By: Craddick (Senate Sponsor - Duncan) H.B. No. 850
         (In the Senate - Received from the House March 31, 2011;
  May 4, 2011, read first time and referred to Committee on
  Intergovernmental Relations; May 19, 2011, reported favorably by
  the following vote:  Yeas 5, Nays 0; May 19, 2011, sent to
  relating to the Rankin County Hospital District.
         SECTION 1.  Section 3, Chapter 182, Acts of the 60th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1967, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 3.  BOARD [CREATION OF DIRECTORS].  (a) [Within 10 days
  after such election is held, the commissioners court in such county
  shall convene and canvass the returns of the election and if a
  majority of qualified property taxpaying electors voting at said
  election vote in favor of the proposition, the court shall so find
  and declare the hospital district established and created.] The
  [management and control of the district is vested in a] board of
  directors [which] consists of five members elected from the
  district at large.  Directors serve staggered two-year terms unless
  four-year terms are established under Section 285.081, Health and
  Safety Code.
         (b)  A person may not be elected or appointed as a director
  unless the person is:
               (1)  a resident of the district; and
               (2)  at least 21 years of age.
         (c)  An employee of the district may not serve as a director
  [, to be elected by the qualified electors who own taxable property
  within the district and who have duly rendered that property for
  taxation.   To qualify for the election to the board, a person must:
         [1. be at least 21 years of age;
         [2.   have been a resident of the district for at least two
         [3. be a qualified voter;
         [4.   own taxable property within the district and have duly
  rendered that property for taxation;
         [5.   shall not be an officer of any political subdivision or
  the State of Texas or the County of Upton, whether such office be
  elective or by appointment].
         (d)  Before assuming the duties of the office of director,
  each [Not less than 15 nor more than 25 days after the district is
  declared established and created the commissioners court shall call
  an election for the five directors who will serve as the district's
  first board of directors, this election to be held on a date not
  more than 30 days after the day of the passage of the commissioners
  court order calling same but on such date as will permit publication
  of an election notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the
  district one time not less than 14 days prior to such election date.  
  Any candidate desiring to be voted upon as a first director shall,
  no later than five days subsequent to the day of passage of the
  commissioners court order calling the election, present a petition
  to that court signed by such candidate requesting that his name be
  placed upon the official ballot.   The regular term of each director
  shall be for two years but at the first called election, the three
  directors receiving the highest vote at such election shall serve
  for two years and the other two directors shall serve for one year.  
  The first year terms shall be ended on the date of the first annual
  elections as hereinafter provided.   Each] member of the board of
  directors shall [qualify by executing the constitutional oath of
  office and shall] execute a [good and sufficient commercial] bond
  for $1,000 payable to the [said] district conditioned upon the
  faithful performance of the director's [his] duties, and such
  [oaths and] bonds shall be deposited with the depository bank of the
  district for safekeeping.  The cost of this bond shall be an expense
  of the hospital district.
         (e)  The board of directors shall elect from among its
  members a president and vice president [organize by election a
  chairman, who shall preside; or in his absence a chairman pro tem
  shall preside; and the administrator or any member of the board may
  be appointed secretary].  The board shall appoint a secretary, who
  need not be a director.
         (f)  A [Any three members of the board of directors shall
  constitute a quorum and a] concurrence of three directors is [shall
  be] sufficient in all matters pertaining to the business of the
  district.  [The board shall require the secretary to keep suitable
  records of all proceedings of each meeting of the board.   Such
  records shall be read and signed after each meeting by the chairman
  or the member presiding, and attested by the secretary.   The board
  shall have a seal, on which shall be engraved the name of the
  hospital district; and said seal shall be kept by the secretary and
  used in authentication of all acts of the board.]
         (g)  All district records, including books, accounts,
  notices, minutes, and all other matters of the district and the
  operation of its facilities, shall be:
               (1)  maintained at the district office; and
               (2)  open to public inspection at the district office
  at all reasonable hours.
         (h)  All vacancies in the office of director shall be filled
  by appointment of the remainder of the board of directors until the
  next election for directors and at such election the directors
  shall be elected for the unexpired term.
         (i)  Unless four-year terms are established under Section
  285.081, Health and Safety Code, a [A] regular election of
  directors shall be held on the uniform election date in May of each
  year to elect the appropriate number of directors.  Notice of the
  [first Saturday of April of each year and notice of such] election
  shall be published in accordance with Section 4.003, Election Code,
  in a newspaper of general circulation in the county [one time at
  least 30 days prior to the date of election. Any person desiring
  his name to be printed on the ballot as a candidate for director
  shall file an application to have his name placed on the ballot with
  the secretary of the board of directors of the district. Such
  application shall be filed with the secretary at least 25 days prior
  to the date of the election].
         SECTION 2.  Section 4, Chapter 182, Acts of the 60th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1967, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 4.  ADMINISTRATOR.  (a) The board may appoint a
  qualified person as district administrator.
         (b)  The district administrator serves at the will of the
  board and receives the compensation determined by the board. [The
  board shall appoint a general manager, to be known as the
  administrator of the hospital district.   The administrator shall
  hold office at the pleasure of the board and shall receive such
  compensation as may be fixed by the board.]  The administrator shall
  be subject to removal at any time by the board.
         (c)  The administrator shall, before entering into the
  discharge of the administrator's [his] duties, execute a bond
  payable to the district, in the amount of not less than $10,000
  conditioned that the administrator [he] shall well and faithfully
  perform the duties required [of him], and containing such other
  conditions as the board may require.  The board may pay for the bond
  with district money.
         (d)  The administrator shall perform all duties which may be
  required of the administrator [him] by the board, and shall
  supervise all of the work and activities of the district and have
  general direction of the affairs of the district within such
  limitations as may be prescribed by the board.  [Said administrator
  shall not be a member of the board and shall be a qualified
  practitioner of medicine or be specifically trained for work of
  such character.]
         (e)  The board of directors, with the approval of the
  commissioners court, shall be authorized to contract with any
  county other than Upton County for care and treatment of the
  county's sick, diseased and injured persons, and with the state and
  agencies of the federal government for the care and treatment of
  such persons for whom the state and such agencies of the federal
  government are responsible.  Further, under the same conditions,
  the board of directors may enter into such contracts with the state
  and federal government as may be necessary to establish or continue
  a retirement program for the benefit of its employees.
         (f)  The board of directors may in addition to retirement
  programs authorized by this Act establish such other retirement
  program for the benefit of its employees as it deems necessary and
         SECTION 3.  Section 7, Chapter 182, Acts of the 60th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1967, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 7.  [AUTHORIZATION OF] BONDS.  (a) The board of
  directors may [shall have the power and authority to] issue and sell
  as the obligations of such hospital district, and in the name and
  upon the faith and credit of such hospital district, general
  obligation bonds for the purchase, construction, acquisition,
  repair or renovation of buildings and improvements and equipping
  the same for hospital purposes and for any or all of such purposes.
         (b)  At the time general obligation bonds are issued by the
  district, the board shall impose an ad valorem [; provided, that a
  sufficient] tax at a rate sufficient [shall be levied] to create an
  interest and sinking fund to pay the principal of and interest on
  the bonds as the bonds mature. Such [interest and principal as same
  matures provided said] tax together with any other taxes levied for
  said district shall not exceed 75 cents per $100 valuation of
  taxable property in the district in any one year.
         (c)  The board's presiding officer shall execute the general
  obligation bonds in the district's name. The board secretary shall
  countersign the bonds.
         (d)  The district may issue general obligation bonds only if
  the bonds are [Such bonds shall be executed in the name of the
  hospital district and on its behalf by the chairman of the board of
  directors and countersigned by the secretary of the board of
  directors, and shall be subject to the same requirements in the
  matter of approval thereof by the Attorney General of the State of
  Texas and the registration thereof by the Comptroller of Public
  Accounts of the State of Texas as are by law provided.   Upon the
  approval of such bonds by the Attorney General of Texas the same
  shall be incontestable for any cause.   No bonds shall be issued by
  such hospital district (except refunding bonds) until] authorized
  by a majority of the district voters [vote of the legally qualified
  property taxpaying voters, residing in such hospital district,]
  voting at an election [called and] held for such purpose.  The board
  may order the election on its own motion. The order calling the
  election must [Such election may be called by the board of directors
  of its own motion, shall] specify the place or places where the
  election shall be held, the presiding officers thereof, the purpose
  for which the bonds are to be issued, the amount of the bonds to be
  authorized [thereof], maximum interest rate, [(not to exceed six
  percent per annum)] and the maximum maturity date of such bonds (not
  to exceed 40 years from their date of issuance).  Notice of election
  shall be given by publishing a substantial copy of the order calling
  the election in a newspaper of general circulation in such district
  once a week for two consecutive weeks prior to the date of election,
  the date of the first publication being at least 20 full days prior
  to the date set for the election.  The costs of such election shall
  be paid by the hospital district.
         (e)  The board may, without an election, issue refunding
  bonds to refund outstanding bonds issued or assumed by the
  district. A refunding bond may be:
               (1)  sold, with the proceeds of the refunding bond
  applied to the payment of the bonds to be refunded; or
               (2)  exchanged wholly or partly for not less than a
  similar amount of outstanding bonds and the unpaid matured interest
  on the bonds.
         (f)  The board may issue revenue bonds to:
               (1)  purchase, construct, acquire, repair, or renovate
  buildings or improvements;
               (2)  equip buildings or improvements for hospital
  purposes; or
               (3)  acquire real property for hospital purposes.
         (g)  Revenue bonds must be payable from and secured by a
  pledge of all or part of the revenue derived from the operation of
  the district's hospital system. Revenue bonds may be additionally
  secured by a mortgage or deed of trust on all or part of district
  property. Revenue bonds must be issued in the manner provided by
  Sections 264.042, 264.043, 264.046, 264.047, 264.048, and 264.049,
  Health and Safety Code, for issuance of revenue bonds by a county
  hospital authority.
         (h)  In addition to the authority to issue general obligation
  and revenue bonds under this section, the board may provide for the
  security and payment of district bonds from a pledge of a
  combination of ad valorem taxes as authorized by Subsection (b) of
  this section and revenue and other sources as authorized by
  Subsection (g) of this section.
         (i)  The district may use the proceeds of bonds issued under
  this section to pay:
               (1)  any expense the board determines is reasonable and
  necessary to issue, sell, and deliver the bonds;
               (2)  interest payments on the bonds during a period of
  acquisition or construction of a project or facility to be provided
  through the bonds, not to exceed five years;
               (3)  costs related to the operation and maintenance of
  a project or facility to be provided through the bonds:
                     (A)  during an estimated period of acquisition or
  construction, not to exceed five years; and
                     (B)  for one year after the project or facility is
  acquired or constructed;
               (4)  costs related to the financing of the bond funds,
  including debt service reserve and contingency funds;
               (5)  costs related to the bond issuance;
               (6)  costs related to the acquisition of land or
  interests in land for a project or facility to be provided through
  the bonds; and
               (7)  construction costs of a project or facility to be
  provided through the bonds, including the payment of related
  professional services and expenses.  [In the manner hereinabove
  provided, the bonds of such hospital district may, without the
  necessity of any election therefor, be issued for the purpose of
  refunding and paying off any bonded indebtedness theretofore
  assumed by such hospital district; such refunding bonds may be sold
  and the proceeds thereof applied to the payment of any such
  outstanding bonds or may be exchanged in whole or in part for not
  less than a like amount of said outstanding bonds and interest
  matured thereon, but unpaid; provided the average interest cost per
  annum on the refunding bonds, computed in accordance with
  recognized standard bond interest cost per annum so computed, upon
  the bonds to be discharged out of the proceeds of the refunding
  bonds, unless the total interest cost on the refunding bonds,
  computed to their respective maturity dates, is less than the total
  interest so computed on the bonds to be discharged out of such
  proceeds.   In the foregoing computations, any premium or premiums
  required to be paid upon the bonds to be refunded as a condition to
  payment in advance of their stated maturity dates shall be taken
  into account as an addition to the net interest cost to the hospital
  district of the refunding bonds.]
         SECTION 4.  Chapter 182, Acts of the 60th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 1967, is amended by adding Section 7A to read as
         Sec. 7A.  AUTHORITY TO BORROW MONEY.  (a)  The board may
  borrow money at a rate not to exceed the maximum annual percentage
  rate allowed by law for district obligations at the time the loan is
         (b)  To secure a loan, the board may pledge:
               (1)  district revenue that is not pledged to pay the
  district's bonded indebtedness;
               (2)  tax revenue to be collected by the district during
  the 12-month period following the date of the pledge that is not
  pledged to pay the principal of or interest on district bonds; or
               (3)  district bonds that have been authorized but not
         (c)  A loan for which taxes or bonds are pledged must mature
  not later than the first anniversary of the date the loan is made. A
  loan for which district revenue is pledged must mature not later
  than the fifth anniversary of the date the loan is made.
         SECTION 5.  Section 10, Chapter 182, Acts of the 60th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1967, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 10.  DISTRICT DEPOSITORY. (a) The board of directors of
  the district shall select [name] one or more banks [within the
  district] to serve as a depository for [the funds of the] district
  money.  [All such funds shall, as derived and collected, be
  immediately deposited with such depository bank or banks except
  that sufficient funds shall be remitted to the bank or banks for the
  payment of principal of and interest on the outstanding bonds of the
  district or other obligations assumed by it and in time that such
  money may be received by said bank or banks of payment on or prior to
  the date of maturity of such principal and interest so to be paid.]  
  To the extent that money [funds] in a [the] depository bank is [or
  banks are] not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
  Corporation, the money must [they shall] be secured in the manner
  provided by law for security of county funds.  Membership on the
  board of directors of an officer or director of a bank shall not
  disqualify such bank from being designated as a depository.
         (b)  The board may invest operating, depreciation, or
  building reserves only in funds or securities specified by Chapter
  2256, Government Code.
         SECTION 6.  Section 13, Chapter 182, Acts of the 60th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1967, is amended to read as follows:
  (a)  The board may prescribe the method of making purchases and
  expenditures by and for the district.
         (b)  The board may prescribe accounting and control
  procedures for the district.
         (c)  The board may enter into purchase or construction
  contracts on behalf of the district; however, the board may enter
  into construction [or purchase] contracts that involve spending
  more than the amount provided by Section 271.024, Local Government
  Code, [$10,000] only after advertising as provided by Subchapter B,
  Chapter 271 [Chapter 252], Local Government Code.
         (d)  Chapter 2253, Government Code [Article 5160, Revised
  Statutes], applies to construction contracts let by the district.
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2011.
  * * * * *