relating to the management of groundwater resources in this state |
and the rights of landowners in groundwater. |
legislature finds that the availability of quality groundwater has |
been, is, and will continue to be vital to the proliferation of |
life, the sustainment of communities, and the protection of the |
public safety and welfare, as well as to the success of agricultural |
production, economic progress, and other equally compelling public |
interests. In Chapter 36, Water Code, the legislature has |
recognized, and continues to preserve, the significant ownership |
interests that owners of land in this state have in the groundwater |
resources that can be obtained from below the surface of their |
properties. The common law focuses on limiting liability for |
drainage rather than protecting these ownership interests and, in |
the process, defeats the settled expectations that landowners can |
reasonably have in the long-term viability of groundwater below |
their properties. In addition to acknowledging the significant |
ownership interests that landowners have in the groundwater below |
their properties, the legislature further recognizes the |
indefeasible right, borne by Section 59, Article XVI, Texas |
Constitution, that is possessed by every Texas citizen to the |
preservation and conservation of groundwater resources underlying |
the private and public lands of this state. The ownership interests |
that landowners have in the groundwater below their properties are |
accordingly subject to reasonable regulation by the state. To |
balance the often competing demands and interests in available |
groundwater and to carry out the constitutionally mandated duty |
placed upon it and entrusted to it by the citizens of this state, |
the legislature finds that the implementation of long-term aquifer |
planning and management strategies is essential. In recognition of |
the diverse characteristics that distinguish the many groundwater |
aquifers in this state, and in order that this vital resource may |
best be committed to good stewardship, the legislature finds that |
the development and implementation of these groundwater management |
strategies are best accomplished through local control, exercised |
through groundwater conservation districts. Therefore, the |
legislature recognizes that all reasonable measures should be taken |
to prudently manage, preserve, conserve, and protect the |
groundwater resources that underlie the private and public lands in |
this state for uses today and in the future. |
SECTION 2. Section 36.0015, Water Code, is amended to read |
as follows: |
Sec. 36.0015. PURPOSE. Groundwater conservation districts |
may be created under and may act in accordance with this chapter in |
[In] order to provide for the conservation, preservation, |
protection, recharging, and prevention of waste of groundwater, and |
of the many unique groundwater reservoirs and reservoir [or their] |
subdivisions in this state, and to control subsidence caused by |
withdrawal of water from those groundwater reservoirs or their |
subdivisions, consistent with the objectives and mandates of |
Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution[, groundwater
conservation districts may be created as provided by this chapter]. |
Groundwater conservation districts created as provided by this |
chapter are the state's preferred method of groundwater management |
through rules and management plans developed, adopted, and |
promulgated by a district in accordance with the provisions of this |
chapter. |
SECTION 3. Section 36.002, Water Code, is amended to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 36.002. OWNERSHIP OF GROUNDWATER. (a) The ownership |
and rights of the owners of the land and their lessees and assigns |
in groundwater are hereby recognized, including the right to seek |
and attempt to capture groundwater that underlies the surface of |
the land, and nothing in this code shall be construed as depriving |
or divesting the owners or their lessees and assigns of the |
ownership or rights, except as those rights may be limited or |
altered by rules promulgated by a district acting in accordance |
with the district's statutory powers and duties. |
(b) The prudent and effective management of groundwater |
resources is necessary and beneficial to the welfare of this state |
and, therefore, serves a compelling public interest. The rights of |
the citizenry to the preservation and conservation of groundwater |
resources underlying the public and private lands of this state |
are, accordingly, hereby recognized and accommodated through the |
powers delegated pursuant to this chapter. |
(c) The recognition of rights under Subsection (a) shall not |
be construed to prohibit the reasonable regulation, preservation, |
and conservation of groundwater by a district. A district may |
develop limits on the production of groundwater that affect the |
availability of permits issued by the district if the limitations |
are: |
(1) reasonable and warranted under the district's |
management plan; |
(2) consistent with the desired future conditions |
adopted under Section 36.108; |
(3) not designed so that the limitations prevent a |
landowner from accessing a reasonable amount of water for livestock |
watering or domestic purposes for use on the landowner's property; |
and |
(4) implemented in accordance with the authority |
granted by this chapter or a special law governing a district. |
(d) A rule promulgated by a district may not discriminate |
between owners of land that is irrigated for production and owners |
of land or their lessees and assigns whose land that was irrigated |
for production is enrolled or participating in a federal |
conservation program. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |