82R20184 TRH-F
  By: Phillips, Hunter, Aliseda, Pitts, H.B. No. 1840
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1840:
  By:  Landtroop C.S.H.B. No. 1840
  relating to the creation and functions of the Texas Grain Producer
  Indemnity Board.
         SECTION 1.  Section 41.001, Agriculture Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 41.001.  POLICY. It is in the interest of the public
  welfare of the State of Texas that the producers of any agricultural
  commodity be permitted and encouraged to develop, carry out, and
  participate in programs of research, disease and insect control,
  predator control, education, indemnification, and promotion
  designed to encourage the production, marketing, and use of the
  agricultural commodity. The purpose of this chapter is to
  authorize and prescribe the necessary procedures by which the
  producers of an agricultural commodity grown in this state may
  finance those programs. The programs may be devised to alleviate
  any circumstance or condition that serves to impede the production,
  marketing, or use of any agricultural commodity.
         SECTION 2.  Section 41.058(e), Agriculture Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (e)  The board may act separately or in cooperation with any
  person in developing, carrying out, and participating in programs
  of research, disease and insect control, predator control,
  education, indemnification, and promotion designed to encourage
  the production, marketing, and use of the commodity on which the
  assessment is levied.
         SECTION 3.  Chapter 41, Agriculture Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter I to read as follows:
         Sec. 41.201.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Board" means the Texas Grain Producer Indemnity
               (2)  "Claim initiation date" means the earliest date on
  which a grain buyer:
                     (A)  files for federal bankruptcy protection;
                     (B)  becomes the subject of an involuntary
  bankruptcy proceeding;
                     (C)  is found to be insolvent by a court or a state
  or federal licensing agency;
                     (D)  is ordered by a court having jurisdiction to
  pay a judgment to a grain producer; or
                     (E)  loses its public warehouse license under:
                           (i)  the United States Warehouse Act (7
  U.S.C. Section 241 et seq.); or
                           (ii)  Chapter 14.
               (3)  "Financial failure" means an event described by
  Subdivision (2)(A), (B), (C), (D), or (E).
               (4)  "Grain" means corn, soybeans, wheat, and grain
               (5)  "Grain buyer" means a person who buys grain from a
  grain producer or stores unsold grain for a grain producer. The
  term includes:
                     (A)  a purchaser;
                     (B)  a warehouseman;
                     (C)  a processor; or
                     (D)  a commercial handler.
               (6)  "Grain producer" means a person, including the
  owner of a farm on which grain is produced, or the owner's tenant or
  sharecropper, engaged in the business of producing grain or causing
  grain to be produced for commercial purposes.
         Sec. 41.202.  DECLARATION OF POLICY. (a) The legislature
  intends for the board to indemnify grain producers for economic
  hardships in the event that a grain buyer is unable to pay the grain
  producer for the grain producer's grain.
         (b)  The board shall be the certified organization to
  indemnify grain producers under this subchapter.
  PROVISIONS. To the extent that this subchapter conflicts with
  other provisions of this chapter, this subchapter prevails.
         Sec. 41.204.  BOARD. (a)  The board is composed of:
               (1)  one representative of each of the following
  organizations or their successor organizations who is recommended
  to the commissioner by the board of directors of the organization
  and appointed by the commissioner:
                     (A)  the Corn Producers Association of Texas;
                     (B)  the Texas Wheat Producers Association;
                     (C)  the Texas Grain Sorghum Association;
                     (D)  the Texas Soybean Association; and
                     (E)  the Texas Farm Bureau; and
               (2)  the following members, appointed by the
                     (A)  one representative of either the Texas
  Agricultural Cooperative Council, the Texas Grain & Feed
  Association, or one of their successor organizations;
                     (B)  one representative of the non-warehouse
  grain-buying industry;
                     (C)  one member with expertise in production
  agriculture financing; and
                     (D)  one attorney with expertise in bankruptcy and
  grain contracts.
         (b)  Members of the board serve staggered terms of two years
  each and may serve for a maximum of three terms.
         (c)  The directors described by Subsection (a)(1) shall
  select a chair and vice chair from among those directors.
         (d)  A vacancy on the board, including a vacancy resulting
  from the failure of a board member to fulfill the board member's
  responsibilities, shall be filled in the manner provided by
  Subsection (a). If a vacancy on the board is the result of an
  organization described by Subsection (a) dissolving or failing to
  fulfill its responsibilities under this subchapter, the
  commissioner may fill the vacancy by appointing an individual from
  the sector or industry represented by the organization.
         Sec. 41.205.  DUTIES OF BOARD. The board shall meet at least
  once each year to:
               (1)  review expenses of the board, claims made to the
  board by grain producers, and amounts paid on claims by the board;
               (2)  coordinate all matters relating to the board,
  including the board's budget under Section 41.059, and the revenues
  necessary to accomplish the purposes of the board;
               (3)  establish, maintain, or adjust the rate of
  assessments collected under Section 41.206; and
               (4)  determine the most effective use of the board's
  budget to provide protection to grain producers.
         Sec. 41.206.  COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENT. (a)  Except as
  provided by this subsection, a grain buyer shall collect
  assessments in the manner prescribed for processors under Section
  41.081.  Section 41.081(b) does not apply to the collection of
  assessments under this section.
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), not later than the
  10th day of each quarter of the calendar year, the grain buyer shall
  remit the amount collected during the preceding quarter to the
  secretary-treasurer of the board for deposit with the bank selected
  by the board under Section 41.060.
         (c)  The grain buyer may retain a portion of the assessment
  in an amount determined by the board to cover the grain buyer's
  administrative costs in collecting the assessment.
  (a)  An assessment levied on grain producers shall be applied by
  the board to efforts relating to the indemnification of grain
  producers in this state, including administrative costs of
  conducting an assessment referendum.
         (b)  Assessments collected by the board are not state funds
  and are not required to be deposited in the state treasury.
         (c)  Sections 41.082 and 41.083 do not apply to an assessment
  collected under this subchapter.
         Sec. 41.208.  INITIATION OF CLAIM. (a)  A grain producer who
  has delivered grain to a grain buyer may initiate a claim with the
  board as provided by board rule if:
               (1)  the grain buyer has suffered a financial failure
                     (A)  has failed to pay to a grain producer an
  amount owed to the grain producer; or
                     (B)  is unable to deliver to the grain producer
  grain held by the grain buyer for the grain producer as a bailment;
               (2)  the grain producer provides to the board:
                     (A)  written documentation showing that the grain
  was delivered to the grain buyer; and
                     (B)  a copy of the written contract for purchase
  of the grain signed by the grain producer and the grain buyer and
                           (i)  the agreed price for the grain;
                           (ii)  the amount of grain purchased; and
                           (iii)  any other relevant term required by
  the board to establish facts related to the claim.
         (b)  A claim under this section must:
               (1)  be initiated not more than 60 days after the
  applicable claim initiation date; and
               (2)  be for a loss of grain delivered to the grain buyer
  not more than one year before the applicable claim initiation date.
         Sec. 41.209.  PAYMENT OF CLAIM. (a)  After a claim is
  initiated by a grain producer under Section 41.208, the board may
  take any action necessary to:
               (1)  investigate the grain producer's claim; and
               (2)  determine the amount due to the grain producer
  within the limit prescribed by Subsection (b) and subject to
  Subsection (e).
         (b)  In determining the amount due to a grain producer under
  Subsection (a) for a loss of grain, the board may award the grain
  producer not more than 90 percent of:
               (1)  the value of the grain on the claim initiation
  date, as determined by board rule, if the grain has not been sold;
               (2)  the contract price of the grain, if the grain has
  been sold.
         (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), the board shall,
  not later than the 30th day after the date the board makes a
  determination under Subsection (a):
               (1)  pay to the grain producer the amount determined
  under Subsection (a); or
               (2)  notify the grain producer that the grain
  producer's claim is denied.
         (d)  If claims filed with the board that are due to grain
  producers under this section exceed the amount of the board's
  budget allocated for the payment of claims, the board shall pay each
  grain producer on a prorated basis without regard to the order in
  which claims are made or approved. The board shall pay the
  remainder of the amount owed to each grain producer on a prorated
  basis from future revenue as the revenue is collected.
         (e)  The board may deny a grain producer's claim in whole or
  in part:
               (1)  if the grain producer has a history of failure to
  pay assessments under Section 41.206;
               (2)  if the applicable grain buyer has a history of
  failure to collect assessments as required by Section 41.206;
               (3)  if the documentation submitted by the grain
  producer in support of the grain producer's claim is incomplete,
  false, or fraudulent;
               (4)  to prevent the grain producer from recovering from
  multiple payments an amount greater than the amount the grain
  producer lost due to the financial failure of a grain buyer or to
  the grain buyer's refusal, failure, or inability to deliver to the
  grain producer grain held by the grain buyer as a bailment,
                     (A)  payments made by the board;
                     (B)  payments made from a grain warehouse
  operator's bond;
                     (C)  payments ordered by a bankruptcy court; or
                     (D)  a recovery under a state or federal crop
  insurance policy or program; or
               (5)  if documentation submitted by the grain producer
  demonstrates that deferred payment on sold grain was beyond normal
  and customary practices.
         (f)  The board may adopt rules specifying the circumstances
  under which a claim may be denied in whole or in part under
  Subsection (e).
  SUBROGATION OF RIGHTS. (a)  If the board pays a claim against a
  grain buyer, the board is subrogated to all rights of the grain
  producer against:
               (1)  the grain buyer, to the extent of the amount paid
  to a grain producer by the board; and
               (2)  any other entity from which the grain producer is
  entitled to a payment for the loss giving rise to the grain
  producer's claim under this subchapter.
         (b)  Funds recovered under this section shall be deposited
  with the depository bank selected by the board under Section
         Sec. 41.211.  RULES. Except as provided by Section 41.212,
  the board may adopt rules as necessary to implement this
  subchapter, including rules relating to:
               (1)  notice and collection of assessments;
               (2)  the management of the board's budget;
               (3)  administration of the board's duties;
               (4)  the statewide referendum conducted under Section
               (5)  the selection of agents, designees, or devices to
  carry out the intent of the board; and
               (6)  guidelines for industry practices that do or do
  not qualify for indemnification by the board.
         Sec. 41.212.  REFERENDUM; BALLOTING. (a)  The commissioner
  shall conduct a referendum of grain producers to determine the
  maximum amount that may be assessed to a grain producer under
  Section 41.206.
         (b)  Only a grain producer who has sold grain to a grain buyer
  in the 36 months preceding the date of the referendum is eligible to
  vote in the referendum.
         (c)  An eligible grain producer may vote only once in a
         (d)  Each grain producer's vote is entitled to equal weight
  regardless of the grain producer's volume of production.
         (e)  A referendum is approved if a simple majority of votes
  are cast in favor of the referendum.
         (f)  Individual voter information, including an individual's
  vote in a referendum conducted under this section, is confidential
  and not subject to disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code.
         (g)  The board shall locate private sources, including the
  organizations described by Section 41.204(a)(1), to pay all
  expenses incurred in conducting a referendum.
         (h)  The commissioner shall adopt rules as necessary to
  implement this section.
         Sec. 41.213.  NOTICE OF REFERENDUM. (a)  The commissioner
  shall give public notice of:
               (1)  the date, hours, and polling places for voting in
  the referendum conducted under Section 41.212;
               (2)  the estimated amount of the assessment proposed to
  be collected, as determined by the board, and the basis for which
  the assessment will be collected; and
               (3)  a description of the manner in which the
  assessment is to be collected and the proceeds administered and
         (b)  The commissioner shall publish the notice under
  Subsection (a) in one or more statewide or regional newspapers that
  provide reasonable notice throughout the state. The notice shall
  be published at least 60 days before the date of the referendum. In
  addition, at least 60 days before the date of the referendum the
  commissioner shall give direct written notice to the county agent
  in each county of this state.
         Sec. 41.214.  REFUND OF ASSESSMENTS. (a)  Except as provided
  by Subsection (d), a grain producer who has paid an assessment under
  Section 41.206 may obtain a refund of the amount paid by filing an
  application for refund with the board.
         (b)  The application must:
               (1)  be in writing, on a form prescribed by the board
  for that purpose; and
               (2)  be accompanied by:
                     (A)  proof of payment of the assessment; and
                     (B)  an affidavit stating that the grain producer
  does not wish to participate in or be covered by the indemnification
  established under this subchapter.
         (c)  A grain producer who receives a refund under this
  section may not make a claim for indemnification under Section
  41.208 for the grain for which the refund was received.
         (d)  If requests for refunds under this section exceed the
  amount of the board's budget allocated for the payment of claims,
  the board shall issue refunds to each grain producer on a prorated
  basis without regard to the order in which requests for refunds are
  made. The board shall pay the remainder of the amount owed to each
  grain producer on a prorated basis from future revenue as the
  revenue is collected.
         SECTION 4.  (a)  As soon as practicable on or after the
  effective date of this Act, but not later than December 31, 2011,
  the entities specified in Section 41.204, Agriculture Code, as
  added by this Act, shall recommend and the commissioner of
  agriculture shall appoint the members of the Texas Grain Producer
  Indemnity Board in compliance with that section to serve terms that
  begin January 1, 2012.
         (b)  The members of the board appointed under Subsection (a)
  of this section shall draw lots to determine which initial terms of
  four members expire January 1, 2013, and which initial terms of five
  members expire January 1, 2014.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.