82R6453 YDB-D
  By: Davis of Dallas H.B. No. 1655
  relating to the preference given by state agencies to goods offered
  by bidders in this state or manufactured, produced, or grown in this
  state or in the United States.
         SECTION 1.  Section 2155.444, Government Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a), (b), and (c) and adding Subsections
  (a-1), (b-1), (b-2), (b-3), and (b-4) to read as follows:
         (a)  The comptroller [commission] and all state agencies
  making purchases of goods, including agricultural products, shall
  promote the purchase of and give preference to goods manufactured,
  [those] produced, or grown in this state or offered by Texas bidders
  as follows:
               (1)  unless the state agency determines that the goods
  are not available in reasonably sufficient quantities,  goods
  manufactured, produced, or offered by a Texas bidder that is owned
  by a service-disabled veteran who is a Texas resident shall be given
  a first preference and goods produced in this state or offered by
  other Texas bidders shall be given second preference[, if the cost
  to the state and quality are equal]; and
               (2)  unless the state agency determines that the
  agricultural products are not available in reasonably sufficient
  quantities,  agricultural products grown in this state shall be
  given first preference and agricultural products offered by Texas
  bidders shall be given second preference[, if the cost to the state
  and quality are equal].
         (a-1)  A state agency that determines goods manufactured,
  produced, or grown in this state or offered by a Texas bidder are
  not available in reasonably sufficient quantities shall:
               (1)  at least 30 days before purchasing the goods
  publish a copy of the agency's determination for public comment;
               (2)  file a written copy of the determination with the
  comptroller and other relevant state agencies; and
               (3)  work with the comptroller and other state agencies
  to ensure the goods are available from a Texas bidder in the future.
         (b)  If goods, including agricultural products,
  manufactured, produced, or grown in this state or offered by Texas
  bidders are not available in reasonably sufficient quantities, the
  [equal in cost and quality to other products, then] goods,
  including agricultural products, manufactured, produced, or grown
  in other states of the United States shall be given preference over
  foreign products unless the agency determines that the goods are
  not available in reasonably sufficient quantities [if the cost to
  the state and quality are equal].
         (b-1)  A state agency that determines goods manufactured,
  produced, or grown in another state are not available in reasonably
  sufficient quantities shall:
               (1)  at least 30 days before purchasing the goods
  publish a copy of the agency's determination for public comment;
               (2)  file a written copy of the determination with the
  comptroller and other relevant state agencies; and
               (3)  work with the comptroller and other state agencies
  to ensure the goods are available from a Texas bidder or from
  another state in the future.
         (b-2)  A contract between a state agency and any person who
  is given preference under this section must contain a provision
  that requires the person to certify the goods provided under the
  contract or any subcontract are manufactured, produced, or grown in
  this state or in the United States or offered by a Texas bidder, as
         (b-3)  If a state agency determines a person who was awarded
  a contract through the use of a preference under Subsection (a) or
  (b) knowingly provided goods under the contract that were not
  manufactured, produced, or grown in this state or another state of
  the United States or offered by a Texas bidder, as applicable, the
  contracting agency and all other state agencies are prohibited from
  contracting with the person before the fifth anniversary of the
  date the contracting agency made the determination. The
  contracting agency shall notify the comptroller of the
  determination and the comptroller shall notify all other state
  agencies of the determination. The contracting agency may:
               (1)  void the contract with the person; and
               (2)  recover damages in a civil action in an amount
  equal to three times the value of the preference given to the
         (b-4)  Nothing in this section is intended to contravene an
  existing treaty, law, agreement, or regulation of the United
  States. A preference may not be granted under this section if the
  preference would contravene any treaty, law, agreement, or
  regulation of the United States.
         (c)  In this section:
               (1)  "Agricultural products" includes textiles and
  other similar products.
               (2)  "Manufactured" means, with respect to assembled
  goods, the final assembly, processing, packaging, testing, or other
  process that adds value, quality, or reliability.
               (3) [(1-a)]  "Service-disabled veteran" means a person
  who is a veteran as defined by 38 U.S.C. Section 101(2) and who has a
  service-connected disability as defined by 38 U.S.C. Section
               (4) [(2)]  "Texas bidder" means a business:
                     (A)  incorporated in this state;
                     (B)  that has its principal place of business in
  this state; or
                     (C)  that has an established physical presence in
  this state.
         SECTION 2.  The change in law made by this Act applies only
  to a contract for goods that is entered into on or after the
  effective date of this Act. A contract entered into before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the
  date the contract was entered into, and the former law is continued
  in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.