82R4307 CJC-D
  By: Guillen H.B. No. 1152
  relating to payments by the comptroller of public accounts to
  employees, vendors, annuitants, and other recipients of
  state-issued payments through the electronic funds transfer system
  or by electronic pay card.
         SECTION 1.  Section 403.016, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  CARDS.  (a)  The comptroller shall establish and operate an
  electronic funds transfer system in accordance with this section.
  The comptroller may use the services of financial institutions,
  automated clearinghouses, and the federal government to establish
  and operate the electronic funds transfer system. The comptroller
  also shall establish and operate an efficient and effective system
  of making payments by electronic pay card.
         (b)  The comptroller shall use either the electronic funds
  transfer system or an electronic pay card to pay an employee's net
  state salary and travel expense reimbursements [unless:
               [(1)     the employee does not hold a classified position
  under the state's position classification plan and the employee's
  gross state salary is less than the gross state salary for a
  position classified to group 8, step 1, of the state position
  classification plan; or
               [(2)     the employee holds a classified position under
  the state's position classification plan that is classified below
  group 8].
         (c)  The comptroller shall use either the electronic funds
  transfer system or an electronic pay card to make:
               (1)  payments [of more than $100] to annuitants by the
  Employees Retirement System of Texas or the Teacher Retirement
  System of Texas under either system's administrative jurisdiction
  and payments to annuitants of any other retirement system who are
  paid from funds in the state treasury;
               (2)  recurring payments to municipalities, counties,
  political subdivisions, special districts, and other governmental
  entities of this state; and
               (3)  payments to vendors who choose to receive payment
  through the electronic funds transfer system or an electronic pay
  card rather than by warrant.
         (d)  If the comptroller is not required by this section to
  use either the electronic funds transfer system or an electronic
  pay card to pay a person, the comptroller may use the electronic
  funds transfer system or an electronic pay card to pay the person on
  the person's request.
         (e)(1) [(f)(1)]  Except as provided by Subdivisions (2) and
  (4) and subject to any limitation in rules adopted by the
  comptroller, an automated clearinghouse, or the federal
  government, the comptroller may use the electronic funds transfer
  system to deposit payments only to one or more accounts of a payee
  at one or more financial institutions, including credit unions.
               (2)  The comptroller may also use the electronic funds
  transfer system to deposit a portion of an employee's gross pay into
  the employee's account at a credit union as prescribed by
  Subchapter G, Chapter 659.
               (3)  A single electronic funds transfer may contain
  payments to multiple payees. Individual transfers or warrants are
  not required for each payee.
               (4)  The comptroller may also use the electronic funds
  transfer system to deposit a portion of an employee's gross pay into
  an account of an eligible state employee organization for a
  membership as prescribed by Subchapter G, Chapter 659.
         (f) [(g)]  When a law requires the comptroller to make a
  payment by warrant, the comptroller may instead make the payment
  through the electronic funds transfer system or by electronic pay
  card. The comptroller's use of the electronic funds transfer
  system, an electronic pay card, or any other payment means does not
  create a right that would not have been created if a warrant had
  been issued.
         (g)  [(h)     Notwithstanding any requirement in this section
  to make a payment through the electronic funds transfer system, the
  comptroller shall issue a warrant to pay a person if:
               [(1)     the person properly notifies the comptroller
                     [(A)     receiving the payment by electronic funds
  transfer would be impractical to the person;
                     [(B)     receiving the payment by electronic funds
  transfer would be more costly to the person than receiving the
  payment by warrant;
                     [(C)     the person is unable to establish a
  qualifying account at a financial institution to receive electronic
  funds transfers; or
                     [(D)     the person chooses to receive the payment by
  warrant; or
               [(2)     the state agency on whose behalf the comptroller
  makes the payment properly notifies the comptroller that:
                     [(A)     making the payment by electronic funds
  transfer would be impractical to the agency; or
                     [(B)     making the payment by electronic funds
  transfer would be more costly to the agency than making the payment
  by warrant.
         [(i)]  Notwithstanding any requirement in this section to
  make a payment through the electronic funds transfer system or by
  electronic pay card, the comptroller may make a payment by warrant
  if the comptroller determines after conducting a cost analysis 
               [(1)     using the electronic funds transfer system would
  be impractical to the state; or
               [(2)]  the cost to the state of using the electronic
  funds transfer or electronic pay card system would exceed the cost
  of issuing a warrant.  The comptroller shall submit to the
  Legislative Budget Board the cost analysis supporting each
  determination made by the comptroller under this subsection.
         (h) [(j)]  The comptroller shall adopt rules to administer
  this section, including rules relating to allowing recipients of
  state payments to choose at appropriate times between receiving
  payment through the electronic funds transfer system, by electronic
  pay card, or by warrant [the notifications that may be provided to
  the comptroller under Subsection (h)].
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 403, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 403.0161 to read as follows:
  The comptroller shall contract with one or more vendors for the
  provision of electronic pay card services.  A contract under this
  section must be by competitive bid.  The comptroller shall specify
  the qualifications for bidders, which must include requirements
  that the entity that issues the pay card must:
               (1)  be federally insured or possess sufficient
  financial resources to ensure protection of payees; and
               (2)  demonstrate adequate 24-hour customer service to
  ensure that all payees are able to reasonably access their funds
  worldwide at any time.
         SECTION 3.  Section 659.084, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 659.084.  ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER. Salaries for
  state officers and employees paid once a month shall be paid through
  electronic funds transfer under Section 403.016 unless paid on an
  electronic pay card [warrant] as permitted under that section.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2012.