82R2346 CAE-D
  By: Allen H.B. No. 920
  relating to educational involvement agreements setting forth the
  respective responsibilities of students, parents, teachers, and
  principals in public schools.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 26, Education Code, is amended by adding
  Section 26.015 to read as follows:
  agency shall adopt educational involvement agreement forms for
  optional use by school districts. The agreement forms must state
  the respective responsibilities of the student, parent, teacher,
  and principal.
         (b)  A school district that elects to use the educational
  involvement agreements may encourage students, students' parents,
  teachers, and principals to sign an educational involvement
         (c)  An educational involvement agreement must include:
               (1)  for an agreement signed by a parent, the parent's
  responsibilities regarding the student's education, which may
                     (A)  reading to the student, if appropriate for
  the student's grade or reading level;
                     (B)  reviewing and checking the student's
  homework; and
                     (C)  contributing at least five hours of the
  parent's time to the school each school year by:
                           (i)  attending school-related activities;
                           (ii)  attending parent-teacher association
                           (iii)  attending parent-teacher
                           (iv)  volunteering at the school; or
                           (v)  chaperoning school-sponsored events;
               (2)  for an agreement signed by a student, the
  responsibility of the student to:
                     (A)  read each day before or after school, if
  appropriate for the student's grade or reading level;
                     (B)  use school equipment and property in a safe,
  appropriate manner;
                     (C)  follow the instructions of school staff;
                     (D)  complete and submit homework in a timely
  manner; and
                     (E)  act in a respectful manner; and
               (3)  for an agreement signed by a teacher or principal,
  the responsibility of the teacher or principal to:
                     (A)  provide each student with proper
  instruction, supervision, and interaction;
                     (B)  maximize the educational and social
  experience of each student;
                     (C)  perform professional responsibilities in a
  manner that is in the best interest of each student;
                     (D)  provide the parents of each student with
  timely progress reports; and
                     (E)  be available to parents to discuss concerns.
         (d)  A school district may revise educational involvement
  agreement forms adopted by the agency to include information in
  addition to the information required under this section.
         (e)  The educational involvement agreement provided to a
  student's parent may be accompanied by:
               (1)  information regarding:
                     (A)  the manner in which a parent may contact the
  student's teachers or principal, including a system to allow
  parents to communicate in a regular, two-way, and meaningful manner
  with each of the student's teachers and the school principal;
                     (B)  homework and grading policies;
                     (C)  directions for locating resource material;
                     (D)  methods for assisting the student with
  schoolwork at home;
                     (E)  details on how reports of the student's
  progress will be sent to the parent and how a parent may request a
  progress report;
                     (F)  school rules and policies;
                     (G)  dress codes;
                     (H)  the availability of assistance to a parent of
  limited English proficiency;
                     (I)  information on free and reduced-price meals;
                     (J)  opportunities for parents to become involved
  in the student's education or volunteer at the school, including
  one-time opportunities and opportunities to volunteer from home;
                     (K)  how to be involved in the decisions affecting
  course selection, career planning, and preparation for
  postsecondary opportunities;
                     (L)  instructional programs available at the
  school campus;
                     (M)  extracurricular programs available at the
  school campus; and
                     (N)  activities planned through the school year to
  encourage parental involvement, including regularly scheduled open
  houses; and
               (2)  surveys to determine parent concerns about the
  school campus and to solicit parents' ideas for improving the
  school campus, including ways to foster a relationship between the
  parents, school, and local community.
         (f)  A school district may not punish a student, parent,
  teacher, or principal who does not sign an educational involvement
  agreement used by a district as provided by this section.
         (g)  The commissioner may adopt rules as necessary to
  implement this section.
         SECTION 2.  (a)  As soon as practicable after the effective
  date of this Act, the Texas Education Agency shall adopt
  educational involvement agreement forms for optional use by school
  districts as required by Section 26.015, Education Code, as added
  by this Act.
         (b)  Each school district may use educational involvement
  agreement forms in the manner required by Section 26.015, Education
  Code, as added by this Act, beginning with the 2012-2013 school
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2011.