82R18282 NAJ-F
  By: Aliseda H.B. No. 1795
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1795:
  By:  Rodriguez C.S.H.B. No. 1795
  relating to permits issued for moving certain oil well servicing or
  drilling machinery.
         SECTION 1.  Section 623.142, Transportation Code, is amended
  by adding Subsections (a-1) and (c) and amending Subsection (b) to
  read as follows:
         (a-1)  The department may include a trailer on a permit
  issued under this section if:
               (1)  the registration fee required by Section 502.166
  for the trailer is paid for the current registration year;
               (2)  the gross weight authorized by the permit does not
  exceed 86,000 pounds; and
               (3)  the axle weights authorized by the permit comply
  with the requirements prescribed by Section 621.101.
         (b)  The department may not issue a permit under this section
  unless the vehicle or vehicle combination may be moved without
  material damage to the highway or serious inconvenience to highway
         (c)  A permit issued under Subsection (a-1) does not
  authorize the operation of a vehicle or vehicle combination on the
  national system of interstate and defense highways in this state.
         SECTION 2.  Section 623.143, Transportation Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 623.143.  DESIGNATED ROUTE IN MUNICIPALITY. (a) A
  municipality having a state highway in its territory may designate
  to the department the route in the municipality to be used by a
  vehicle or vehicle combination described by Section 623.142
  operating over the state highway. When the route is designated, the
  department shall show the route on each map routing the vehicles or
  vehicle combinations.
         (b)  If a municipality does not designate a route, the
  department shall determine the route to be used by a vehicle or
  vehicle combination on a state highway in the municipality.
         (c)  A municipality may not require a fee, permit, or license
  for movement of vehicles or vehicle combinations on the route of a
  state highway designated by the municipality or department.
         SECTION 3.  Section 623.145(b), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  In adopting a rule or establishing a fee, the commission
  shall consider and be guided by:
               (1)  the state's investment in its highway system;
               (2)  the safety and convenience of the general
  traveling public;
               (3)  the registration or license fee paid on the
  vehicles [vehicle] for which the permit is requested;
               (4)  the fees paid by vehicles operating within legal
               (5)  the suitability of roadways and subgrades on the
  various classes of highways of the system;
               (6)  the variation in soil grade prevalent in the
  different regions of the state;
               (7)  the seasonal effects on highway load capacity;
               (8)  the highway shoulder design and other highway
               (9)  the load capacity of the highway bridges;
               (10)  administrative costs;
               (11)  added wear on highways; and
               (12)  compensation for inconvenience and necessary
  delays to highway users.
         SECTION 4.  Section 623.146, Transportation Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 623.146.  VIOLATION OF RULE. A permit under this
  subchapter is void on the failure of an owner or the owner's
  representative to comply with a rule of the commission or with a
  condition placed on the permit, and immediately on the violation,
  further movement over the highway of an oversize or overweight
  vehicle or vehicle combination violates the law regulating the size
  or weight of a vehicle or vehicle combination on a public highway.
         SECTION 5.  Section 623.148(b), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The owner of a vehicle or vehicle combination involved
  in the movement of an oversize or overweight vehicle or vehicle
  combination, even if a permit has been issued for the movement, is
  strictly liable for any damage the movement causes the highway
  system or any of its structures or appurtenances.
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.