82R17713 GCB-F
  By: Darby, Flynn, Driver, Berman H.B. No. 1137
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1137:
  By:  Beck C.S.H.B. No. 1137
  relating to the transmission of records regarding over-the-counter
  sales of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and norpseudoephedrine and a
  person's civil liability for certain acts arising from the sale of
  those products.
         SECTION 1.  Section 486.001(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by adding Subdivision (6) to read as follows:
               (6)  "Real-time electronic logging system" means a
  system intended to be used by law enforcement agencies and
  pharmacies or other business establishments that:
                     (A)  is installed, operated, and maintained free
  of any one-time or recurring charge to the business establishment
  or to the state;
                     (B)  is able to communicate in real time with
  similar systems operated in other states and similar systems
  containing information submitted by more than one state;
                     (C)  complies with the security policy of the
  Criminal Justice Information Services division of the Federal
  Bureau of Investigation;
                     (D)  complies with information exchange standards
  adopted by the National Information Exchange Model;
                     (E)  uses a mechanism to prevent the completion of
  a sale of a product containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or
  norpseudoephedrine that would violate state or federal law
  regarding the purchase of a product containing those substances;
                     (F)  is equipped with an override of the mechanism
  described in Paragraph (E) that:
                           (i)  may be activated by an employee of a
  business establishment; and
                           (ii)  creates a record of each activation of
  the override.
         SECTION 2.  Section 486.014, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  (a)  Before completing an over-the-counter sale of a product
  containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or norpseudoephedrine, a
  business establishment that engages in those sales shall:
               (1)  require the person making the purchase to:
                     (A)  display a driver's license or other form of
  government-issued identification containing the person's
  photograph and indicating that the person is 16 years of age or
  older; and
                     (B)  sign for the purchase;
               (2)  make a record of the sale, including the name and
  date of birth of the person making the purchase, the address of the
  purchaser, the date and time of the purchase, the type of
  identification displayed by the person and the identification
  number, and the item and number of grams purchased; and
               (3)  transmit the record of sale as required by Section
         (b)  A business establishment may not sell to [take actions
  necessary to prevent] a person who makes over-the-counter purchases
  of one or more products containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or
               (1)  within any calendar day, [from obtaining from the
  establishment in a single transaction] more than 3.6[:
                     [(A)  two packages of those products; or
                     [(B)  six] grams of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine,
  norpseudoephedrine, or a combination of those substances; and
               (2)  within any 30-day period, more than nine grams of
  ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, norpseudoephedrine, or a combination
  of those substances.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter B, Chapter 486, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Sections 486.0141, 486.0142, 486.0143,
  486.0144, 486.0145, and 486.0146 to read as follows:
  REAL-TIME ELECTRONIC LOGGING SYSTEM. (a)  Before completing an
  over-the-counter sale of a product containing ephedrine,
  pseudoephedrine, or norpseudoephedrine, a business establishment
  that engages in those sales shall transmit the information in the
  record made under Section 486.014(a)(2) to a real-time electronic
  logging system.
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), a business
  establishment may not complete an over-the-counter sale of a
  product containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or
  norpseudoephedrine if the real-time electronic logging system
  returns a report that the completion of the sale would result in the
  person obtaining an amount of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine,
  norpseudoephedrine, or a combination of those substances greater
  than the amount described by Section 486.014(b), regardless of
  whether all or some of the products previously obtained by the buyer
  were sold at the establishment or another business establishment.
         (c)  An employee of a business establishment may complete a
  sale prohibited by Subsection (b) by using the override mechanism
  described by Section 486.001(a)(6)(F) only if the employee has a
  reasonable fear of imminent bodily injury or death from the person
  attempting to obtain ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or
         (d)  On request of the Department of Public Safety, the
  administrators of a real-time electronic logging system shall make
  available to the department a copy of each record of an
  over-the-counter sale of a product containing ephedrine,
  pseudoephedrine, or norpseudoephedrine that is submitted by a
  business establishment located in this state.
         Sec. 486.0142.  TEMPORARY EXEMPTION. (a)  On application by
  a business establishment that operates a pharmacy and engages in
  over-the-counter sales of products containing ephedrine,
  pseudoephedrine, or norpseudoephedrine as authorized by Section
  486.011, the State Board of Pharmacy may grant that business
  establishment a temporary exemption, not to exceed 180 days, from
  the requirement of using a real-time electronic logging system
  under this chapter.
         (b)  On application by a business establishment that engages
  in over-the-counter sales of products containing ephedrine,
  pseudoephedrine, or norpseudoephedrine in accordance with a
  certificate of authority issued under Section 486.012, the
  department may grant that business establishment a temporary
  exemption, not to exceed 180 days, from the requirement of using a
  real-time electronic logging system under this chapter.
         (c)  A business establishment granted a temporary exemption
  under this section must keep records of sales in the same manner
  required under Section 486.0143 for a business establishment that
  experiences a mechanical or electronic failure of the real-time
  electronic logging system.
         (d)  An exemption granted under this section does not relieve
  a business establishment of any duty under this chapter other than
  the duty to use a real-time electronic logging system.
         Sec. 486.0143.  WRITTEN LOG OR OTHER ELECTRONIC
  RECORDKEEPING.  If a business establishment that engages in
  over-the-counter sales of a product containing ephedrine,
  pseudoephedrine, or norpseudoephedrine experiences a mechanical or
  electronic failure of the real-time electronic logging system, the
  business shall:
               (1)  maintain a written record or an electronic record
  made by any means that satisfies the requirements of Section
  486.014(a)(2); and
               (2)  enter the information in the real-time electronic
  logging system as soon as practicable after the system becomes
         Sec. 486.0144.  ONLINE PORTAL. The administrators of a
  real-time electronic logging system shall provide real-time access
  to the information in the system to the Department of Public Safety
  if the department executes a memorandum of understanding with the
         Sec. 486.0145.  LIMITATION ON CIVIL LIABILITY. A person is
  not liable for an act or omission arising from the person's
  compliance with the requirements of Section 486.014 or 486.0141.
         Sec. 486.0146.  PRIVACY PROTECTIONS. (a)  The privacy
  protections provided an individual under 21 C.F.R. Section 1314.45
  apply to information entered or stored in a real-time electronic
  logging system.
         (b)  A business establishment that engages in
  over-the-counter sales of a product containing ephedrine,
  pseudoephedrine, or norpseudoephedrine may disclose information
  entered or stored in a real-time electronic logging system only to
  the United States Drug Enforcement Administration and other
  federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies.
         (c)  A business establishment that engages in
  over-the-counter sales of a product containing ephedrine,
  pseudoephedrine, or norpseudoephedrine may not use information
  entered or stored in a real-time electronic logging system for any
  purpose other than for a disclosure authorized by Subsection (b) or
  to comply with the requirements of this chapter.
         (d)  Notwithstanding Subsection (c), a business
  establishment that engages in over-the-counter sales of a product
  containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or norpseudoephedrine or an
  employee or agent of the business establishment is not civilly
  liable for the release of information entered or stored in a
  real-time electronic logging system unless the release constitutes
  negligence, recklessness, or wilful misconduct.
         SECTION 4.  Section 486.015, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 486.015.  MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS. (a)  Except as
  provided by Subsection (b), a [The] business establishment shall
  maintain each record made under Section 486.014(a)(2) [486.014(2)]
  until at least the second anniversary of the date the record is made
  and shall make each record available on request by the department or
  the Department of Public Safety.
         (b)  Subsection (a) does not apply to a business
  establishment that has used a real-time electronic logging system
  for longer than two years.
         (c)  A business establishment that has used a real-time
  electronic logging system for longer than two years shall destroy
  all paper records maintained under this section unless the
  destruction is otherwise prohibited by law.
         SECTION 5.  Not later than September 30, 2011, the Texas
  State Board of Pharmacy and the Department of State Health Services
  shall provide to the administrators of any real-time electronic
  logging system described by Subchapter B, Chapter 486, Health and
  Safety Code, as amended by this Act, the names, addresses, and phone
  numbers of all business establishments engaging in
  over-the-counter sales of products containing ephedrine,
  pseudoephedrine, and norpseudoephedrine.
         SECTION 6.  (a)  The changes in law made by this Act apply
  only to an over-the-counter sale of a product containing ephedrine,
  pseudoephedrine, or norpseudoephedrine that is completed on or
  after January 1, 2012.  An over-the-counter sale of a product
  containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or norpseudoephedrine that
  was completed before January 1, 2012, is covered by the law in
  effect when the sale was completed, and the former law is continued
  in effect for that purpose.
         (b)  A business establishment is not required to use a
  real-time electronic logging system required by Subchapter B,
  Chapter 486, Health and Safety Code, as amended by this Act, before
  January 1, 2012.
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.