82R2029 KEL-D
  By: Shelton H.B. No. 987
  relating to a physician residency grant program and other programs
  to support graduate medical education.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter I-1 to read as follows:
         Sec. 61.511.  PHYSICIAN RESIDENCY GRANT PROGRAM. (a)  The
  board shall establish and administer the physician residency grant
  program to provide grants to accredited residency programs at
  health care entities, including academic medical centers,
  nonprofit community hospitals, county health systems, and
  community health clinics, that apply to the board in the manner
  prescribed by the board. The board shall establish reasonable
  eligibility criteria for grant recipients as appropriate to achieve
  the purposes of this subchapter.
         (b)  The board may provide grants only to support physician
  residency positions created on or after January 1, 2012.
         (c)  The board shall award grants to residency programs in
  the following order of priority:
               (1)  programs offered by health care entities that are
  located in underserved communities;
               (2)  programs offered by health care entities that, for
  the purpose of receiving matching funds, enter into partnership
  agreements with other entities, including health care entities,
  corporations, or community collaborative groups; and
               (3)  programs offered by health care entities that have
  demonstrated an ability to maintain those programs over time.
         (d)  The board shall award grants for all residency positions
  awarded a grant under this section in the preceding year before
  awarding a grant for a residency position that did not receive a
  grant in the preceding year.
         (e)  A grant received by a health care entity under this
  section may be used only to:
               (1)  pay all or part of the salaries of resident
  physicians in the appropriate programs; and
               (2)  supplement the salaries of teaching faculty and
  program administrators.
         (f)  For each residency position, the grant program may
  provide funding of not more than $65,000 each year for the resident
  physician's salary and supplemental funding of not more than $8,000
  for the salaries of teaching faculty and program administrators.
  The grant program may not provide funding for more than 420
  residency positions each year.
         (g)  Under the grant program, the board shall:
               (1)  provide funding to ensure that each resident
  physician's salary is paid at a level that:
                     (A)  is competitive with the salaries of other
  resident physicians working within the same specialty in this
  state; and
                     (B)  as determined by the board, exceeds the
  average statewide salary for resident physicians, other than
  resident physicians whose salaries are funded under the grant
  program; and
               (2)  make appropriate recommendations for legislative
  changes as necessary, if the amounts described by Subsection (f)
  are not sufficient for the purposes of this subsection.
         (h)  The board shall require the return of any unused grant
  money by, or shall decline to award additional grants to, a
  residency program that receives a grant but fails to create, within
  a reasonable period, the number of residency positions proposed in
  the program's grant application. The board may restore grant money
  or award additional grants, as applicable, on the program's
  creation of the proposed number of positions.
         (i)  The board shall adopt rules for the administration of
  this section.
         SECTION 2.  Section 61.0594, Education Code, is transferred
  to Subchapter I-1, Chapter 61, Education Code, as added by this Act,
  and redesignated as Section 61.512, Education Code, to read as
         Sec. 61.512 [61.0594].  COORDINATED FUNDING OF GRADUATE
  MEDICAL EDUCATION. (a) The board shall administer a program to
  support graduate medical education programs in this state
  consistent with the needs of this state for graduate medical
  education and the training of resident physicians in accredited
  residency programs in appropriate fields and specialties,
  including primary care specialties described by Section 58.008(a).
         (b)  From money available to the program, the board may make
  grants or formula distributions to:
               (1)  support appropriate graduate medical education
  programs and activities for which adequate funds are not otherwise
  available; or
               (2)  foster new or expanded graduate medical education
  programs or activities that the board determines will address the
  state's needs for graduate medical education.
         (c)  To be eligible to receive a grant or distribution under
  this section, an institution or other entity must incur the costs of
  faculty supervision and education or the stipend costs of resident
  physicians in accredited clinical residency programs in this state.
  In making grants and distributions under this section, the board
  shall give consideration to the costs incurred by medical schools
  or other entities to support faculty responsible for the education
  or supervision of resident physicians in accredited graduate
  medical education programs, including programs in osteopathic
  medical education.
         (d)  The program is funded by appropriations, by gifts,
  grants, and donations made to support the program, and by any other
  funds the board obtains, including federal funds, for the program.
  From program funds, the comptroller of public accounts shall issue
  warrants to each institution or other entity determined by the
  board as eligible to receive a grant or distribution from the
  program in the amount certified by the board. An amount granted to
  an institution or other entity under the program may be used only to
  cover expenses of training residents of the particular program or
  activity for which the award is made in accordance with any
  conditions imposed by the board and may not otherwise be expended
  for the general support of the institution or entity.
         (e)  The board shall appoint an advisory committee to advise
  the board regarding the development and administration of the
  program, including considering requests for program grants and
  establishing formulas for distribution of money under the program.
  The advisory committee shall consist of:
               (1)  the executive director of the Texas State Board of
  Medical Examiners or the executive director's designee;
               (2)  the chair of the Family Practice Residency
  Advisory Committee or the chair's designee;
               (3)  the chair of the Primary Care Residency Advisory
  Committee or the chair's designee;
               (4)  the commissioner of the Health and Human Services
  Commission or the commissioner's designee; and
               (5)  the following members appointed by the board:
                     (A)  one representative of a teaching hospital
  affiliated with a Texas medical school;
                     (B)  one representative of a teaching hospital not
  affiliated with a Texas medical school;
                     (C)  three representatives of medical schools, at
  least one representing a medical school in The University of Texas
  System, and at least one representing a medical school not in The
  University of Texas System;
                     (D)  two physicians active in private practice,
  one of whom must be a generalist;
                     (E)  one doctor of osteopathic medicine active in
  private practice;
                     (F)  one representative of an entity providing
  managed health care;
                     (G)  three clinical faculty members, at least one
  of whom must be a generalist;
                     (H)  one resident physician, who is a nonvoting
  member; and
                     (I)  one medical student, who is a nonvoting
         (f)  The appointed advisory committee members serve
  staggered three-year terms. The board shall make the initial
  committee appointments to terms of one, two, and three years as
  necessary so that one-third of the appointed members' terms expire
  each year, as nearly as practicable. The committee shall elect one
  of its members as presiding officer for a term of one year. The
  committee shall meet at least once each year at the times requested
  by the board or set by the presiding officer of the committee. A
  member of the advisory committee may not be compensated for service
  on the committee but is entitled to be reimbursed by the board for
  actual expenses incurred in the performance of the member's duties
  as a committee member.
         (g)  The advisory committee shall:
               (1)  review applications for funding of graduate
  medical education programs under this section and make
  recommendations for approval or disapproval of those applications;
               (2)  make recommendations relating to the standards and
  criteria used for consideration and approval of grants or for the
  development of formulas for distribution of funding under this
               (3)  recommend to the board an allocation of funds
  among medical schools, teaching hospitals, and other entities that
  may receive funds under this section; and
               (4)  perform other duties assigned by the board.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.