82R1438 CLG-F
  By: Parker H.B. No. 433
  relating to qualified manufacturing project zones.
         SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that a qualified
  manufacturing project, as defined by Section 399.001, Local
  Government Code, as added by this Act, and the enhancement of
  manufacturing workforce development serve the public purposes of:
               (1)  developing and diversifying employment in this
               (2)  eliminating unemployment or underemployment in
  this state; and
               (3)  developing and expanding commerce in this state.
         SECTION 2.  Subtitle C, Title 12, Local Government Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 399 to read as follows:
         Sec. 399.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Eligible manufacturing facility" means a
  proposed new or expanded facility that, on the date of the
  facility's designation as a qualified manufacturing project under
  Section 399.002:
                     (A)  is subject to an agreement entered into on or
  after January 1, 2011, but before January 1, 2017, with a county,
  municipality, or other taxing unit under Chapter 312, Tax Code, or
  with a school district under Chapter 313, Tax Code, under which the
  investment in the facility is at least $100 million;
                     (B)  will be engaged in manufacturing, as that
  term is defined by Section 151.318, Tax Code, the construction of
  which begins on or after September 1, 2011;
                     (C)  is forecasted to create at least 200
  full-time equivalent employment positions; and
                     (D)  is owned by a person or entity that is:
                           (i)  considering at least one alternative
  site for the facility that is not located in this state; or
                           (ii)  competing against similar projects
  located outside this state for federal funds or financial support,
  including loan guarantees, that would benefit the project.
               (2)  "Qualified manufacturing project" means an
  eligible manufacturing facility the owner of which has filed an
  election under Section 399.002 to establish the facility's status
  as a qualified manufacturing project.
  QUALIFICATION. An eligible manufacturing facility becomes a
  qualified manufacturing project on the date the owner of the
  facility files an election for automatic designation of the
  facility as a qualified manufacturing project, without further
  qualification, with the comptroller.
         Sec. 399.003.  ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY. (a) Before applying
  for designation of the applicable county as a qualified
  manufacturing project zone under Section 399.005, the owner of a
  qualified manufacturing project must conduct an economic impact
  study of the county in which the project is located and submit the
  study to the comptroller for certification not later than the 120th
  day after the date the owner files an election to establish the
  facility's status as a qualified manufacturing project under
  Section 399.002.
         (b)  The economic impact study must provide an estimate of:
               (1)  the general economic impact likely to occur in the
  county as a result of the qualified manufacturing project;
               (2)  the anticipated amount of increase in the tax
  receipts to this state from the taxes imposed under Chapter 151, Tax
  Code, that:
                     (A)  will occur in the county during the period
  the county is designated as a qualified manufacturing project zone;
                     (B)  is directly attributable to the economic
  impact from the design, construction, or operation of the qualified
  manufacturing project;
               (3)  the projected number of full-time equivalent
  employment positions likely to be available at the qualified
  manufacturing project; and
               (4)  the investment projected to be made at the
  qualified manufacturing project.
  STUDY. (a) Not later than the 30th day after receiving the
  economic impact study from an owner of a qualified manufacturing
  project, the comptroller shall certify the study if the comptroller
  determines that the study accurately estimates the information
  required by Sections 399.003(b)(2)-(4).
         (b)  If the comptroller determines that the economic impact
  study does not accurately estimate the information required by
  Sections 399.003(b)(2)-(4), the comptroller, not later than the
  30th day after the date of receiving the study, shall:
               (1)  notify the owner of the qualified manufacturing
  project in writing of the comptroller's preliminary determination
  and the basis for that determination; and
               (2)  provide the owner of the qualified manufacturing
  project with an opportunity to respond or submit a new or amended
  economic impact study to the comptroller.
         (c)  In evaluating a new or amended economic impact study
  submitted by the owner of a qualified manufacturing project
  following the comptroller's rejection of the owner's initial study,
  the comptroller shall determine whether to accept or certify the
  new or amended study not later than the 30th day after the date of
  receipt of the new or amended study.
         (d)  If, not later than the 90th day after receiving notice
  of the comptroller's rejection of the owner's initial economic
  impact study, the owner of a qualified manufacturing project either
  fails to receive the comptroller's certification of a new or
  amended economic impact study the owner submitted within that
  period or fails to submit a new or amended study to the comptroller,
  the qualified manufacturing project loses its status as a qualified
  manufacturing project at the end of the 90-day period.
  PROJECT ZONE; APPLICATION. (a) The owner of a qualified
  manufacturing project for which the comptroller has certified an
  economic impact study in accordance with Section 399.004 may apply
  to the comptroller for designation of the county in which the
  project is located as a qualified manufacturing project zone. The
  comptroller shall approve the application on a determination that
  the qualified manufacturing project is the first facility in the
  county to apply for the designation. The designation takes effect
  on September 1 preceding the date of approval of an application for
  designation of the county as a qualified manufacturing project
         (b)  Only one qualified manufacturing project that is in a
  qualified manufacturing project zone may qualify for benefits under
  this chapter at any one time.
         (c)  If the owner of more than one qualified manufacturing
  project applies for zone designation from a single county within a
  calendar month, the comptroller shall approve the qualified
  application that the comptroller determines will have the greatest
  economic impact on that county.
         (d)  A qualified manufacturing project zone designation
  remains in effect until the expiration of any tax limitations,
  credits, abatements, or other benefits under an agreement entered
  into under Chapter 312 or 313, Tax Code, for the qualified
  manufacturing project.
         (e)  The comptroller may charge an application fee in an
  amount sufficient to cover the comptroller's costs in administering
  this chapter.
         Sec. 399.006.  ANNUAL CERTIFICATION. (a) In this section,
  "commercial operation," with respect to a facility, means that the
  facility has started to operate for the facility's intended
         (b)  To receive state benefits under this chapter, the owner
  of a qualified manufacturing project in a qualified manufacturing
  project zone must make the following applicable annual
  certification to the comptroller, as of the last day of the state
  fiscal year for each year of the zone's designation:
               (1)  if the qualified manufacturing project zone
  designation has been in effect for three years or less and the
  qualified manufacturing project has not started commercial
  operation, the owner must certify the forecast of at least 200
  full-time equivalent employment positions for the year that the
  facility will begin commercial operation;
               (2)  if the qualified manufacturing project zone
  designation has been in effect for more than three years and the
  qualified manufacturing project has not started commercial
  operation, the owner must certify:
                     (A)  the creation of at least 200 full-time
  equivalent employment positions; or
                     (B)  all of the following:
                           (i)  the expenditure of at least $500
  million on the new or expanded facility has occurred;
                           (ii)  the year in which the facility will
  begin commercial operation; and
                           (iii)  the forecast of at least 200
  full-time equivalent employment positions that will be created not
  later than the eighth anniversary of the date of the zone's
  designation; or
               (3)  if the qualified manufacturing project has started
  commercial operation, the owner must certify the creation of at
  least 200 full-time equivalent employment positions at the
         (c)  If the owner of a qualified manufacturing project fails
  to make the applicable certification required under Subsection (b):
               (1)  the owner forfeits the right to receive future
  benefits under this chapter;
               (2)  the owner shall pay to the applicable governmental
  body within 60 calendar days the entire amount of all refunds
  previously received under this chapter; and
               (3)  the qualified manufacturing project loses its
  status as a qualified manufacturing project for purposes of this
  chapter and Section 151.4292, Tax Code.
         Sec. 399.007.  STATE BENEFITS. The owner of a qualified
  manufacturing project in a qualified manufacturing project zone is
  eligible for a refund of state sales and use taxes as provided by
  Section 151.4292, Tax Code.
         Sec. 399.008.  COMPTROLLER DUTIES. The comptroller shall
  adopt rules, forms, and fees necessary to perform the comptroller's
  duties under this chapter.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter I, Chapter 151, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 151.4292 to read as follows:
  PROJECTS. (a) In this section:
               (1)  "Additional sales and use tax" means the total
  amount of sales and use taxes collected under this chapter on
  purchases of all taxable items purchased within a qualified
  manufacturing project zone for each state fiscal year for the
  duration of the qualified manufacturing project zone designation
  less the sales tax base, not otherwise due as a rebate or refund
  under any other applicable law.
               (2)  "Manufacturing workforce development" means any
  expenditures incurred in this state by the owner, or a contractor or
  subcontractor of the owner, of a qualified manufacturing project
  for recruiting or training present, prospective, or potential
  employees for jobs in this state presently available or expected to
  be available for the planning, designing, construction,
  fabrication, or operation of a qualified manufacturing project, and
  the salaries, wages, and benefits of those employees through the
  first two years of commercial operation of the qualified
  manufacturing project. The term:
                     (A)  does not include any expenditures incurred
  for the recruiting or training of, or the salaries, wages, and
  benefits of, persons employed in a "bona fide executive,
  administrative, or professional capacity," as that phrase is used
  for purposes of establishing an exemption to the overtime
  provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29
  U.S.C. Section 201 et seq.); and
                     (B)  notwithstanding Paragraph (A), includes any
  expenditures incurred for the recruiting or training of, or the
  salaries, wages, and benefits of, operating staff, maintenance
  staff, and engineering staff.
               (3)  "Qualified manufacturing project" has the meaning
  assigned that term by Section 399.001, Local Government Code.
               (4)  "Sales tax base" means the amount of the sales and
  use taxes collected under this chapter on purchases of all taxable
  items purchased within the boundaries of a qualified manufacturing
  project zone for the state fiscal year ending before the date the
  zone is designated.
         (b)  The owner of a qualified manufacturing project in a
  qualified manufacturing project zone is entitled to receive a
  payment of a refund of 50 percent of the additional sales and use
  tax for the preceding state fiscal year that is directly
  attributable, as determined by the comptroller in accordance with
  procedures developed by the comptroller, to the economic activity
  derived from the presence of the qualified manufacturing project,
  provided the owner has made the applicable employment certification
  to the comptroller required under Section 399.006, Local Government
  Code. For the duration of a qualified manufacturing project zone
  designation, but not to exceed 10 years, the comptroller shall pay
  the refund not later than the 60th day after the later of the date of
  receipt of the employment certification or the last day of the state
  fiscal year.
         (c)  If the comptroller determines that none of the
  additional sales and use tax for the preceding state fiscal year is
  directly attributable to the economic activity derived from the
  presence of the qualified manufacturing project, the owner of the
  project is not entitled to receive a refund under this section and
  the comptroller shall notify the owner of the comptroller's
  determination and the basis for that determination.
         (d)  The total amount of refunds that a qualified
  manufacturing project may receive over the course of the
  designation of the county in which it is located as a qualified
  manufacturing project zone may not exceed an amount equal to the
  lesser of $50 million or five percent of the qualified
  manufacturing project's investments in the facility under Chapter
  399, Local Government Code.
         (e)  A refund received under this section shall be used to
  pay for or to refund eligible expenses incurred after designation
  of the county in which the project is located as a qualified
  manufacturing project zone for manufacturing workforce development
  for the project.
         (f)  If the owner of a qualified manufacturing project fails
  to make the applicable certification required by Section 399.006,
  Local Government Code, the owner forfeits the right to receive all
  future benefits under this section and shall pay to the
  comptroller, not later than the 60th calendar day after the date the
  certification is due, the entire amount of all refunds previously
  received under this section.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2011.