fifths of the members present in each house of the
  legislature, as provided by Section 49-g(k), Article III, Texas
  Constitution, and is subject to certification by the comptroller of
  public accounts as provided by that subsection.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately.
  ______________________________ ______________________________
     President of the Senate Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.B. No. 275 was passed by the House on April
  1, 2011, by the following vote:  Yeas 147, Nays 1, 1 present, not
  voting; that the House refused to concur in Senate amendments to
  H.B. No. 275 on May 19, 2011, and requested the appointment of a
  conference committee to consider the differences between the two
  houses; and that the House adopted the conference committee report
  on H.B. No. 275 on May 25, 2011, by the following vote:  Yeas 123,
  Nays 21, 2 present, not voting; passed subject to the provisions of
  Article III, Section 49a, of the Constitution of the State of Texas.
  Chief Clerk of the House   
         I certify that H.B. No. 275 was passed by the Senate, with
  amendments, on May 16, 2011, by the following vote:  Yeas 30, Nays
  1; at the request of the House, the Senate appointed a conference
  committee to consider the differences between the two houses; and
  that the Senate adopted the conference committee report on H.B. No.
  275 on May 25, 2011, by the following vote:  Yeas 31, Nays 0; passed
  subject to the provisions of Article III, Section 49a, of the
  Constitution of the State of Texas.
  Secretary of the Senate   
         I certify that the amounts appropriated in the herein H.B.
  No. 275, Regular Session of the 82nd Legislature, are within
  amounts estimated to be available in the affected fund.
  Comptroller of Public Accounts 
  APPROVED: __________________