By: Taylor of Galveston H.B. No. 1951
  relating to the continuation and operation of the Texas Department
  of Insurance and the operation of certain insurance programs;
  imposing administrative penalties.
         SECTION 1.001.  Section 31.002, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 31.002.  DUTIES OF DEPARTMENT.  In addition to the other
  duties required of the Texas Department of Insurance, the
  department shall:
               (1)  regulate the business of insurance in this state;
               (2)  administer the workers' compensation system of
  this state as provided by Title 5, Labor Code; [and]
               (3)  ensure that this code and other laws regarding
  insurance and insurance companies are executed;
               (4)  protect and ensure the fair treatment of
  consumers; and
               (5)  ensure fair competition in the insurance industry
  in order to foster a competitive market.
         SECTION 1.002.  Section 31.004(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The Texas Department of Insurance is subject to Chapter
  325, Government Code (Texas Sunset Act).  Unless continued in
  existence as provided by that chapter, the department is abolished
  September 1, 2023 [2011].
         SECTION 1.003.  Subchapter B, Chapter 36, Insurance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 36.110 to read as follows:
  RESOLUTION POLICY.  (a)  The commissioner shall develop and
  implement a policy to encourage the use of:
               (1)  negotiated rulemaking procedures under Chapter
  2008, Government Code, for the adoption of department rules; and
               (2)  appropriate alternative dispute resolution
  procedures under Chapter 2009, Government Code, to assist in the
  resolution of internal and external disputes under the department's
         (b)  The department's procedures relating to alternative
  dispute resolution must conform, to the extent possible, to any
  model guidelines issued by the State Office of Administrative
  Hearings for the use of alternative dispute resolution by state
         (c)  The commissioner shall:
               (1)  coordinate the implementation of the policy
  adopted under Subsection (a);
               (2)  provide training as needed to implement the
  procedures for negotiated rulemaking or alternative dispute
  resolution; and
               (3)  collect data concerning the effectiveness of those
         SECTION 1.004.  Section 559.003, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 559.003.  INFORMATION PROVIDED TO PUBLIC.  The
  department shall:
               (1)  update insurer profiles maintained on the
  department's Internet website to provide information to consumers
  stating whether or not an insurer uses credit scoring; and
               (2)  post on the department's Internet website:
                     (A)  the report required under former Section 15,
  Article 21.49-2U; and
                     (B)  information as to how consumers may obtain
  copies of individual credit reports and claims history reports,
  including posting the Internet website address for each nationwide
  credit reporting agency[, on the department's Internet website].
         SECTION 1.005.  Subchapter A, Chapter 2301, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 2301.010 to read as follows:
  form or printed endorsement form for residential or commercial
  property insurance that is filed by an insurer or adopted by the
  department under this subchapter may provide for a contractual
  limitations period for filing suit on a first-party claim under the
  policy. The contractual limitations period may not end before the
  earlier of:
               (1)  two years from the date the insurer accepts or
  rejects the claim; or
               (2)  three years from the date of the loss that is the
  subject of the claim.
         (b)  A policy or endorsement described by Subsection (a) may
  contain a provision requiring that a claim be filed with the insurer
  not later than one year after the date of the loss that is the
  subject of the claim.  A provision under this subsection must
  include a provision allowing the filing of claims after the first
  anniversary of the date of the loss for good cause shown by the
  person filing the claim.
         (c)  A contractual provision contrary to Subsection (a) or
  (b) is void.  This subsection does not affect the validity of other
  provisions of a contract that may be given effect without the voided
  provision to the extent those provisions are severable.
         SECTION 1.006.  Section 16.070, Civil Practice and Remedies
  Code, is amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection
  (c) to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsections [Subsection] (b) and
  (c), a person may not enter a stipulation, contract, or agreement
  that purports to limit the time in which to bring suit on the
  stipulation, contract, or agreement to a period shorter than two
  years. A stipulation, contract, or agreement that establishes a
  limitations period that is shorter than two years is void in this
         (c)  This section does not apply to provisions related to
  claims covered by a residential or commercial property insurance
  policy that complies with Section 2301.010, Insurance Code.
         SECTION 1.007.  (a)  The Texas Department of Insurance shall
  conduct a study concerning the feasibility and effectiveness of the
  establishment of a mandatory medical reinsurance program in this
  state through which issuers of group health benefit plans offered
  by employers with 100 or fewer employees would be required to
  purchase reinsurance.
         (b)  The study conducted under this section must:
               (1)  include an analysis of data from calendar years
  2009, 2010, and 2011; and
               (2)  seek to determine what effect, if any, the
  establishment of a medical reinsurance program described by
  Subsection (a) of this section would have had on premium rates,
  renewal rates, and overall costs to employers during calendar years
  2009, 2010, and 2011, had the program been operational during those
         (c)  The department may request information from the
  Employees Retirement System of Texas, the Teacher Retirement System
  of Texas, and health benefit plan issuers in this state as necessary
  to complete the study required under this section.
         (d)  The department shall include the results of the study
  conducted under this section in the biennial report submitted to
  the legislature under Section 32.022, Insurance Code, nearest to
  December 31, 2012.
         SECTION 1.008.  Section 2301.010, Insurance Code, as added
  by this article, applies only to an insurance policy that is
  delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or after January 1,
  2012. A policy delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed before
  January 1, 2012, is governed by the law as it existed immediately
  before the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in
  effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 2.001.  Chapter 32, Insurance Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter E to read as follows:
         Sec. 32.151.  RULEMAKING AUTHORITY.  (a)  The commissioner
  shall adopt rules, in compliance with Section 39.003 of this code
  and Chapter 2110, Government Code, regarding the purpose,
  structure, and use of advisory committees by the commissioner, the
  state fire marshal, or department staff, including rules governing
  an advisory committee's:
               (1)  purpose, role, responsibility, and goals;
               (2)  size and quorum requirements;
               (3)  qualifications for membership, including
  experience requirements and geographic representation;
               (4)  appointment procedures;
               (5)  terms of service;
               (6)  training requirements; and
               (7)  duration.
         (b)  An advisory committee must be structured and used to
  advise the commissioner, the state fire marshal, or department
  staff. An advisory committee may not be responsible for rulemaking
  or policymaking.
         Sec. 32.152.  PERIODIC EVALUATION. The commissioner shall
  by rule establish a process by which the department shall
  periodically evaluate an advisory committee to ensure its continued
  necessity. The department may retain or develop committees as
  appropriate to meet changing needs.
  department advisory committee must comply with Chapter 551,
  Government Code.
         SECTION 2.002.  Section 843.441, Insurance Code, is
  transferred to Subchapter L, Chapter 843, Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Section 843.410, Insurance Code, and amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 843.410 [843.441].  ASSESSMENTS. (a)  To provide
  funds for the administrative expenses of the commissioner regarding
  rehabilitation, liquidation, supervision, conservatorship, or
  seizure [conservation] of a [an impaired] health maintenance
  organization in this state that is placed under supervision or in
  conservatorship under Chapter 441 or against which a delinquency
  proceeding is commenced under Chapter 443 and that is found by the
  commissioner to have insufficient funds to pay the total amount of
  health care claims and the administrative[, including] expenses
  incurred by the commissioner regarding the rehabilitation,
  liquidation, supervision, conservatorship, or seizure, the
  commissioner [acting as receiver or by a special deputy receiver,
  the committee, at the commissioner's direction,] shall assess each
  health maintenance organization in the proportion that the gross
  premiums of the health maintenance organization that were written
  in this state during the preceding calendar year bear to the
  aggregate gross premiums that were written in this state by all
  health maintenance organizations, as found [provided to the
  committee by the commissioner] after review of annual statements
  and other reports the commissioner considers necessary.
         (b) [(c)]  The commissioner may abate or defer an assessment
  in whole or in part if, in the opinion of the commissioner, payment
  of the assessment would endanger the ability of a health
  maintenance organization to fulfill its contractual obligations.
  If an assessment is abated or deferred in whole or in part, the
  amount of the abatement or deferral may be assessed against the
  remaining health maintenance organizations in a manner consistent
  with the calculations made by the commissioner under Subsection (a)
  [basis for assessments provided by the approved plan of operation].
         (c) [(d)]  The total of all assessments on a health
  maintenance organization may not exceed one-fourth of one percent
  of the health maintenance organization's gross premiums in any one
  calendar year.
         (d) [(e)]  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
  subchapter, funds derived from an assessment made under this
  section may not be used for more than 180 consecutive days for the
  expenses of administering the affairs of a [an impaired] health
  maintenance organization the surplus of which is impaired and that
  is [while] in supervision[, rehabilitation,] or conservatorship
  [conservation for more than 150 days]. The commissioner
  [committee] may extend the period during which the commissioner
  [it] makes assessments for the administrative expenses [of an
  impaired health maintenance organization as it considers
         SECTION 2.003.  Section 1660.004, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 1660.004.  GENERAL RULEMAKING.  The commissioner may
  adopt rules as necessary to implement this chapter[, including
  rules requiring the implementation and provision of the technology
  recommended by the advisory committee].
         SECTION 2.004.  Section 1660.102(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The commissioner may consider [the] recommendations [of
  the advisory committee] or any other information provided in
  response to a department-issued request for information relating to
  electronic data exchange, including identification card programs,
  before adopting rules regarding:
               (1)  information to be included on the identification
               (2)  technology to be used to implement the
  identification card pilot program; and
               (3)  confidentiality and accuracy of the information
  required to be included on the identification cards.
         SECTION 2.005.  Section 4001.009(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  As referenced in Section 4001.003(9), a reference to an
  agent in the following laws includes a subagent without regard to
  whether a subagent is specifically mentioned:
               (1)  Chapters 281, 402, 421-423, 441, 444, 461-463,
  [523,] 541-556, 558, 559, [702,] 703, 705, 821, 823-825, 827, 828,
  844, 963, 1108, 1205-1208 [1205-1209], 1211, 1213, 1214 
  [1211-1214], 1352, 1353, 1357, 1358, 1360-1363, 1369, 1453-1455,
  1503, 1550, 1801, 1803, 2151-2154, 2201-2203, 2205-2213, 3501,
  3502, 4007, 4102, and 4201-4203;
               (2)  Chapter 403, excluding Section 403.002;
               (3)  Subchapter A, Chapter 491;
               (4)  Subchapter C, Chapter 521;
               (5)  Subchapter A, Chapter 557;
               (6)  Subchapter B, Chapter 805;
               (7)  Subchapters D, E, and F, Chapter 982;
               (8)  Subchapter D, Chapter 1103;
               (9)  Subchapters B, C, D, and E, Chapter 1204,
  excluding Sections 1204.153 and 1204.154;
               (10)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1366;
               (11)  Subchapters B, C, and D, Chapter 1367, excluding
  Section 1367.053(c);
               (12)  Subchapters A, C, D, E, F, H, and I, Chapter 1451;
               (13)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1452;
               (14)  Sections 551.004, 841.303, 982.001, 982.002,
  982.004, 982.052, 982.102, 982.103, 982.104, 982.106, 982.107,
  982.108, 982.110, 982.111, 982.112, and 1802.001; and
               (15)  Chapter 107, Occupations Code.
         SECTION 2.006.  Section 4102.005, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 4102.005.  CODE OF ETHICS. The commissioner[, with
  guidance from the public insurance adjusters examination advisory
  committee,] by rule shall adopt:
               (1)  a code of ethics for public insurance adjusters
  that fosters the education of public insurance adjusters concerning
  the ethical, legal, and business principles that should govern
  their conduct;
               (2)  recommendations regarding the solicitation of the
  adjustment of losses by public insurance adjusters; and
               (3)  any other principles of conduct or procedures that
  the commissioner considers necessary and reasonable.
         SECTION 2.007.  Section 2154.052(a), Occupations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner:
               (1)  shall administer this chapter through the state
  fire marshal; and
               (2)  may issue rules to administer this chapter [in
  compliance with Section 2154.054].
         SECTION 2.008.  The following laws are repealed:
               (1)  Article 3.70-3D(d), Insurance Code, as effective
  on appropriation in accordance with Section 5, Chapter 1457 (H.B.
  3021), Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999;
               (2)  Chapter 523, Insurance Code;
               (3)  Section 524.061, Insurance Code;
               (4)  the heading to Subchapter M, Chapter 843,
  Insurance Code;
               (5)  Sections 843.435, 843.436, 843.437, 843.438,
  843.439, and 843.440, Insurance Code;
               (6)  Chapter 1212, Insurance Code;
               (7)  Section 1660.002(2), Insurance Code;
               (8)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1660, Insurance Code;
               (9)  Section 1660.101(c), Insurance Code;
               (10)  Sections 4002.004, 4004.002, 4101.006, and
  4102.059, Insurance Code;
               (11)  Sections 4201.003(c) and (d), Insurance Code;
               (12)  Subchapter C, Chapter 6001, Insurance Code;
               (13)  Subchapter C, Chapter 6002, Insurance Code;
               (14)  Subchapter C, Chapter 6003, Insurance Code;
               (15)  Section 2154.054, Occupations Code; and
               (16)  Section 2154.055(c), Occupations Code.
         SECTION 2.009.  (a) The following boards, committees,
  councils, and task forces are abolished on the effective date of
  this Act:
               (1)  the consumer assistance program for health
  maintenance organizations advisory committee;
               (2)  the executive committee of the market assistance
  program for residential property insurance;
               (3)  the TexLink to Health Coverage Program task force;
               (4)  the health maintenance organization solvency
  surveillance committee;
               (5)  the technical advisory committee on claims
               (6)  the technical advisory committee on electronic
  data exchange;
               (7)  the examination of license applicants advisory
               (8)  the advisory council on continuing education for
  insurance agents;
               (9)  the insurance adjusters examination advisory
               (10)  the public insurance adjusters examination
  advisory committee;
               (11)  the utilization review agents advisory
               (12)  the fire extinguisher advisory council;
               (13)  the fire detection and alarm devices advisory
               (14)  the fire protection advisory council; and
               (15)  the fireworks advisory council.
         (b)  All powers, duties, obligations, rights, contracts,
  funds, records, and real or personal property of a board,
  committee, council, or task force listed under Subsection (a) of
  this section shall be transferred to the Texas Department of
  Insurance not later than February 28, 2012.
         SECTION 2.010.  The changes in law made by this Act by
  repealing Sections 523.003 and 843.439, Insurance Code, apply only
  to a cause of action that accrues on or after the effective date of
  this Act. A cause of action that accrues before the effective date
  of this Act is governed by the law in effect immediately before that
  date, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 3.001.  Subchapter F, Chapter 843, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 843.2071 to read as follows:
  (a) Not less than 60 days before the date on which an increase in a
  charge for coverage under this chapter takes effect, a health
  maintenance organization shall:
               (1)  give to each enrollee under an individual evidence
  of coverage written notice of the effective date of the increase;
               (2)  provide the enrollee a table that clearly lists:
                     (A)  the actual dollar amount of the charge for
  coverage on the date of the notice;
                     (B)  the actual dollar amount of the charge for
  coverage after the charge increase; and
                     (C)  the percentage change between the amounts
  described by Paragraphs (A) and (B).
         (b)  The notice required by this section must be based on
  coverage in effect on the date of the notice.
         (c)  This section may not be construed to prevent a health
  maintenance organization, at the request of an enrollee, from
  negotiating a change in benefits or rates after delivery of the
  notice required by this section.
         (d)  A health maintenance organization may not require an
  enrollee entitled to notice under this section to respond to the
  health maintenance organization to renew the coverage or take other
  action relating to the renewal or extension of the coverage before
  the 45th day after the date the notice described by Subsection (a)
  is given.
         (e)  The notice required by this section must include:
               (1)  contact information for the department, including
  information concerning how to file a complaint with the department;
               (2)  contact information for the Texas Consumer Health
  Assistance Program, including information concerning how to
  request from the program consumer protection information or
  assistance with filing a complaint; and
               (3)  the addresses of Internet websites that provide
  consumer information related to rate increase justifications,
  including the websites of the department and the United States
  Department of Health and Human Services.
         SECTION 3.002.  Subchapter C, Chapter 1201, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 1201.109 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1201.109.  NOTICE OF RATE INCREASE. (a) Not less than
  60 days before the date on which a premium rate increase takes
  effect on an individual accident and health insurance policy
  delivered or issued for delivery in this state by an insurer, the
  insurer shall:
               (1)  give written notice to the insured of the
  effective date of the increase; and
               (2)  provide the insured a table that clearly lists:
                     (A)  the actual dollar amount of the premium on
  the date of the notice;
                     (B)  the actual dollar amount of the premium after
  the premium rate increase; and
                     (C)  the percentage change between the amounts
  described by Paragraphs (A) and (B).
         (b)  The notice required by this section must be based on
  coverage in effect on the date of the notice.
         (c)  This section may not be construed to prevent an insurer,
  at the request of an insured, from negotiating a change in benefits
  or rates after delivery of the notice required by this section.
         (d)  An insurer may not require an insured entitled to notice
  under this section to respond to the insurer to renew the policy or
  take other action relating to the renewal or extension of the policy
  before the 45th day after the date the notice described by
  Subsection (a) is given.
         (e)  The notice required by this section must include:
               (1)  contact information for the department, including
  information concerning how to file a complaint with the department;
               (2)  contact information for the Texas Consumer Health
  Assistance Program, including information concerning how to
  request from the program consumer protection information or
  assistance with filing a complaint; and
               (3)  the addresses of Internet websites that provide
  consumer information related to rate increase justifications,
  including the websites of the department and the United States
  Department of Health and Human Services.
         SECTION 3.003.  Subchapter E, Chapter 1501, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 1501.216 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1501.216.  PREMIUM RATES: NOTICE OF INCREASE.  (a) Not
  less than 60 days before the date on which a premium rate increase
  takes effect on a small employer health benefit plan delivered or
  issued for delivery in this state by an insurer, the insurer shall:
               (1)  give written notice to the small employer of the
  effective date of the increase; and
               (2)  provide the small employer a table that clearly
                     (A)  the actual dollar amount of the premium on
  the date of the notice;
                     (B)  the actual dollar amount of the premium after
  the premium rate increase; and
                     (C)  the percentage change between the amounts
  described by Paragraphs (A) and (B).
         (b)  The notice required by this section must be based on
  coverage in effect on the date of the notice.
         (c)  This section may not be construed to prevent an insurer,
  at the request of a small employer, from negotiating a change in
  benefits or rates after delivery of the notice required by this
         (d)  An insurer may not require a small employer entitled to
  notice under this section to respond to the insurer to renew the
  policy or take other action relating to the renewal or extension of
  the policy before the 45th day after the date the notice described
  by Subsection (a) is given.
         (e)  The notice required by this section must include:
               (1)  contact information for the department, including
  information concerning how to file a complaint with the department;
               (2)  contact information for the Texas Consumer Health
  Assistance Program, including information concerning how to
  request from the program consumer protection information or
  assistance with filing a complaint; and
               (3)  the addresses of Internet websites that provide
  consumer information related to rate increase justifications,
  including the websites of the department and the United States
  Department of Health and Human Services.
         SECTION 3.004.  Section 2251.002(8), Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
               (8)  "Supporting information" means:
                     (A)  the experience and judgment of the filer and
  the experience or information of other insurers or advisory
  organizations on which the filer relied;
                     (B)  the interpretation of any other information
  on which the filer relied;
                     (C)  a description of methods used in making a
  rate; and
                     (D)  any other information the department
  receives from a filer as a response to a request under Section
  38.001 [requires to be filed].
         SECTION 3.005.  Section 2251.101, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  (a)  Except as provided by Subchapter D, for risks written in this
  state, each insurer shall file with the commissioner all rates,
  applicable rating manuals, supplementary rating information, and
  additional information as required by the commissioner.  An insurer
  may use a rate filed under this subchapter on and after the date the
  rate is filed.
         (b)  The commissioner by rule shall:
               (1)  determine the information required to be included
  in the filing, including:
                     (A) [(1)]  categories of supporting information
  and supplementary rating information;
                     (B) [(2)]  statistics or other information to
  support the rates to be used by the insurer, including information
  necessary to evidence that the computation of the rate does not
  include disallowed expenses; and
                     (C) [(3)]  information concerning policy fees,
  service fees, and other fees that are charged or collected by the
  insurer under Section 550.001 or 4005.003; and
               (2)  prescribe the process through which the department
  requests supplementary rating information and supporting
  information under this section, including:
                     (A)  the number of times the department may make a
  request for information; and
                     (B)  the types of information the department may
  request when reviewing a rate filing.
         SECTION 3.006.  Section 2251.103, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  (a)  Not later than the earlier of the date the rate takes effect or
  the 30th day after the date a rate is filed with the department
  under Section 2251.101, the [The] commissioner shall disapprove the
  [a] rate if the commissioner determines that the rate [filing made
  under this chapter] does not comply with the requirements of this
  chapter [meet the standards established under Subchapter B].
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), if a rate has not
  been disapproved by the commissioner before the expiration of the
  30-day period described by Subsection (a), the rate is not
  considered disapproved under this section.
         (c)  For good cause, the commissioner may, on the expiration
  of the 30-day period described by Subsection (a), extend the period
  for disapproval of a rate for one additional 30-day period.  The
  commissioner and the insurer may not by agreement extend the 30-day
  period described by Subsection (a) or this subsection.
         (d)  If the commissioner disapproves a rate under this
  section [filing], the commissioner shall issue an order specifying
  in what respects the rate [filing] fails to meet the requirements of
  this chapter.
         (e)  An insurer that files a rate that is disapproved under
  this section [(c)  The filer] is entitled to a hearing on written
  request made to the commissioner not later than the 30th day after
  the date the order disapproving the rate [filing] takes effect.
         (f)  The department shall track, compile, and routinely
  analyze the factors that contribute to the disapproval of rates
  under this section.
         SECTION 3.007.  Subchapter C, Chapter 2251, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 2251.1031 to read as follows:
  (a)  If the department determines that the information filed by an
  insurer under this subchapter or Subchapter D is incomplete or
  otherwise deficient, the department may request additional
  information from the insurer.
         (b)  If the department requests additional information from
  the insurer during the 30-day period described by Section
  2251.103(a) or 2251.153(a) or under a second 30-day period
  described by Section 2251.103(c) or 2251.153(c), as applicable, the
  time between the date the department submits the request to the
  insurer and the date the department receives the information
  requested is not included in the computation of the first 30-day
  period or the second 30-day period, as applicable.
         (c)  For purposes of this section, the date of the
  department's submission of a request for additional information is
  the earlier of:
               (1)  the date of the department's electronic mailing or
  documented telephone call relating to the request for additional
  information; or
               (2)  the postmarked date on the department's letter
  relating to the request for additional information.
         (d)  The department shall track, compile, and routinely
  analyze the volume and content of requests for additional
  information made under this section to ensure that all requests for
  additional information are fair and reasonable.
         SECTION 3.008.  The heading to Section 2251.104, Insurance
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 3.009.  Section 2251.107, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 2251.107.  PUBLIC [INSPECTION OF] INFORMATION. Each
  filing made, and any supporting information filed, under this
  chapter is public information subject to Chapter 552, Government
  Code, including any applicable exception from required disclosure
  under that chapter [open to public inspection as of the date of the
         SECTION 3.010.  Section 2251.151, Insurance Code, is amended
  by adding Subsections (c-1) and (f) and amending Subsection (e) to
  read as follows:
         (c-1)  If the commissioner requires an insurer to file the
  insurer's rates under this section, the commissioner shall
  periodically assess whether the conditions described by Subsection
  (a) continue to exist. If the commissioner determines that the
  conditions no longer exist, the commissioner shall issue an order
  excusing the insurer from filing the insurer's rates under this
         (e)  If the commissioner requires an insurer to file the
  insurer's rates under this section, the commissioner shall issue an
  order specifying the commissioner's reasons for requiring the rate
  filing and explaining any steps the insurer must take and any
  conditions the insurer must meet in order to be excused from filing
  the insurer's rates under this section.  An affected insurer is
  entitled to a hearing on written request made to the commissioner
  not later than the 30th day after the date the order is issued.
         (f)  The commissioner by rule shall define:
               (1)  the financial conditions and rating practices that
  may subject an insurer to this section under Subsection (a)(1); and
               (2)  the process by which the commissioner determines
  that a statewide insurance emergency exists under Subsection
         SECTION 3.011.  Section 2251.156, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  HEARING. (a)  If the commissioner disapproves a rate filing under
  Section 2251.153(a)(2), the commissioner shall issue an order
  disapproving the filing in accordance with Section 2251.103(d)
         (b)  An insurer whose rate filing is disapproved is entitled
  to a hearing in accordance with Section 2251.103(e) [2251.103(c)].
         (c)  The department shall track precedents related to
  disapprovals of rates under this subchapter to ensure uniform
  application of rate standards by the department.
         SECTION 3.012.  Section 2254.003(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  This section applies to a rate for personal automobile
  insurance or residential property insurance filed on or after the
  effective date of Chapter 206, Acts of the 78th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2003.
         SECTION 3.013.  Section 2251.154, Insurance Code, is
         SECTION 3.014.  Sections 843.2071, 1201.109, and 1501.216,
  Insurance Code, as added by this Act, apply only to a health
  maintenance organization individual evidence of coverage, an
  individual accident and health insurance policy, or a small
  employer health benefit plan that is delivered, issued for
  delivery, or renewed on or after the effective date of this Act. An
  evidence of coverage, policy, or plan delivered, issued for
  delivery, or renewed before the effective date of this Act is
  governed by the law as it existed immediately before the effective
  date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that
         SECTION 3.015.  Sections 2251.002(8) and 2251.107,
  Insurance Code, as amended by this Act, apply only to a request to
  inspect information or to obtain public information made to the
  Texas Department of Insurance on or after the effective date of this
  Act. A request made before the effective date of this Act is
  governed by the law in effect immediately before the effective date
  of this Act, and the former law is continued in effect for that
         SECTION 3.016.  Section 2251.103, Insurance Code, as amended
  by this Act, and Section 2251.1031, Insurance Code, as added by this
  Act, apply only to a rate filing made on or after the effective date
  of this Act. A rate filing made before the effective date of this
  Act is governed by the law in effect at the time the filing was made,
  and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 3.017.  Section 2251.151(c-1), Insurance Code, as
  added by this Act, applies to an insurer that is required to file
  the insurer's rates for approval under Section 2251.151, Insurance
  Code, on or after the effective date of this Act, regardless of when
  the order requiring the insurer to file the insurer's rates for
  approval under that section is first issued.
         SECTION 3.018.  Section 2251.151(e), Insurance Code, as
  amended by this Act, applies only to an order issued by the
  commissioner of insurance on or after the effective date of this
  Act. An order of the commissioner issued before the effective date
  of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the order
  was issued, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 4.001.  Section 417.008, Government Code, is amended
  by adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
         (f)  The commissioner by rule shall prescribe a reasonable
  fee for an inspection performed by the state fire marshal that may
  be charged to a property owner or occupant who requests the
  inspection, as the commissioner considers appropriate. In
  prescribing the fee, the commissioner shall consider the overall
  cost to the state fire marshal to perform the inspections,
  including the approximate amount of time the staff of the state fire
  marshal needs to perform an inspection, travel costs, and other
         SECTION 4.002.  Section 417.0081, Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  STATE-LEASED BUILDINGS.  (a)  The state fire marshal, at the
  commissioner's direction, shall periodically inspect public
  buildings under the charge and control of the Texas Facilities
  [General Services] Commission and buildings leased for the use of a
  state agency by the Texas Facilities Commission.
         (b)  For the purpose of determining a schedule for conducting
  inspections under this section, the commissioner by rule shall
  adopt guidelines for assigning potential fire safety risk to
  state-owned and state-leased buildings. Rules adopted under this
  subsection must provide for the inspection of each state-owned and
  state-leased building to which this section applies, regardless of
  how low the potential fire safety risk of the building may be.
         (c)  On or before January 1 of each year, the state fire
  marshal shall report to the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker
  of the house of representatives, and appropriate standing
  committees of the legislature regarding the state fire marshal's
  findings in conducting inspections under this section.
         SECTION 4.003.  Section 417.0082, Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  marshal, under the direction of the commissioner, shall take any
  action necessary to protect a public building under the charge and
  control of the Texas Facilities [Building and Procurement]
  Commission, and the building's occupants, and the occupants of a
  building leased for the use of a state agency by the Texas
  Facilities Commission, against an existing or threatened fire
  hazard.  The state fire marshal and the Texas Facilities [Building
  and Procurement] Commission shall include the State Office of Risk
  Management in all communication concerning fire hazards.
         (b)  The commissioner, the Texas Facilities [Building and
  Procurement] Commission, and the risk management board shall make
  and each adopt by rule a memorandum of understanding that
  coordinates the agency's duties under this section.
         SECTION 4.004.  Section 417.010, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  applies to each person and firm licensed, registered, or otherwise
  regulated by the department through the state fire marshal,
               (1)  a person regulated under Title 20, Insurance Code;
               (2)  a person licensed under Chapter 2154, Occupations
         (b)  The commissioner by rule shall delegate to the state
  fire marshal the authority to take disciplinary and enforcement
  actions, including the imposition of administrative penalties in
  accordance with this section on a person regulated under a law
  listed under Subsection (a) who violates that law or a rule or order
  adopted under that law. In the rules adopted under this subsection,
  the commissioner shall:
               (1)  specify which types of disciplinary and
  enforcement actions are delegated to the state fire marshal; and
               (2)  outline the process through which the state fire
  marshal may, subject to Subsection (e), impose administrative
  penalties or take other disciplinary and enforcement actions.
         (c)  The commissioner by rule shall adopt a schedule of
  administrative penalties for violations subject to a penalty under
  this section to ensure that the amount of an administrative penalty
  imposed is appropriate to the violation. The department shall
  provide the administrative penalty schedule to the public on
  request. The amount of an administrative penalty imposed under
  this section must be based on:
               (1)  the seriousness of the violation, including:
                     (A)  the nature, circumstances, extent, and
  gravity of the violation; and
                     (B)  the hazard or potential hazard created to the
  health, safety, or economic welfare of the public;
               (2)  the economic harm to the public interest or public
  confidence caused by the violation;
               (3)  the history of previous violations;
               (4)  the amount necessary to deter a future violation;
               (5)  efforts to correct the violation;
               (6)  whether the violation was intentional; and
               (7)  any other matter that justice may require.
         (d)  In [The state fire marshal, in] the enforcement of a law
  that is enforced by or through the state fire marshal, the state
  fire marshal may, in lieu of cancelling, revoking, or suspending a
  license or certificate of registration, impose on the holder of the
  license or certificate of registration an order directing the
  holder to do one or more of the following:
               (1)  cease and desist from a specified activity;
               (2)  pay an administrative penalty imposed under this
  section [remit to the commissioner within a specified time a
  monetary forfeiture not to exceed $10,000 for each violation of an
  applicable law or rule]; or [and]
               (3)  make restitution to a person harmed by the holder's
  violation of an applicable law or rule.
         (e)  The state fire marshal shall impose an administrative
  penalty under this section in the manner prescribed for imposition
  of an administrative penalty under Subchapter B, Chapter 84,
  Insurance Code. The state fire marshal may impose an
  administrative penalty under this section without referring the
  violation to the department for commissioner action.
         (f)  An affected person may dispute the imposition of the
  penalty or the amount of the penalty imposed in the manner
  prescribed by Subchapter C, Chapter 84, Insurance Code. Failure to
  pay an administrative penalty imposed under this section is subject
  to enforcement by the department.
         SECTION 5.001.  Chapter 2501, Insurance Code, is amended by
  adding Section 2501.009 to read as follows:
  PURPOSES.  (a)  The department may accept gifts, grants, and
  donations to enable employees of the department to participate in
  educational events, and for other educational purposes, related to
  title insurance.
         (b)  The commissioner may adopt rules related to the
  acceptance of gifts, grants, and donations described in Subsection
         SECTION 5.002.  Section 2502.055(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The activities described in this section are not
  rebates.  Nothing in this subchapter prohibits a title insurance
  company or a title insurance agent from:
               (1)  engaging in [legal] promotional and educational
  activities that are not conditioned on the referral of title
  insurance business and not prohibited by Subchapter B, Chapter 541;
               (2)  purchasing advertising promoting the title
  insurance company or the title insurance agent at market rates from
  any person in any publication, event, or media;
               (3)  delivering to a party in the transaction or the
  party's representative legal documents or funds which are directly
  or indirectly related to a transaction closed by the title
  insurance company or title insurance agent; [or]
               (4)  participating in an association of attorneys,
  builders, developers, realtors, or other real estate practitioners
  provided that the level of such participation does not exceed
  normal participation of a volunteer member of the association and
  is not activity that would ordinarily be performed by paid staff of
  an association; or
               (5)  providing continuing education courses at market
  rates, regardless of whether participants receive credit hours.
         SECTION 5.003.  Section 2551.302, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  title insurance company may reinsure any of its policies and
  contracts issued on real property located in this state or on
  policies and contracts issued in this state under Chapter 2751, if:
               (1)  the reinsuring title insurance company is
  authorized to engage in business in this state under this title; or 
               (2)  the title insurance company acquires reinsurance
  in accordance with Section 2551.305 [the department first approves
  the form of the reinsurance contract].
         SECTION 5.004.  Section 2551.305, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 2551.305.  CERTAIN REINSURANCE ALLOWED.  
  (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, a
  title insurance company may acquire reinsurance on an individual
  policy or facultative basis from a title insurance company not
  authorized to engage in the business of title insurance in this
  state if:
               (1)  the title insurance company from which the
  reinsurance is acquired:
                     (A)  has a combined capital and surplus of at
  least $20 million as stated in the company's most recent annual
  statement preceding the acceptance of reinsurance; and
                     (B)  is domiciled in another state and is
  authorized to engage in the business of title insurance in one or
  more states; and
               (2)  the title insurance company acquiring reinsurance
  gives written notice to the department at least 30 days before
  acquiring the reinsurance, and the commissioner does not, before
  the expiration of the 30-day period and on the ground that the
  transaction may result in a hazardous financial condition, prohibit
  the title insurance company from obtaining reinsurance under this
         (b)  The notice required under Subsection (a)(2) must
  provide sufficient information to enable the commissioner to
  evaluate the proposed transaction, including a summary of the
  significant terms of the reinsurance, the financial impact of the
  transaction on the title insurance company acquiring reinsurance,
  and the specific identity and state of domicile of each title
  insurance company from which reinsurance is acquired.
         (c)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter,
  the department may, on application and hearing, permit a title
  insurance company to acquire reinsurance that does not comply with
  Subsection (a) on an individual policy or facultative basis from a
  title insurance company domiciled in another state and not
  authorized to engage in the business of title insurance in this
  state, if:
               (1)  the company has exhausted the opportunity to
  acquire reinsurance from all other authorized title insurance
  companies; and
               (2)  the title insurance company from which the
  reinsurance is acquired has a combined capital and surplus of at
  least $2 [$1.4] million as stated in its annual statement preceding
  the acceptance of reinsurance.
         (d) [(b)]  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
  subchapter, the department may, on application and hearing, permit
  a title insurance company, including an authorized reinsuring title
  insurance company, to retain an additional potential liability of
  not more than 40 percent of the company's capital stock and surplus
  as stated in the most recent annual statement of the company, if:
               (1)  the company has exhausted the opportunity to
  acquire reinsurance under Subsection (c) [(a)]; and
               (2)  the additional potential liability of the company
  is incurred only if the loss suffered by the insured under the
  policy exceeds the amount of insurance and reinsurance accepted by
  the company and its reinsuring title insurance companies under the
  other provisions of this subchapter.
         SECTION 5.005.  Section 2651.007, Insurance Code, is amended
  by adding Subsections (d), (e), (f), and (g) to read as follows:
         (d)  Not later than the 20th business day after the date the
  department receives a renewal application, the department shall
  notify the applicant in writing of any deficiencies in the
  application that render the renewal application incomplete.
         (e)  Not later than the fifth business day after the date the
  renewal application is complete, the department shall notify the
  applicant in writing of the date that the renewal application is
         (f)  A renewal application is automatically approved on the
  30th business day after the date the renewal application is
  complete, unless on or before that date the department notifies the
  applicant in writing of the factual grounds on which the department
  proposes to deny the license under Section 2651.301.
         (g)  The department may provide a notice required under this
  section by e-mail.
         SECTION 5.006.  Section 2651.009, Insurance Code, is amended
  by amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsections (c-1), (c-2), and
  (c-3) to read as follows:
         (c)  Not later than the 20th business day after the date the
  department receives a notice under Subsection (b), the department
  shall notify the title insurance agent and appointing title
  insurance company in writing of any deficiencies in the notice that
  render the notice incomplete. A notice under Subsection (b) is
  considered complete on the date the department receives the notice,
  unless the department provides notice of the deficiencies under
  this section.
         (c-1)  Not later than the fifth business day after the date
  the notice under Subsection (b) is complete, the department shall
  notify the title insurance agent and appointing title insurance
  company in writing of the date that the notice under Subsection (b)
  is complete.
         (c-2)  The appointment is effective on the eighth business
  day following the date [the department receives] the [completed]
  notice of appointment is complete and the department receives the
  fee, unless the department proposes to reject [rejects] the
  appointment. If the department proposes to reject [rejects] the
  appointment, the department shall notify the title insurance agent
  and the appointing title insurance company [state] in writing of
  the factual grounds on which the department proposes to reject the
  appointment [reasons for rejection] not later than the seventh
  business day after the date on which the [department receives the
  completed] notice of appointment is complete.
         (c-3)  The department may provide a notice required under
  this section by e-mail.
         SECTION 5.007.  Subchapter G, Chapter 2651, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Sections 2651.3015 and 2651.303 to read as
  DENIAL. (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) or (c), the
  department may not reject, delay, or deny a notice of appointment
  under Section 2651.009 based wholly or partly on a pending
  department audit or complaint investigation or a pending
  disciplinary action against a title insurance agent or appointing
  title insurance company that has not been finally closed or
  resolved by a final order issued by the commissioner on or before
  the date on which the notice is received by the department.
         (b)  The department may reject a notice of appointment under
  Section 2651.009 if the department determines that the appointing
  title insurance company or the title insurance agent intentionally
  made a material misstatement in the notice of appointment or
  attempted to have the appointment approved by fraud or
         (c)  The department may delay approval of a notice of
  appointment if:
               (1)  the title insurance agent or the appointing title
  insurance company is the subject of a criminal investigation or
  prosecution; or
               (2)  the deputy commissioner of the title division of
  the department makes a good faith determination that there is a
  credible suspicion that there are ongoing or continuing acts of
  fraud by the title insurance agent or appointing title insurance
         (d)  Except as provided by Subsection (e) or (f), the
  department may not delay or deny a renewal application under
  Section 2651.007 based wholly or partly on a department audit or
  complaint investigation of, or disciplinary or enforcement action
  against, an applicant or license holder that is pending and has not
  been finally closed or resolved by a final order issued by the
  commissioner on or before the date on which the application is
         (e)  The department may deny a renewal application under
  Section 2651.007 if the department determines that the applicant or
  license holder intentionally made a material misstatement in the
  renewal application or attempted to obtain the license renewal by
  fraud or misrepresentation.
         (f)  The department may delay a renewal application if:
               (1)  the applicant or license holder is the subject of a
  criminal investigation or prosecution; or
               (2)  the deputy commissioner of the title division of
  the department makes a good faith determination that there is a
  credible suspicion that there are ongoing or continuing acts of
  fraud by the applicant or license holder.
  ACTION; AUTOMATIC DISMISSAL. (a) The department shall notify a
  license holder in writing of a disciplinary or enforcement action
  against the license holder not later than the 30th business day
  after the date the department assigns a file number to the action,
  except that this subsection does not apply to a file or action:
               (1)  that is the subject of a pending criminal
  investigation or prosecution; or
               (2)  about which the deputy commissioner of the title
  division of the department makes a good faith determination that
  there is a credible suspicion that there are ongoing or continuing
  acts of fraud by a person who is the subject of the action.
         (b)  A notice required by Subsection (a) may be provided by
  e-mail and must provide a license holder fair notice of the alleged
  facts known by the department on the date of the notice that
  constitute grounds for the action.
         (c)  A disciplinary or enforcement action is automatically
  dismissed with prejudice, unless the department serves a notice of
  hearing on the license holder not later than the 60th business day
  after the date the department receives a hearing request from the
  license holder.
         (d)  The department may provide information about an
  enforcement action, including a copy of a notice issued under this
  section, to each title insurance company with which a title
  insurance agent has, or proposes to obtain, an appointment.
         SECTION 5.008.  Subchapter B, Chapter 2652, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 2652.059 to read as follows:
  RENEWAL; APPROVAL.  (a)  Not later than the 20th business day after
  the date the department receives a license application or a license
  renewal under this chapter, the department shall notify the
  applicant or license holder in writing of any deficiencies in the
  application that render the application incomplete.
         (b)  Not later than the fifth business day after the date the
  application is complete, the department shall notify the applicant
  or license holder in writing of the date that the license
  application or license renewal is complete.
         (c)  An application is automatically approved on the 30th
  business day after the date the application is complete, unless on
  or before that date the department notifies the applicant or
  license holder in writing of the factual grounds on which the
  department proposes to deny the application.
         (d)  The department may provide a notice required under this
  section by e-mail.
         SECTION 5.009.  Subchapter E, Chapter 2652, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Sections 2652.2015 and 2652.203 to read as
  (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) or (c), the department may
  not delay or deny a license application or a license renewal based
  wholly or partly on a department audit or complaint investigation
  of, or disciplinary or enforcement action against, a license holder
  or applicant that is pending and has not been closed or finally
  adjudicated on or before the date on which the initial or renewal
  application is filed.
         (b)  The department may delay a license application or
  license renewal if:
               (1)  the applicant or license holder is the subject of a
  criminal investigation or prosecution; or
               (2)  the deputy commissioner of the title division of
  the department makes a good faith determination that there is a
  credible suspicion that there are ongoing or continuing acts of
  fraud by the applicant or license holder.
         (c)  The department may deny a license application or license
  renewal if the department determines that the applicant or license
  holder intentionally made a material misstatement in the license
  application or license renewal or the applicant or license holder
  attempted to obtain the license or renewal by fraud or
  ACTION; AUTOMATIC DISMISSAL.  (a)  The department shall notify a
  license holder of a disciplinary action or enforcement action
  against the license holder not later than the 30th business day
  after the date the department assigns a file number to the action,
  except that this subsection does not apply to a file or action:
               (1)  that is the subject of a pending criminal
  investigation or prosecution; or
               (2)  about which the deputy commissioner of the title
  division of the department makes a good faith determination that
  there is a credible suspicion that there are ongoing or continuing
  acts of fraud by a person who is the subject of the action.
         (b)  A notice required by Subsection (a) must provide a
  license holder fair notice of the alleged facts known by the
  department on the date of the notice that constitute grounds for the
         (c)  A disciplinary or enforcement action is automatically
  dismissed with prejudice, unless the department serves a notice of
  hearing on the license holder not later than the 60th business day
  after the date the department receives a hearing request from the
  license holder.
         (d)  The department may provide information about an
  enforcement action, including a copy of a notice issued under this
  section, to each title insurance agent or direct operation with
  which an escrow officer has, or proposes to obtain, employment.
         SECTION 5.010.  Subchapter B, Chapter 2703, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 2703.0515 to read as follows:
         Sec. 2703.0515.  CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS PROHIBITED. (a) A
  title insurance company is not required to offer or provide in
  connection with a title insurance policy an endorsement insuring a
  loss from damage resulting from the use of the surface of the land
  for the extraction or development of coal, lignite, oil, gas, or
  another mineral if the policy includes a general exception or
  exclusion from coverage a loss from damage resulting from the use of
  the surface of the land for the extraction or development of coal,
  lignite, oil, gas, or another mineral.
         (b)  In this section, "general exception or exclusion" means
  a provision in a title insurance policy or other title insuring form
  that provides that title insurance coverage under the policy or
               (1)  is subject to, and the title insurer does not
  insure title to, and excepts from the description of the covered
  property, coal, lignite, oil, gas, and other minerals in and under
  and that may be produced from the covered property, together with
  related rights, privileges, and immunities; or
               (2)  does not cover a lease, grant, exception, or
  reservation of coal, lignite, oil, gas, or other minerals, or
  related rights, privileges, and immunities, appearing in the public
         (c)  An additional premium or other amount may not be charged
  for an endorsement to a loan policy of title insurance if the
               (1)  insures against loss from damage to improvements
  or permanent buildings located on land that results from the future
  exercise of any right existing on the date of the loan policy to use
  the surface of the land for the extraction or development of coal,
  lignite, oil, gas, or another mineral;
               (2)  expressly does not insure against loss resulting
  from subsidence; and
               (3)  was promulgated by the commissioner in calendar
  year 2009.
         SECTION 5.011.  Subchapter B, Chapter 2703, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Sections 2703.055 and 2703.056 to read as
  PROHIBITED. The commissioner may not require by rule, or through
  adoption of a title insurance policy or other insuring form, that a
  title insurance policy delivered or issued for delivery in this
               (1)  insure against a loss that a person with an
  interest in real property sustains from damage to the property by
  reason of severance of minerals from the surface estate; or
               (2)  provide insurance as to ownership of minerals.
         Sec. 2703.056.  EXCEPTIONS; MINERAL INTERESTS. (a) Subject
  to the underwriting standards of the title insurance company, a
  title insurance company may in a commitment for title insurance or a
  title insurance policy include a general exception or a special
  exception to except from coverage a mineral estate or an instrument
  that purports to reserve or transfer all or part of a mineral
         (b)  The inclusion in a title insurance policy of a general
  exception or a special exception described by Subsection (a) does
  not create title insurance coverage as to the condition or
  ownership of the mineral estate.
         SECTION 5.012.  Section 2703.153, Insurance Code, is amended
  by amending Subsections (c) and (d) and adding Subsections (h) and
  (i) to read as follows:
         (c)  Not less frequently than once every five years, the
  commissioner shall evaluate the information required under this
  section to determine whether the department needs additional or
  different information or no longer needs certain information to
  promulgate rates. If the department requires a title insurance
  company or title insurance agent to include new or different
  information in the statistical report, that information may be
  considered by the commissioner in fixing premium rates if the
  information collected is reasonably credible for the purposes for
  which the information is to be used.
         (d)  A title insurance company or a title insurance agent
  aggrieved by a department requirement concerning the submission of
  information may bring a suit in a district court in Travis County
  alleging that the request for information:
               (1)  is unduly burdensome; or
               (2)  is not a request for information material to
  fixing and promulgating premium rates or another matter that may be
  the subject of the periodic [biennial] hearing and is not a request
  reasonably designed to lead to the discovery of that information.
         (h)  The contents of the statistical report, including any
  amendments to the statistical report, must be established in a
  rulemaking hearing under Subchapter B, Chapter 2001, Government
         (i)  An amendment to the contents of the statistical report
  may not apply retroactively.
         SECTION 5.013.  Section 2703.202, Insurance Code, is amended
  by amending Subsections (b) and (d) and adding Subsections (g),
  (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), (n), and (o) to read as follows:
         (b)  The commissioner shall order a public hearing to
  consider changing a premium rate, including fixing a new premium
  rate, in response to a written [At the] request of:
               (1)  a title insurance company;
               (2)  an association composed of at least 50 percent of
  the number of title insurance agents and title insurance companies
  licensed or authorized by the department;
               (3)  an association composed of at least 20 percent of
  the number of title insurance agents licensed or authorized by the
  department; or
               (4)  the office of public insurance counsel[, the
  commissioner shall order a public hearing to consider changing a
  premium rate].
         (d)  Notwithstanding Subsection (c), [at the request of a
  title insurance company or the public insurance counsel,] a public
  hearing held under Subsection (a) or under Section 2703.206 must be
  conducted by the commissioner as a contested case hearing under
  Subchapters C through H and Subchapter Z, Chapter 2001, Government
  Code, at the request of:
               (1)  a title insurance company;
               (2)  an association composed of at least 50 percent of
  the number of title insurance agents and title insurance companies
  licensed or authorized by the department;
               (3)  an association composed of at least 20 percent of
  the number of title insurance agents licensed or authorized by the
  department; or
               (4)  the office of public insurance counsel.
         (g)  If a hearing held under Subsection (a) is not conducted
  as a contested case hearing, the commissioner shall render a
  decision and issue a final order not later than the 120th day after
  the date the commissioner receives a written request under
  Subsection (b).
         (h)  If a hearing held under Subsection (a) is conducted as a
  contested case hearing:
               (1)  not later than the 30th day after the date the
  commissioner receives a request for a public hearing under
  Subsection (b), the commissioner shall issue a notice of call for
  items to be considered at the hearing;
               (2)  the commissioner may not require responses to the
  notice of call before the 60th day after the date the commissioner
  issues the notice of call;
               (3)  the commissioner shall issue a notice of public
  hearing requested under Subsection (d) not later than the 30th day
  after the date responses to the notice of call are required under
  Subdivision (2);
               (4)  the commissioner shall commence the public hearing
  not earlier than the 120th day after the date the commissioner
  issues a notice of hearing under Subdivision (3);
               (5)  the commissioner shall close the public hearing
  not later than the 150th day after the date the commissioner issues
  the notice of hearing under Subdivision (3); and
               (6)  the commissioner shall render a decision and issue
  a final order not later than the 60th day after the record made in
  the public hearing is closed under Subdivision (5).
         (i)  A party's presentation of relevant, admissible oral
  testimony in a hearing under this section may not be limited.
         (j)  The commissioner shall consider each matter presented
  in a hearing under this section and announce in a public hearing all
  decisions on all matters considered.
         (k)  A party described by Subsection (b) may petition a
  district court in Travis County to enter an order requiring the
  commissioner to comply with the deadlines described by this section
  if the commissioner fails to meet a requirement in Subsection (g) or
         (l)  Subject to Subsection (m), if the commissioner fails to
  comply with the requirements under Subsection (g) or (h)(6), a
  combination of at least three associations, persons, or entities
  listed in Subsection (b) may jointly petition a district court of
  Travis County to adopt a rate based on the record made in the
  hearing before the commissioner under this section.
         (m)  If the record made in the hearing before the
  commissioner is not complete before the request for the court to
  adopt a premium rate under Subsection (l), the court shall hold an
  evidentiary hearing to establish a record before adopting the
  premium rate.
         (n)  After a petition has been filed under Subsection (l),
  the commissioner may not issue findings or an order related to the
  subject matter of the petition until after the date the court enters
  a final judgment.
         (o)  A district court may appoint a magistrate to adopt a
  rate under this section.
         SECTION 5.014.  Section 2703.203, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 2703.203.  PERIODIC [BIENNIAL] HEARING. The
  commissioner shall hold a [biennial] public hearing not earlier
  than July 1 after the fifth anniversary of the closing of a hearing
  held under this chapter [of each even-numbered year] to consider
  adoption of premium rates and other matters relating to regulating
  the business of title insurance that an association, title
  insurance company, title insurance agent, or member of the public
  admitted as a party under Section 2703.204 requests to be
  considered or that the commissioner determines necessary to
         SECTION 5.015.  Section 2703.204, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  HEARING.  (a)  Subject to this section, a trade association whose
  membership is composed of at least 20 percent of the members of an
  industry or group represented by the trade association, an
  association, a person or entity described by Section 2703.202(b),
  or department staff [an individual or association or other entity
  recommending adoption of a premium rate or another matter relating
  to regulating the business of title insurance] shall be admitted as
  a party to the periodic [biennial] hearing under Section 2703.203.
         (b)  A party to any portion of the periodic [the ratemaking
  phase of the biennial] hearing relating to ratemaking may request
  that the commissioner remove any other party to that portion of [the
  ratemaking phase of] the hearing on the grounds that the other party
  does not have a substantial interest in title insurance. A decision
  of the commission to deny or grant the request is final and subject
  to appeal in accordance with Section 36.202.
         SECTION 5.016.  Section 2703.207, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 2703.207.  NOTICE OF CERTAIN HEARINGS. Not later than
  the 60th day before the date of a hearing under Section 2703.202,
  2703.203, or 2703.206, notice of the hearing and of each item to be
  considered at the hearing shall be:
               (1)  sent directly to all parties to the previous
  hearing conducted under Section 2703.202, 2703.203, or 2703.206, if
  the hearing was conducted as a contested case hearing [title
  insurance companies and title insurance agents]; and
               (2)  published in the Texas Register and on the
  department's Internet website [provided to the public in a manner
  that gives fair notice concerning the hearing].
         SECTION 5.017.  Section 2551.303, Insurance Code, is
         SECTION 5.018.  Section 2703.205, Insurance Code, is
         SECTION 5.019.  Section 2703.0515, Insurance Code, as added
  by this article, applies only to a title insurance policy that is
  delivered or issued for delivery on or after January 1, 2012. A
  policy delivered or issued for delivery before January 1, 2012, is
  governed by the law as it existed immediately before the effective
  date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that
         SECTION 5.020.  Sections 2703.055 and 2703.056, Insurance
  Code, as added by this article, apply only to a title insurance
  policy that is delivered or issued for delivery on or after January
  1, 2012. A policy delivered or issued for delivery before January
  1, 2012, is governed by the law as it existed immediately before the
  effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for
  that purpose.
         SECTION 5.021.  Sections 2551.302 and 2551.305, Insurance
  Code, as amended by this article, and the repeal of Section
  2551.303, Insurance Code, by this article, apply only to a
  reinsurance contract entered into by a title insurance company on
  or after the effective date of this Act. A reinsurance contract
  entered into by a title insurance company before the effective date
  of this Act is governed by the law in effect immediately before the
  effective date of this Act, and the former law is continued in
  effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 6.001.  Subtitle A, Title 2, Insurance Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 35 to read as follows:
         Sec. 35.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Conduct business" includes engaging in or
  transacting any business in which a regulated entity is authorized
  to engage or is authorized to transact under the law of this state.
               (2)  "Regulated entity" means each insurer or other
  organization regulated by the department, including:
                     (A)  a domestic or foreign, stock or mutual, life,
  health, or accident insurance company;
                     (B)  a domestic or foreign, stock or mutual, fire
  or casualty insurance company;
                     (C)  a Mexican casualty company;
                     (D)  a domestic or foreign Lloyd's plan;
                     (E)  a domestic or foreign reciprocal or
  interinsurance exchange;
                     (F)  a domestic or foreign fraternal benefit
                     (G)  a domestic or foreign title insurance
                     (H)  an attorney's title insurance company;
                     (I)  a stipulated premium company;
                     (J)  a nonprofit legal service corporation;
                     (K)  a health maintenance organization;
                     (L)  a statewide mutual assessment company;
                     (M)  a local mutual aid association;
                     (N)  a local mutual burial association;
                     (O)  an association exempt under Section 887.102;
                     (P)  a nonprofit hospital, medical, or dental
  service corporation, including a company subject to Chapter 842;
                     (Q)  a county mutual insurance company; and
                     (R)  a farm mutual insurance company.
         Sec. 35.002.  CONSTRUCTION WITH OTHER LAW.
  (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, a regulated
  entity may conduct business electronically in accordance with this
  chapter and the rules adopted under Section 35.004.
         (b)  To the extent of any conflict between another provision
  of this code and a provision of this chapter, the provision of this
  chapter controls.
  regulated entity may conduct business electronically to the same
  extent that the entity is authorized to conduct business otherwise
  if before the conduct of business each party to the business agrees
  to conduct the business electronically.
         Sec. 35.004.  RULES. (a)  The commissioner shall adopt
  rules necessary to implement and enforce this chapter.
         (b)  The rules adopted by the commissioner under this section
  must include rules that establish minimum standards with which a
  regulated entity must comply in the entity's electronic conduct of
  business with other regulated entities and consumers.
         SECTION 6.002.  Chapter 35, Insurance Code, as added by this
  Act, applies only to business conducted on or after the effective
  date of this Act. Business conducted before the effective date of
  this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the business
  was conducted, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 7.001.  Chapter 38, Insurance Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter I to read as follows:
         Sec. 38.401.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER.  This subchapter
  applies only to an insurer who writes personal automobile insurance
  or residential property insurance in this state.
  (a)  The commissioner shall require each insurer described by
  Section 38.401 to file with the commissioner aggregate personal
  automobile insurance and residential property insurance claims
  information for the period covered by the filing, including the
  number of claims:
               (1)  filed during the reporting period;
               (2)  pending on the last day of the reporting period,
  including pending litigation;
               (3)  closed with payment during the reporting period;
               (4)  closed without payment during the reporting
  period; and
               (5)  carrying over from the reporting period
  immediately preceding the current reporting period.
         (b)  An insurer described by Section 38.401 must file the
  information described by Subsection (a) on an annual basis.  The
  information filed must be broken down by quarter.
         Sec. 38.403.  PUBLIC INFORMATION.  (a)  The department shall
  post the data contained in claims information filings under Section
  38.402 on the department's Internet website. The commissioner by
  rule may establish a procedure for posting data under this
  subsection that includes a description of the data that must be
  posted and the manner in which the data must be posted.
         (b)  Information provided under this section must be
  aggregate data by line of insurance for each insurer and may not
  reveal proprietary or trade secret information of any insurer.
         Sec. 38.404.  RULES.  The commissioner may adopt rules
  necessary to implement this subchapter.
         SECTION 7A.001.  Subtitle B, Title 5, Insurance Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 525 to read as follows:
         Sec. 525.001.  PROGRAM ESTABLISHED.  (a)  The department
  shall develop and implement a health benefit plan innovations
  program to study the number of uninsured individuals in this state,
  the reasons those individuals are uninsured, and possible solutions
  that would expand access to affordable health benefit plan coverage
  in this state.
         (b)  The department shall use department employees already
  employed in the consumer protection division of the department to
  implement the program. The department may not hire full-time
  employees whose primary job functions would solely be
  implementation of the program.
         Sec. 525.002.  PROGRAM COMPONENTS. (a)  Except as provided
  by Subsection (b), the program implemented under this chapter must:
               (1)  collect and analyze data concerning the number,
  age, and demographic characteristics of uninsured individuals in
  this state;
               (2)  identify the reasons why individuals in this state
  are uninsured;
               (3)  examine and evaluate the effectiveness of programs
  implemented in other states to reduce the number of uninsured
  residents in those states;
               (4)  monitor and evaluate the health benefit market in
  this state and determine whether residents of this state have
  sufficient access to a variety of health benefit plan products to
  ensure adequate health benefit plan coverage; and
               (5)  make recommendations to the department and to the
  legislature concerning programs or initiatives to be implemented in
  this state to reduce the number of uninsured residents in this
         (b)  The program must supplement and may not duplicate a
  service or function of another existing program or state agency and
  shall refer consumers to other programs and agencies where
         (c)  The program may:
               (1)  operate a statewide clearinghouse for objective
  consumer information about health care coverage, including options
  for obtaining health care coverage;
               (2)  collect, track, and quantify problems and
  inquiries encountered by consumers;
               (3)  educate consumers on their rights and
  responsibilities with respect to group health plans and health
  insurance coverages;
               (4)  provide existing health-related information to
  the general public and health care providers to improve the quality
  of and access to health care; and
               (5)  establish an advisory committee composed of state
  agencies to increase collaboration and coordination of
  health-related programs and benefits.
         (d)  The department shall coordinate program components that
  involve market and cost research or data collection and analysis
  with health benefit plan issuers and the Health and Human Services
  Commission to ensure the collection and analysis of complete and
  accurate information.
         Sec. 525.003.  REPORT. The department shall include in its
  biennial report to the legislature under Section 32.022 the
  program's findings concerning the information and recommendations
  described by Section 525.002.
         Sec. 525.004.  FUNDING.  The department shall make a
  reasonable effort to obtain funding in the form of gifts and grants
  from the federal government or an organization or other private
  party that does not have a potential conflict of interest with the
  department or the goals of this chapter to assist with funding the
  program.  The department shall adopt rules governing acceptance of
  gifts and grants that are consistent with the provisions for
  acceptance of gifts under Chapter 575, Government Code.  Before
  adopting rules under this section, the department shall:
               (1)  submit the proposed rules to the Texas Ethics
  Commission for review; and
               (2)  consider that commission's recommendations
  regarding the proposed rules.
         Sec. 525.005.  RULES. The commissioner may adopt rules as
  necessary to implement this chapter.
         SECTION 8.001.  Section 2004.002, Insurance Code, is amended
  by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (c) and (d) to
  read as follows:
         (b)  In determining which areas to designate as underserved,
  the commissioner shall consider:
               (1)  whether residential property insurance is not
  reasonably available to a substantial number of owners of insurable
  property in the area; [and]
               (2)  whether access to the full range of coverages and
  policy forms for residential property insurance does not reasonably
  exist; and
               (3)  any other relevant factor as determined by the
         (c)  The commissioner shall determine which areas to
  designate as underserved under this section not less than once
  every six years.
         (d)  The commissioner shall conduct a study concerning the
  accuracy of current designations of underserved areas under this
  section for the purpose of increasing and improving access to
  insurance in those areas not less than once every six years.
         SECTION 8.002.  Subchapter F, Chapter 2251, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 2251.253 to read as follows:
         Sec. 2251.253.  REPORT. (a)  The commissioner shall conduct
  a study concerning the impact of increasing the percentage of the
  total amount of premiums collected by insurers for residential
  property insurance under Section 2251.252.
         (b)  The commissioner shall report the results of the study
  in the biennial report required under Section 32.022.
         (c)  This section expires September 1, 2013.
         SECTION 9.001.  Section 83.002, Insurance Code, is amended
  by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
         (c)  This chapter also applies to:
               (1)  a person appointed as a qualified inspector under
  Section 2210.254 or 2210.255; and
               (2)  a person acting as a qualified inspector under
  Section 2210.254 or 2210.255 without being appointed as a qualified
  inspector under either of those sections.
         SECTION 9.002.  Section 2210.105, Insurance Code, is amended
  by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (b-1), (e), and
  (f) to read as follows:
         (b)  Except for a closed meeting authorized by Subchapter D,
  Chapter 551, Government Code, a meeting of the board of directors or
  of the members of the association is open to[:
               [(1)     the commissioner or the commissioner's designated
  representative; and
               [(2)]  the public.
         (b-1)  A meeting of the board of directors or the members of
  the association, including a closed meeting authorized by
  Subchapter D, Chapter 551, Government Code, is open to the
  commissioner or the commissioner's designated representative.
         (e)  The association shall:
               (1)  broadcast live on the association's Internet
  website all meetings of the board of directors, other than closed
  meetings; and
               (2)  maintain on the association's Internet website an
  archive of meetings of the board of directors.
         (f)  A recording of a meeting must be maintained in the
  archive required under Subsection (e) through and including the
  fifth anniversary of the meeting. A recording of a meeting may be
  maintained for a period longer than the period required by this
         SECTION 9.003.  Subchapter C, Chapter 2210, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 2210.108 to read as follows:
         Sec. 2210.108.  OPEN MEETINGS AND OPEN RECORDS. Except as
  specifically provided by this chapter or another law, the
  association is subject to Chapters 551 and 552, Government Code.
         SECTION 9.004.  Section 2210.202(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A property and casualty agent must submit an application
  for initial [the] insurance coverage on behalf of the applicant on
  forms prescribed by the association.  The association shall develop
  a simplified renewal process that allows for the acceptance of an
  application for renewal coverage, and payment of premiums, from a
  property and casualty agent or a person insured under this chapter.  
  An [The] application for initial or renewal coverage must contain:
               (1)  a statement as to whether the applicant has
  submitted or will submit the premium in full from personal funds or,
  if not, to whom a balance is or will be due; and
               (2)  [.   Each application for initial or renewal
  coverage must also contain] a statement that the agent acting on
  behalf of the applicant possesses proof of the declination
  described by Subsection (a) and proof of flood insurance coverage
  or unavailability of that coverage as described by Section
         SECTION 9.005.  Sections 2210.203(a) and (c), Insurance
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  If the association determines that the property for
  which an application for initial insurance coverage is made is
  insurable property, the association, on payment of the premium,
  shall direct the issuance of an insurance policy as provided by the
  plan of operation.
         (c)  A policy may be renewed annually on application for
  renewal as long as the property continues to be insurable property.
  If the association determines that the property for which an
  application for renewal insurance coverage is made is insurable
  property, the association shall direct the issuance of a renewal
  insurance policy as provided by the plan of operation and may
  collect the premium for the policy directly from the applicant for
  renewal insurance coverage.
         SECTION 9.006.  Sections 2210.204(d) and (e), Insurance
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (d)  If an insured requests cancellation of the insurance
  coverage, the association shall refund the unearned premium, less
  any minimum retained premium set forth in the plan of operation,
  payable to the insured and the holder of an unpaid balance. The
  property and casualty agent who received a commission as the result
  of the issuance of an association policy providing the canceled
  coverage [submitted the application] shall refund the agent's
  commission on any unearned premium in the same manner.
         (e)  For cancellation of insurance coverage under this
  section, the minimum retained premium in the plan of operation must
  be for a period of not less than 90 [180] days, except for events
  specified in the plan of operation that reflect a significant
  change in the exposure or the policyholder concerning the insured
  property, including:
               (1)  the purchase of similar coverage in the voluntary
               (2)  sale of the property to an unrelated party;
               (3)  death of the policyholder; or
               (4)  total loss of the property.
         SECTION 9.007.  Section 2210.254, Insurance Code, is amended
  by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
         (e)  The department may establish an annual renewal period
  for persons appointed as qualified inspectors.
         SECTION 9.008.  Subchapter F, Chapter 2210, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 2210.2551 to read as follows:
  (a)  The department has exclusive authority over all matters
  relating to the appointment and oversight of qualified inspectors
  for purposes of this chapter.
         (b)  The commissioner by rule shall establish criteria to
  ensure that a person seeking appointment as a qualified inspector
  under this subchapter, including an engineer seeking appointment
  under Section 2210.255, possesses the knowledge, understanding,
  and professional competence to perform windstorm inspections under
  this chapter and to comply with other requirements of this chapter.
         (c)  Subsection (b) applies only to a determination
  concerning the appointment of a qualified inspector under this
  chapter. The exclusive jurisdiction of the department under this
  section does not apply to the practice of engineering as defined by
  Section 1001.003, Occupations Code, or to a license issued,
  qualification required, determination made, order issued, judgment
  rendered, or other action of a board operating under Chapter 1001,
  Occupations Code. In the event of conflict, the authority of that
  board prevails with regard to the practice of engineering.
         SECTION 9.009.  The heading to Section 2210.256, Insurance
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 9.010.  Section 2210.256, Insurance Code, is amended
  by adding Subsection (a-2) to read as follows:
         (a-2)  In addition to any other action authorized under this
  section, the commissioner ex parte may enter an emergency cease and
  desist order under Chapter 83 against a qualified inspector, or a
  person acting as a qualified inspector, if:
               (1)  the commissioner believes that:
                     (A)  the qualified inspector has:
                           (i)  through submitting or failing to submit
  to the department sealed plans, designs, calculations, or other
  substantiating information, failed to demonstrate that a structure
  or a portion of a structure subject to inspection meets the
  requirements of this chapter and department rules; or
                           (ii)  refused to comply with requirements
  imposed under this chapter or department rules; or
                     (B)  the person acting as a qualified inspector is
  acting without appointment as a qualified inspector under Section
  2210.254 or 2210.255; and
               (2)  the commissioner determines that the conduct
  described by Subdivision (1) is fraudulent or hazardous or creates
  an immediate danger to the public.
         SECTION 9.011.  Section 2210.258(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The association may not insure a structure described by
  Subsection (a) until:
               (1)  the structure has been inspected for compliance
  with the plan of operation in accordance with Section 2210.251(a);
               (2)  except as provided by Section 2210.260, a
  certificate of compliance has been issued for the structure in
  accordance with Section 2210.251(g).
         SECTION 9.012.  Subchapter F, Chapter 2210, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 2210.260 to read as follows:
  On and after January 1, 2012, a person who has an insurable interest
  in a residential structure may obtain insurance coverage through
  the association for that structure without obtaining a certificate
  of compliance under Section 2210.251(g) in accordance with this
  section and rules adopted by the commissioner.
         (b)  The department may issue an alternative certification
  for a residential structure if the person who has an insurable
  interest in the structure demonstrates that at least one qualifying
  structural building component of the structure has been:
               (1)  inspected by a department inspector or by a
  qualified inspector; and
               (2)  determined to be in compliance with applicable
  building code standards, as set forth in the plan of operation.
         (c)  The commissioner shall adopt reasonable and necessary
  rules to implement this section. The rules adopted under this
  section must establish which structural building components are
  considered qualifying structural building components for the
  purposes of Subsection (b), taking into consideration those items
  that are most probable to generate losses for the association's
  policyholders and the cost to upgrade those items.
         (d)  Except as provided in Section 2210.251(f), a person who
  has an insurable interest in a residential structure that is
  insured by the association as of January 1, 2012, but for which the
  person has not obtained a certificate of compliance under Section
  2210.251(g), must obtain an alternative certification under this
  section before the association, on or after January 1, 2013, may
  renew coverage for the structure.
         (e)  Each residential structure for which a person obtains an
  alternative certification under this section must comply with:
               (1)  the requirements of this chapter, including
  Section 2210.258; and
               (2)  the association's underwriting requirements,
  including maintaining the structure in an insurable condition and
  paying premiums in the manner required by the association.
         (f)  The association shall develop and implement an
  actuarially sound rate, credit, or surcharge that reflects the
  risks presented by structures with reference to which alternative
  certifications have been obtained under this section. A rate,
  credit, or surcharge under this subsection may vary based on the
  number of qualifying structural building components included in a
  structure with reference to which an alternative certification is
  obtained under this section.
         SECTION 9.013.  This article applies only to a Texas
  windstorm and hail insurance policy delivered, issued for delivery,
  or renewed by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association on or after
  the 30th day after the effective date of this Act. A Texas
  windstorm and hail insurance policy delivered, issued for delivery,
  or renewed by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association before the
  30th day after the effective date of this Act is governed by the law
  in effect immediately before the effective date of this Act, and the
  former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 9.014.  The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association
  shall, not later than January 1, 2012, amend the association's plan
  of operation as necessary to conform to the changes in law made by
  this article.
         SECTION 10.001.  (a)  The adjuster advisory board
  established under this section is composed of the following nine
  members appointed by the commissioner:
               (1)  two public insurance adjusters;
               (2)  two members who represent the general public;
               (3)  two independent adjusters;
               (4)  one adjuster who represents a domestic insurer
  authorized to engage in business in this state;
               (5)  one adjuster who represents a foreign insurer
  authorized to engage in business in this state; and
               (6)  one representative of the Independent Insurance
  Agents of Texas.
         (b)  A member who represents the general public may not be:
               (1)  an officer, director, or employee of:
                     (A)  an adjuster or adjusting company;
                     (B)  an insurance agent or agency;
                     (C)  an insurance broker;
                     (D)  an insurer; or
                     (E)  any other business entity regulated by the
               (2)  a person required to register as a lobbyist under
  Chapter 305, Government Code; or
               (3)  a person related within the second degree of
  affinity or consanguinity to a person described by Subdivision (1)
  or (2).
         (c)  The advisory board shall make recommendations to the
  commissioner regarding:
               (1)  matters related to the licensing, testing, and
  continuing education of licensed adjusters;
               (2)  matters related to claims handling, catastrophic
  loss preparedness, ethical guidelines, and other professionally
  relevant issues; and
               (3)  any other matter the commissioner submits to the
  advisory board for a recommendation.
         (d)  A member of the advisory board serves without
  compensation. If authorized by the commissioner, a member is
  entitled to reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in
  attending meetings of the advisory board.
         (e)  The advisory board is subject to Chapter 2110,
  Government Code.
         SECTION 11.001.  Chapter 524, Insurance Code, as amended by
  Chapter 721 (S.B. 78), Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2009, is amended by adding Section 524.004 to read as
         Sec. 524.004.  INFORMATION SHARING AGREEMENTS.  The division
  may enter into information sharing agreements with federal and
  state agencies to carry out the division's responsibilities under
  this chapter.  An agreement entered into under this section must
  include adequate protection with respect to the confidentiality of
  any information shared and comply with all applicable state and
  federal law.
         SECTION 11.002.  Section 524.051, Insurance Code, as added
  by Chapter 721 (S.B. 78), Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2009, is amended to read as follows:
  PLAN ISSUERS. (a)  In materials produced for the program, the
  division may include information about specific health benefit plan
  issuers but may not favor or endorse one particular issuer over
         (b)  The division may:
               (1)  establish a procedure by which issuers of health
  benefit plans, including plans offered by regional or local health
  care programs under Chapter 75, Health and Safety Code, may submit
  health plans for certification by the division as qualified health
               (2)  establish a multi-tiered rating system and assign
  ratings for certified health plans based upon the actuarial level
  of coverage offered through the plan; and
               (3)  provide information regarding the availability of
  and the cost of coverage after the application of any applicable
         (c)  Notwithstanding Section 75.104(d), Health and Safety
  Code, a regional or local health care program operating under
  Chapter 75, Health and Safety Code, that seeks to obtain
  certification from the division that a plan offered by the program
  is a qualified health plan is subject to regulation by the
  department under this code, including provisions of this code
  designated by the commissioner by rule as necessary for the
  protection of the public, in the same manner as an insurer.
         SECTION 11.003.  Section 524.053, Insurance Code, as added
  by Chapter 721 (S.B. 78), Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2009, is amended by adding Subsection (d) to read as
         (d)  The division may provide on an Internet website
  comparative information on health plans offered for sale in the
  state that are certified by the division using a standardized
  format for presenting health benefit plan options.
         SECTION 11.004.  Chapter 524, Insurance Code, as amended by
  Chapter 721 (S.B. 78), Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2009, is amended by adding Section 524.0545 to read as
  REQUIREMENTS.  (a)  The division may make available information
  regarding eligibility requirements for enrollment in medical
  assistance programs offered by the state.
         (b)  The division, in coordination with the Health and Human
  Services Commission, may assist in the facilitation of enrollment
  of individuals identified as eligible for programs described under
  Subsection (a).
         SECTION 12.001.  Chapter 541, Insurance Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter D-1 to read as follows:
  RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. (a) In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Alternative dispute resolution procedure" means
  a procedure included in an insurance policy to resolve disputes
  arising under the policy, including arbitration, mediation, and
  appraisal procedures.
               (2)  "Residential property insurance" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 544.352.
         (b)  Before filing a private action for damages under this
  chapter, an insured who disputes the amount of a loss of or damage
  to property covered by a residential property insurance policy that
  includes an alternative dispute resolution procedure must:
               (1)  send the insurer written notice of the dispute;
               (2)  comply with all applicable policy terms and
  conditions with respect to the dispute.
         (c)  The insurer shall initiate the alternative dispute
  resolution procedure included in the residential property
  insurance policy with respect to the dispute not later than:
               (1)  the 45th day after the date the insurer receives
  the notice required by Subsection (b); or
               (2)  an earlier date provided by the policy.
         (d)  If the insurer does not timely initiate an alternative
  dispute resolution procedure as required by Subsection (c), the
  insured may, to the extent otherwise authorized by this chapter,
  initiate a private action for damages under this chapter.
         Sec. 541.182.  ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES. (a) If a court
  determines that a party has initiated a private action for damages
  in violation of Section 541.181, the court shall:
               (1)  abate the action and order the parties to
  participate in the alternative dispute resolution procedure to the
  extent required by this section; and
               (2)  subject to this section, award to the insurer the
  insurer's court costs and reasonable and necessary attorney's fees
  for which the party who initiated the action and each attorney
  representing that party in the action are jointly and severally
         (b)  An insurer may not execute, collect, or enforce an award
  under Subsection (a)(2) before initiating the alternative dispute
  resolution procedure.
         (c)  If an insurer does not comply with a court order under
  this section by initiating the alternative dispute resolution
  procedure before the 45th day after the date the order is entered:
               (1)  the insured is not required to participate in the
  alternative dispute resolution procedure and the action may proceed
  in court; and
               (2)  the insured and the insured's attorney are not
  required to pay court costs and attorney's fees awarded under
  Subsection (a)(2).
         (d)  An insurer may not recover court costs and attorney's
  fees awarded under Subsection (a)(2) out of money awarded to a
  person who prevails in an alternative dispute resolution procedure.
  REQUIRED. On receipt of written notice from the insured of a
  dispute arising under the policy, an insurer shall provide an
  insured under a residential property insurance policy that includes
  an alternative dispute resolution procedure with all necessary
  information relating to the prerequisites for bringing a private
  action for damages in compliance with the policy and this
         SECTION 12.002.  Section 542.058(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Subsection (a) does not apply in a case in which it is
  found as a result of arbitration or litigation that a claim received
  by an insurer is invalid and should not be paid by the insurer or in
  a case in which an insurer and a claimant participate in an
  alternative dispute resolution procedure included in the relevant
  insurance policy.
         SECTION 12.003.  Subchapter D-1, Chapter 541, Insurance
  Code, as added by this Act, and Section 542.058(b), Insurance Code,
  as amended by this Act, apply only to a residential property
  insurance policy delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or
  after January 1, 2012. A residential property insurance policy
  delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed before January 1, 2012,
  is governed by the law in effect immediately before the effective
  date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that
         SECTION 13.001.  Subtitle C, Title 5, Insurance Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 563 to read as follows:
         Sec. 563.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Claims database" means a database used by
  insurers to share, among insurers, insureds' claims histories or
  damage reports concerning covered properties.
               (2)  "Insurer," "personal automobile insurance," and
  "residential property insurance" have the meanings assigned by
  Section 2254.001.
         Sec. 563.002.  REPORTING TO CLAIMS DATABASE. An insurer or
  an insurer's agent may not report to a claims database information
  regarding an inquiry by an insured regarding coverage provided
  under a personal automobile insurance policy or a residential
  property insurance policy unless and until the insured files a
  claim under the policy.
         SECTION 14.001.  Section 843.002, Insurance Code, is amended
  by amending Subdivision (9-a) and adding Subdivision (9-b) to read
  as follows:
               (9-a)  "Extrapolation" means a mathematical process or
  technique used by a health maintenance organization or pharmacy
  benefit manager that administers pharmacy claims for a health
  maintenance organization in the audit of a pharmacy or pharmacist
  to estimate audit results or findings for a larger batch or group of
  claims not reviewed by the health maintenance organization or
  pharmacy benefit manager.
               (9-b)  "Freestanding emergency medical care facility"
  means a facility licensed under Chapter 254, Health and Safety
         SECTION 14.002.  Section 843.338, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 843.338.  DEADLINE FOR ACTION ON CLEAN CLAIMS. Except
  as provided by Sections [Section] 843.3385 and 843.339, not later
  than the 45th day after the date on which a health maintenance
  organization receives a clean claim from a participating physician
  or provider in a nonelectronic format or the 30th day after the date
  the health maintenance organization receives a clean claim from a
  participating physician or provider that is electronically
  submitted, the health maintenance organization shall make a
  determination of whether the claim is payable and:
               (1)  if the health maintenance organization determines
  the entire claim is payable, pay the total amount of the claim in
  accordance with the contract between the physician or provider and
  the health maintenance organization;
               (2)  if the health maintenance organization determines
  a portion of the claim is payable, pay the portion of the claim that
  is not in dispute and notify the physician or provider in writing
  why the remaining portion of the claim will not be paid; or
               (3)  if the health maintenance organization determines
  that the claim is not payable, notify the physician or provider in
  writing why the claim will not be paid.
         SECTION 14.003.  Section 843.339, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  CLAIMS; PAYMENT. (a)  A [Not later than the 21st day after the date
  a] health maintenance organization, or a pharmacy benefit manager
  that administers pharmacy claims for the health maintenance
  organization, that affirmatively adjudicates a pharmacy claim that
  is electronically submitted[, the health maintenance organization]
  shall pay the total amount of the claim through electronic funds
  transfer not later than the 18th day after the date on which the
  claim was affirmatively adjudicated.
         (b)  A health maintenance organization, or a pharmacy
  benefit manager that administers pharmacy claims for the health
  maintenance organization, that affirmatively adjudicates a
  pharmacy claim that is not electronically submitted shall pay the
  total amount of the claim not later than the 21st day after the date
  on which the claim was affirmatively adjudicated.
         SECTION 14.004.  Subchapter J, Chapter 843, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 843.3401 to read as follows:
         Sec. 843.3401.  AUDIT OF PHARMACIST OR PHARMACY.  (a)  A
  health maintenance organization or a pharmacy benefit manager that
  administers pharmacy claims for the health maintenance
  organization may not use extrapolation to complete the audit of a
  provider who is a pharmacist or pharmacy. A health maintenance
  organization may not require extrapolation audits as a condition of
  participation in the health maintenance organization's contract,
  network, or program for a provider who is a pharmacist or pharmacy.
         (b)  A health maintenance organization or a pharmacy benefit
  manager that administers pharmacy claims for the health maintenance
  organization that performs an on-site audit under this chapter of a
  provider who is a pharmacist or pharmacy shall provide the provider
  reasonable notice of the audit and accommodate the provider's
  schedule to the greatest extent possible. The notice required
  under this subsection must be in writing and must be sent by
  certified mail to the provider not later than the 15th day before
  the date on which the on-site audit is scheduled to occur.
         SECTION 14.005.  Section 843.344, Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  applies to a person, including a pharmacy benefit manager, with
  whom a health maintenance organization contracts to:
               (1)  process or pay claims;
               (2)  obtain the services of physicians and providers to
  provide health care services to enrollees; or
               (3)  issue verifications or preauthorizations.
         SECTION 14.006.  Subchapter J, Chapter 843, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 843.354 to read as follows:
         Sec. 843.354.  LEGISLATIVE DECLARATION. It is the intent of
  the legislature that the requirements contained in this subchapter
  regarding payment of claims to providers who are pharmacists or
  pharmacies apply to all health maintenance organizations and
  pharmacy benefit managers unless otherwise prohibited by federal
         SECTION 14.007.  Section 1301.001, Insurance Code, is
  amended by amending Subdivision (1) and adding Subdivision (1-a) to
  read as follows:
               (1)  "Extrapolation" means a mathematical process or
  technique used by an insurer or pharmacy benefit manager that
  administers pharmacy claims for an insurer in the audit of a
  pharmacy or pharmacist to estimate audit results or findings for a
  larger batch or group of claims not reviewed by the insurer or
  pharmacy benefit manager.
               (1-a)  "Health care provider" means a practitioner,
  institutional provider, or other person or organization that
  furnishes health care services and that is licensed or otherwise
  authorized to practice in this state. The term includes a
  pharmacist and a pharmacy. The term does not include a physician.
         SECTION 14.008.  Section 1301.103, Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 1301.103.  DEADLINE FOR ACTION ON CLEAN CLAIMS. Except
  as provided by Sections 1301.104 and [Section] 1301.1054, not later
  than the 45th day after the date an insurer receives a clean claim
  from a preferred provider in a nonelectronic format or the 30th day
  after the date an insurer receives a clean claim from a preferred
  provider that is electronically submitted, the insurer shall make a
  determination of whether the claim is payable and:
               (1)  if the insurer determines the entire claim is
  payable, pay the total amount of the claim in accordance with the
  contract between the preferred provider and the insurer;
               (2)  if the insurer determines a portion of the claim is
  payable, pay the portion of the claim that is not in dispute and
  notify the preferred provider in writing why the remaining portion
  of the claim will not be paid; or
               (3)  if the insurer determines that the claim is not
  payable, notify the preferred provider in writing why the claim
  will not be paid.
         SECTION 14.009.  Section 1301.104, Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  CLAIMS; PAYMENT.  (a) An  [Not later than the 21st day after the date
  an] insurer, or a pharmacy benefit manager that administers
  pharmacy claims for the insurer under a preferred provider benefit
  plan, that affirmatively adjudicates a pharmacy claim that is
  electronically submitted[, the insurer] shall pay the total amount
  of the claim through electronic funds transfer not later than the
  18th day after the date on which the claim was affirmatively
         (b)  An insurer, or a pharmacy benefit manager that
  administers pharmacy claims for the insurer under a preferred
  provider benefit plan, that affirmatively adjudicates a pharmacy
  claim that is not electronically submitted shall pay the total
  amount of the claim not later than the 21st day after the date on
  which the claim was affirmatively adjudicated.
         SECTION 14.010.  Subchapter C, Chapter 1301, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 1301.1041 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1301.1041.  AUDIT OF PHARMACIST OR PHARMACY.  (a)  An
  insurer or a pharmacy benefit manager that administers pharmacy
  claims for the insurer may not use extrapolation to complete the
  audit of a preferred provider that is a pharmacist or pharmacy. An
  insurer may not require extrapolation audits as a condition of
  participation in the insurer's contract, network, or program for a
  preferred provider that is a pharmacist or pharmacy.
         (b)  An insurer or a pharmacy benefit manager that
  administers pharmacy claims for the insurer that performs an
  on-site audit of a preferred provider who is a pharmacist or
  pharmacy shall provide the provider reasonable notice of the audit
  and accommodate the provider's schedule to the greatest extent
  possible. The notice required under this subsection must be in
  writing and must be sent by certified mail to the preferred provider
  not later than the 15th day before the date on which the on-site
  audit is scheduled to occur.
         SECTION 14.011.  Section 1301.109, Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  INSURER. This subchapter applies to a person, including a pharmacy
  benefit manager, with whom an insurer contracts to:
               (1)  process or pay claims;
               (2)  obtain the services of physicians and health care
  providers to provide health care services to insureds; or
               (3)  issue verifications or preauthorizations.
         SECTION 14.012.  Subchapter C-1, Chapter 1301, Insurance
  Code, is amended by adding Section 1301.139 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1301.139.  LEGISLATIVE DECLARATION. It is the intent
  of the legislature that the requirements contained in this
  subchapter regarding payment of claims to preferred providers who
  are pharmacists or pharmacies apply to all insurers and pharmacy
  benefit managers unless otherwise prohibited by federal law.
         SECTION 14.013.  (a)  With respect to pharmacy benefits
  provided under a contract, the changes in law made by this article
  apply only to a contract entered into or renewed on or after the
  effective date of this Act and payment for pharmacy benefits
  provided under the contract. A contract entered into before the
  effective date of this Act and not renewed or that was last renewed
  before the effective date of this Act, and payment for pharmacy
  benefits provided under the contract, are governed by the law in
  effect immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that
  law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         (b)  With respect to payment for pharmacy benefits not
  provided under a contract to which Subsection (a) of this section
  applies, the changes in law made by this article apply only to
  payment for benefits provided on or after the effective date of this
  Act. Payment for benefits not subject to Subsection (a) of this
  section and provided before the effective date of this Act is
  governed by the law in effect immediately before the effective date
  of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         (c)  Sections 843.3401 and 1301.1041, Insurance Code, as
  added by this article, apply to an audit of a pharmacist or pharmacy
  performed on or after the effective date of this Act unless the
  audit is performed under a contract that is entered into before the
  effective date of this Act and that, at the time of the audit, has
  not been renewed or was last renewed before the effective date of
  this Act.
         SECTION 15.001.  Chapter 1102, Insurance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 1102.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Insurance policy" means a policy, certificate, or
  contract of:
                     (A)  life, term, or endowment insurance,
  including an annuity or pure endowment contract;
                     (B)  group life or term insurance, including a
  group annuity contract;
                     (C)  industrial life insurance;
                     (D)  accident or health insurance;
                     (E)  group accident or health insurance;
                     (F)  hospitalization insurance;
                     (G)  group hospitalization insurance;
                     (H)  medical or surgical insurance;
                     (I)  group medical or surgical insurance; or
                     (J)  fraternal benefit insurance.
               (2)  "Insurer" means any insurer, including a:
                     (A)  life, accident, health, or casualty
  insurance company;
                     (B)  mutual life insurance company;
                     (C)  mutual insurance company other than a life
  insurance company;
                     (D)  mutual or natural premium life insurance
                     (E)  general casualty company;
                     (F)  Lloyd's plan or a reciprocal or
  interinsurance exchange;
                     (G)  fraternal benefit society; or
                     (H)  group hospital service corporation.
               (3)  "Life insurance policy" means a policy,
  certificate, or contract of:
                     (A)  life, term, or endowment insurance,
  including an annuity or pure endowment contract;
                     (B)  group life or term insurance, including a
  group annuity contract;
                     (C)  industrial life insurance; or
                     (D)  fraternal benefit insurance, other than
  insurance for:
                           (i)  benefits for hospital, medical, or
  nursing expenses resulting from sickness, bodily infirmity, or
  accident; or
                           (ii)  other accident or health insurance.
               (4)  "Retained asset account" means any mechanism
  whereby the settlement of proceeds payable under a life insurance
  policy, including but not limited to the payment of cash surrender
  value, is accomplished by the insurer or an entity acting on behalf
  of the insurer depositing the proceeds into an account, where those
  proceeds are retained by the insurer, pursuant to a supplementary
  contract not involving annuity benefits.
         Sec. 1102.002.  RULES. The commissioner may adopt
  reasonable rules to accomplish the purposes of this chapter,
  including rules requiring:
               (1)  appropriate reserves for insurance policies
  subject to this chapter; or
               (2)  prudent investment of premiums collected from
  insurance policies subject to this chapter regardless of any other
  provision of this code related to the investment of money by an
  insurance company.
         Sec. 1102.051 [1102.002].  BENEFITS PAYABLE IN CURRENCY.
  Each benefit payable under an insurance policy delivered, issued,
  or used in this state by an insurer shall be payable in currency.
         Sec. 1102.052 [1102.003].  STATEMENT REGARDING VALUE OF
  FOREIGN CURRENCY. (a) An insurance policy described by Section
  1102.051 [1102.002] providing that benefits are payable in foreign
  currency must include a conspicuous statement that the value of the
  currency denominated in the policy can fluctuate as compared to the
  value of United States currency.
         (b)  The statement must be:
               (1)  included as part of the policy; or
               (2)  attached to the insurance policy at the time it is
         Sec. 1102.053 [1102.004].  PREVIOUSLY APPROVED INSURANCE
  disapprove or withdraw approval of a previously approved insurance
  policy form that provides benefits payable in foreign currency if
  the commissioner determines that the foreign currency has been less
  stable than United States currency in the previous 20-year period.
         (b)  This section does not require the resubmission for
  approval of any previously approved insurance policy form unless:
               (1)  withdrawal of approval is authorized under this
  section or Chapter 1701; or
               (2)  after notice and hearing, the commissioner
  determines that approval was obtained by improper means, including
  by misrepresentation, fraud, or a misleading statement or
         [Sec. 1102.005.   RULES. The commissioner may adopt
  reasonable rules to accomplish the purposes of this chapter,
  including rules requiring:
               [(1)     appropriate reserves for insurance policies
  subject to this chapter; or
               [(2)     prudent investment of premiums collected from
  insurance policies subject to this chapter regardless of any other
  provision of this code related to the investment of money by an
  insurance company].
         Sec. 1102.101.  RETAINED ASSET ACCOUNT ELECTION. (a)  An
  insurer may not transfer proceeds payable under a life insurance
  policy to a retained asset account unless the insurer discloses
  such option to the beneficiary or the beneficiary's legal
  representative, or in the case of a group contract, the contract
  holder or policy owner before transferring the proceeds to the
         (b)  A beneficiary shall be informed of the beneficiary's
  rights to receive a lump-sum payment of life insurance proceeds in
  the form of a bank check or other form of immediate full payment of
         (c)  When an insurer offers multiple modes of settlement to a
  beneficiary, the insurer may not use a retained asset account as the
  default mode of settlement unless the insurer conspicuously
  discloses that fact.
         Sec. 1102.102.  DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS. (a) The claim
  form for payment of proceeds under a life insurance policy must
  include a statement, written in plain language, disclosing benefit
  payment options available under the policy, including payment
  through the use of a retained asset account or by check directly to
  the claimant.
         (b)  An insurer may not transfer proceeds payable under a
  life insurance policy to a retained asset account unless the
  insurer, before transferring the proceeds and in a written
  document, discloses to the claimant, or advises the claimant
  concerning, the following information:
               (1)  a recommendation to consult a tax, investment, or
  other financial advisor about tax liability and investment options;
               (2)  when and how interest rates may change, and any
  dividends and other gains that may be paid or distributed to the
  account holder;
               (3)  the name and address of the custodian of the
  retained asset account;
               (4)  any coverage of the retained asset account
  guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the
  amount of the coverage;
               (5)  any limitations on withdrawal of funds from the
  retained asset account, including any minimum or maximum benefit
  payment amounts;
               (6)  the anticipated duration of any delays that the
  retained asset account holder might encounter in completing an
  authorized transaction;
               (7)  any fees for services provided, including a list
  of the fees and the method of the fee calculation;
               (8)  the nature and frequency with which statements
  concerning the retained asset account are issued, which must be not
  less than once annually;
               (9)  that some or all of the benefit may be paid through
  check, draft, or other instrument;
               (10)  that the entire proceeds are available to the
  retained asset account holder by the use of a single check, draft,
  or other instrument;
               (11)  whether the insurer or a related party may earn
  income from the retained asset account, in addition to any fees
  charged on the account, from the total gains received on the
  investment of the balance of funds in the account;
               (12)  the telephone number, address, and other contact
  information, including website address, to obtain additional
  information regarding the retained asset account;
               (13)  a description of the insurer's policy regarding
  retained asset accounts that may become inactive; and
               (14)  any other information prescribed by the
  commissioner by rule.
         SECTION 15.002.  Chapter 1102, Insurance Code, as amended by
  this article, applies only to a claim made under a life insurance
  policy on or after September 1, 2011. A claim made before September
  1, 2011, is governed by the law as it existed immediately before the
  effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for
  that purpose.
         SECTION 16.001.  Section 1451.153, Insurance Code, is
  amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (c) to
  read as follows:
         (a)  A managed care plan may not:
               (1)  discriminate against a health care practitioner
  because the practitioner is an optometrist, therapeutic
  optometrist, or ophthalmologist;
               (2)  restrict or discourage a plan participant from
  obtaining covered vision or medical eye care services or procedures
  from a participating optometrist, therapeutic optometrist, or
  ophthalmologist solely because the practitioner is an optometrist,
  therapeutic optometrist, or ophthalmologist;
               (3)  exclude an optometrist, therapeutic optometrist,
  or ophthalmologist as a participating practitioner in the plan
  because the optometrist, therapeutic optometrist, or
  ophthalmologist does not have medical staff privileges at a
  hospital or at a particular hospital; [or]
               (4)  exclude an optometrist, therapeutic optometrist,
  or ophthalmologist as a participating practitioner in the plan
  because the services or procedures provided by the optometrist,
  therapeutic optometrist, or ophthalmologist may be provided by
  another type of health care practitioner; or
               (5)  as a condition for a therapeutic optometrist or
  ophthalmologist to be included in one or more of the plan's medical
  panels, require the therapeutic optometrist or ophthalmologist to
  be included in, or to accept the terms of payment under or for, a
  particular vision panel in which the therapeutic optometrist or
  ophthalmologist does not otherwise wish to be included.
         (c)  For the purposes of Subsection (a)(5), "medical panel" 
  and "vision panel" have the meanings assigned by Section
         SECTION 16.002.  The change in law made by Section 16.001 of
  this Act applies only to a contract entered into or renewed by a
  therapeutic optometrist or ophthalmologist and an issuer of a
  managed care plan on or after January 1, 2012. A contract entered
  into or renewed before January 1, 2012, is governed by the law in
  effect immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that
  law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 17.001.  Subtitle F, Title 8, Insurance Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 1458 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1458.001.  GENERAL DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
               (1)  "Affiliate" means a person who, directly or
  indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is
  controlled by, or is under common control with another person.
               (2)  "Contracting entity" means a person that:
                     (A)  enters into a direct contract with a provider
  for the delivery of health care services to covered individuals;
                     (B)  in the ordinary course of business
  establishes a provider network for access by another party.
               (3)  "Covered individual" means an individual who is
  covered under a health benefit plan.
               (4)  "Direct notification" means a written or
  electronic communication from a contracting entity to a physician
  or other health care provider documenting third party access to a
  provider network.
               (5)  "Health care services" means services provided for
  the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, or cure of a health
  condition, illness, injury, or disease.
               (6)  "Person" has the meaning assigned by Section
               (7)  "Provider" means a physician, a professional
  association composed solely of physicians, a single legal entity
  authorized to practice medicine owned by two or more physicians, a
  nonprofit health corporation certified by the Texas Medical Board
  under Chapter 162, Occupations Code, a partnership composed solely
  of physicians, a physician-hospital organization that acts
  exclusively as an administrator for a provider to facilitate the
  provider's participation in health care contracts, or an
  institution licensed under Chapter 241, Health and Safety Code.  
  The term does not include a physician-hospital organization that
  leases or rents the physician-hospital organization's network to a
  third party.
               (8)  "Provider network contract" means a contract
  between a contracting entity and a provider for the delivery of, and
  payment for, health care services to a covered individual.
               (9)  "Third party" means a person that contracts with a
  contracting entity or another party to gain access to a provider
  network contract.
         Sec. 1458.002.  DEFINITION OF HEALTH BENEFIT PLAN.  (a)  In
  this chapter, "health benefit plan" means:
               (1)  a hospital and medical expense incurred policy;
               (2)  a nonprofit health care service plan contract;
               (3)  a health maintenance organization subscriber
  contract; or
               (4)  any other health care plan or arrangement that
  pays for or furnishes medical or health care services.
         (b)  "Health benefit plan" does not include one or more or
  any combination of the following:
               (1)  coverage only for accident or disability income
  insurance or any combination of those coverages;
               (2)  credit-only insurance;
               (3)  coverage issued as a supplement to liability
               (4)  liability insurance, including general liability
  insurance and automobile liability insurance;
               (5)  workers' compensation or similar insurance;
               (6)  a discount health care program, as defined by
  Section 7001.001;
               (7)  coverage for on-site medical clinics;
               (8)  automobile medical payment insurance; or
               (9)  other similar insurance coverage, as specified by
  federal regulations issued under the Health Insurance Portability
  and Accountability Act of 1996 (Pub. L. No. 104-191), under which
  benefits for medical care are secondary or incidental to other
  insurance benefits.
         (c)  "Health benefit plan" does not include the following
  benefits if they are provided under a separate policy, certificate,
  or contract of insurance, or are otherwise not an integral part of
  the coverage:
               (1)  dental or vision benefits;
               (2)  benefits for long-term care, nursing home care,
  home health care, community-based care, or any combination of these
               (3)  other similar, limited benefits, including
  benefits specified by federal regulations issued under the Health
  Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (Pub. L. No.
  104-191); or
               (4)  a Medicare supplement benefit plan described by
  Section 1652.002.
         (d)  "Health benefit plan" does not include coverage limited
  to a specified disease or illness or hospital indemnity coverage or
  other fixed indemnity insurance coverage if:
               (1)  the coverage is provided under a separate policy,
  certificate, or contract of insurance;
               (2)  there is no coordination between the provision of
  the coverage and any exclusion of benefits under any group health
  benefit plan maintained by the same plan sponsor; and
               (3)  the coverage is paid with respect to an event
  without regard to whether benefits are provided with respect to
  such an event under any group health benefit plan maintained by the
  same plan sponsor.
         Sec. 1458.003.  EXEMPTIONS.  This chapter does not apply:
               (1)  to a provider network contract for services
  provided to a beneficiary under the Medicaid program, the Medicare
  program, or the state child health plan established under Chapter
  62, Health and Safety Code, or the comparable plan under Chapter 63,
  Health and Safety Code;
               (2)  under circumstances in which access to the
  provider network is granted to an entity that operates under the
  same brand licensee program as the contracting entity; or
               (3)  to a contract between a contracting entity and a
  discount health care program operator, as defined by Section
  [Sections 1458.004-1458.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 1458.051.  REGISTRATION REQUIRED.  (a)  Unless the
  person holds a certificate of authority issued by the department to
  engage in the business of insurance in this state or operate a
  health maintenance organization under Chapter 843, a person must
  register with the department not later than the 30th day after the
  date on which the person begins acting as a contracting entity in
  this state.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), under Section 1458.055
  a contracting entity that holds a certificate of authority issued
  by the department to engage in the business of insurance in this
  state or is a health maintenance organization shall file with the
  commissioner an application for exemption from registration under
  which the affiliates may access the contracting entity's network.
         (c)  An application for an exemption filed under Subsection
  (b) must be accompanied by a list of the contracting entity's
  affiliates.  The contracting entity shall update the list with the
  commissioner on an annual basis.
         (d)  A list of affiliates filed with the commissioner under
  Subsection (c) is public information and is not exempt from
  disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code.
         Sec. 1458.052.  DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION.  (a)  A person
  required to register under Section 1458.051 must disclose:
               (1)  all names used by the contracting entity,
  including any name under which the contracting entity intends to
  engage or has engaged in business in this state;
               (2)  the mailing address and main telephone number of
  the contracting entity's headquarters;
               (3)  the name and telephone number of the contracting
  entity's primary contact for the department; and
               (4)  any other information required by the commissioner
  by rule.
         (b)  The disclosure made under Subsection (a) must include a
  description or a copy of the applicant's basic organizational
  structure documents and a copy of organizational charts and lists
  that show:
               (1)  the relationships between the contracting entity
  and any affiliates of the contracting entity, including subsidiary
  networks or other networks; and
               (2)  the internal organizational structure of the
  contracting entity's management.
         Sec. 1458.053.  SUBMISSION OF INFORMATION.  Information
  required under this subchapter must be submitted in a written or
  electronic format adopted by the commissioner by rule.
         Sec. 1458.054.  FEES.  The department may collect a
  reasonable fee set by the commissioner as necessary to administer
  the registration process.  Fees collected under this chapter shall
  be deposited in the Texas Department of Insurance operating fund.
         Sec. 1458.055.  EXEMPTION FOR AFFILIATES.  (a) The
  commissioner shall grant an exemption for affiliates of a
  contracting entity if the contracting entity holds a certificate of
  authority issued by the department to engage in the business of
  insurance in this state or is a health maintenance organization if
  the commissioner determines that:
               (1)  the affiliate is not subject to a disclaimer of
  affiliation under Chapter 823; and
               (2)  the relationships between the person who holds a
  certificate of authority and all affiliates of the person,
  including subsidiary networks or other networks, are disclosed and
  clearly defined.
         (b)  An exemption granted under this section applies only to
  registration. An entity granted an exemption is otherwise subject
  to this chapter.
         (c)  The commissioner shall establish a reasonable fee as
  necessary to administer the exemption process.
  [Sections 1458.056-1458.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 1458.101.  CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS.  A contracting entity
  may not provide a person access to health care services or
  contractual discounts under a provider network contract unless the
  provider network contract specifically states that:
               (1)  the contracting entity may contract with a third
  party to provide access to the contracting entity's rights and
  responsibilities under a provider network contract; and
               (2)  the third party must comply with all applicable
  terms, limitations, and conditions of the provider network
         Sec. 1458.102.  DUTIES OF CONTRACTING ENTITY.  (a)  A
  contracting entity that has granted access to health care services
  and contractual discounts under a provider network contract shall:
               (1)  notify each provider of the identity of, and
  contact information for, each third party that has or may obtain
  access to the provider's health care services and contractual
               (2)  provide each third party with sufficient
  information regarding the provider network contract to enable the
  third party to comply with all relevant terms, limitations, and
  conditions of the provider network contract;
               (3)  require each third party to disclose the identity
  of the contracting entity and the existence of a provider network
  contract on each remittance advice or explanation of payment form;
               (4)  notify each third party of the termination of the
  provider network contract not later than the 30th day after the
  effective date of the contract termination.
         (b)  If a contracting entity knows that a third party is
  making claims under a terminated contract, the contracting entity
  must take reasonable steps to cause the third party to cease making
  claims under the provider network contract. If the steps taken by
  the contracting entity are unsuccessful and the third party
  continues to make claims under the terminated provider network
  contract, the contracting entity must:
               (1)  terminate the contracting entity's contract with
  the third party; or
               (2)  notify the commissioner, if termination of the
  contract is not feasible.
         (c)  Any notice provided by a contracting entity to a third
  party under Subsection (b) must include a statement regarding the
  third party's potential liability under this chapter for using a
  provider's contractual discount for services provided after the
  termination date of the provider network contract.
         (d)  The notice required under Subsection (a)(1):
               (1)  must be provided by:
                     (A)  providing for a subscription to receive the
  notice by e-mail; or
                     (B)  posting the information on an Internet
  website at least once each calendar quarter; and
               (2)  must include a separate prominent section that
                     (A)  each third party that the contracting entity
  knows will have access to a discounted fee of the provider in the
  succeeding calendar quarter; and
                     (B)  the effective date and termination or renewal
  dates, if any, of the third party's contract to access the network.
         (e)  The e-mail notice described by Subsection (d) may
  contain a link to an Internet web page that contains a list of third
  parties that complies with this section.
         (f)  The notice described by Subsection (a)(1) is not
  required to include information regarding payors who are insurers
  or health maintenance organizations.
         Sec. 1458.103.  EFFECT OF CONTRACT TERMINATION.  Subject to
  continuity of care requirements, agreements, or contractual
               (1)  a third party may not access health care services
  and contractual discounts after the date the provider network
  contract terminates;
               (2)  claims for health care services performed after
  the termination date may not be processed or paid under the provider
  network contract after the termination; and
               (3)  claims for health care services performed before
  the termination date and processed after the termination date may
  be processed and paid under the provider network contract after the
  date of termination.
         Sec. 1458.104.  AVAILABILITY OF CODING GUIDELINES. (a)  A
  contract between a contracting entity and a provider must provide
               (1)  the provider may request a description and copy of
  the coding guidelines, including any underlying bundling,
  recoding, or other payment process and fee schedules applicable to
  specific procedures that the provider will receive under the
               (2)  the contracting entity or the contracting entity's
  agent will provide the coding guidelines and fee schedules not
  later than the 30th day after the date the contracting entity 
  receives the request;
               (3)  the contracting entity or the contracting entity's
  agent will provide notice of changes to the coding guidelines and
  fee schedules that will result in a change of payment to the
  provider not later than the 90th day before the date the changes
  take effect and will not make retroactive revisions to the coding
  guidelines and fee schedules; and
               (4)  if the requested information indicates a reduction
  in payment to the provider from the amounts agreed to on the
  effective date of the contract, the contract may be terminated by
  the provider on written notice to the contracting entity on or
  before the 30th day after the date the provider receives
  information requested under this subsection without penalty or
  discrimination in participation in other health care products or
         (b)  A provider who receives information under Subsection
  (a) may only:
               (1)  use or disclose the information for the purpose of
  practice management, billing activities, and other business
  operations; and
               (2)  disclose the information to a governmental agency
  involved in the regulation of health care or insurance.
         (c)  The contracting entity shall, on request of the
  provider, provide the name, edition, and model version of the
  software that the contracting entity uses to determine bundling and
  unbundling of claims.
         (d)  The provisions of this section may not be waived,
  voided, or nullified by contract.
         (e)  If a contracting entity is unable to provide the
  information described by Subsection (a)(1), (a)(3), or (c), the
  contracting entity shall by telephone provide a readily available
  medium in which providers may obtain the information, which may
  include an Internet website.
  [Sections 1458.105-1458.150 reserved for expansion]
  third party that leases, sells, aggregates, assigns, or otherwise
  conveys a provider's contractual discount to another party who is
  not a covered individual must comply with the responsibilities of a
  contracting entity under Subchapters C and E.
         Sec. 1458.152.  DISCLOSURE BY THIRD PARTY.  (a)  A third
  party shall disclose, to the contracting entity and providers under
  the provider network contract, the identity of a person other than a
  covered individual to whom the third party leases, sells,
  aggregates, assigns, or otherwise conveys a provider's contractual
  discounts through an electronic notification that complies with
  Section 1458.102 and includes a link to the Internet website
  described by Section 1458.102(d).
         (b)  A third party that uses an Internet website under this
  section must update the website on a quarterly basis. On request, a
  contracting entity shall disclose the information by telephone or
  through direct notification.
  [Sections 1458.153-1458.200 reserved for expansion]
  (a)  A person who knowingly accesses or uses a provider's
  contractual discount under a provider network contract without a
  contractual relationship established under this chapter commits an
  unfair or deceptive act in the business of insurance that violates
  Subchapter B, Chapter 541.  The remedies available for a violation
  of Subchapter B, Chapter 541, under this subsection do not include a
  private cause of action under Subchapter D, Chapter 541, or a class
  action under Subchapter F, Chapter 541.
         (b)  A contracting entity or third party must comply with the
  disclosure requirements under Sections 1458.102 and 1458.152
  concerning the services listed on a remittance advice or
  explanation of payment.  A provider may refuse a discount taken
  without a contract under this chapter or in violation of those
         (c)  Notwithstanding Subsection (b), an error in the
  remittance advice or explanation of payment may be corrected by a
  contracting entity or third party not later than the 30th day after
  the date the provider notifies in writing the contracting entity or
  third party of the error.
         Sec. 1458.202.  ACCESS TO THIRD PARTY.  A contracting entity
  may not provide a third party access to a provider network contract
  unless the third party is:
               (1)  a payor or person who administers or processes
  claims on behalf of the payor;
               (2)  a preferred provider benefit plan issuer or
  preferred provider network, including a physician-hospital
  organization; or
               (3)  a person who transports claims electronically
  between the contracting entity and the payor and does not provide
  access to the provider's services and discounts to any other third
  [Sections 1458.203-1458.250 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 1458.251.  UNFAIR CLAIM SETTLEMENT PRACTICE.  (a)  A
  contracting entity that violates this chapter commits an unfair
  claim settlement practice under Subchapter A, Chapter 542, and is
  subject to sanctions under that subchapter as if the contracting
  entity were an insurer.
         (b)  A provider who is adversely affected by a violation of
  this chapter may make a complaint under Subchapter A, Chapter 542.
         Sec. 1458.252.  REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE.  The remedies
  provided by this subchapter are in addition to any other defense,
  remedy, or procedure provided by law, including common law.
         SECTION 17.002.  The change in law made by this article
  applies only to a provider network contract entered into or renewed
  on or after January 1, 2012.  A provider network contract entered
  into or renewed before January 1, 2012, is governed by the law as it
  existed immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that
  law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 18.001.  Subchapter A, Chapter 2211, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 2211.004 to read as follows:
  LIMITATION ON DAMAGES. (a) The association may not be held liable
  for any amount on a claim filed under an insurance policy issued by
  the association other than:
               (1)  as applicable, amounts payable under the terms of
  the policy for loss to an insured structure, loss to contents of an
  insured structure, and additional living expenses; and
               (2)  court costs and reasonable attorney's fees.
         (b)  An insured may not recover consequential, punitive, or
  exemplary damages in a cause of action against the association,
  including damages under Section 541.152(b) of this code or Section
  17.50, Business & Commerce Code, or interest in the amount
  described by Section 542.060 of this code.
         SECTION 18.002.  Section 2211.004, Insurance Code, as added
  by this article, applies only to a cause of action that accrues
  against the FAIR Plan Association on or after the effective date of
  this Act. A cause of action that accrues before the effective date
  of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the cause of
  action accrued, and the former law is continued in effect for that
         SECTION 19.001.  Section 2301.008, Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 2301.008.  ADOPTION AND USE OF STANDARD FORMS. The
  commissioner shall [may] adopt standard insurance policy forms,
  printed endorsement forms, and related forms other than insurance
  policy forms and printed endorsement forms, that an insurer shall
  [may] use in addition to [instead of] the insurer's own forms in
  writing insurance subject to this subchapter.
         SECTION 19.002.  Section 2301.052(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Subject to Section 2301.0525, an [An] insurer may
  continue to use an insurance policy form or endorsement
  promulgated, approved, or adopted under Article 5.06 or 5.35 before
  June 11, 2003, on written notification to the commissioner that the
  insurer will continue to use the form or endorsement.
         SECTION 19.003.  Subchapter B, Chapter 2301, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 2301.0525 to read as follows:
  FORMS REQUIRED. (a) Each insurer that writes residential property
  insurance in this state shall use the standard insurance policy
  forms adopted by the commissioner under Section 2301.008 for
  residential property insurance and, subject to Subsection (b), may
  also use alternative policy forms approved by the commissioner
  under Section 2301.006.
         (b)  An insurer may not deliver or issue for delivery in this
  state a residential property insurance policy unless the insurer
  informs each applicant for that insurance coverage, in the manner
  prescribed by commissioner rule, that an applicant otherwise
  qualified for that insurance coverage under this code may elect to
  obtain residential property insurance coverage under a standard
  insurance policy adopted by the commissioner under Section
         (c)  An insurer that offers coverage under the standard
  policy forms shall disclose to the applicant or insured, at the time
  of the initial application and each renewal, each policy limit and
  type of coverage available to the insured and the respective costs
  for each coverage. The form of the disclosure shall be specified by
  the commissioner, subject to Section 2301.053(c).
         (d)  An insurer that offers coverage under approved forms
  other than the standard policy forms shall disclose to the
  applicant or insured, at the time of the initial application and
  each renewal, in comparison to the standard policy forms each
  additional coverage that is provided and the additional cost, each
  reduction in coverage or exclusion of coverage and the reduced
  cost, and each policy limit and type of coverage available to the
  insured and the respective costs for each coverage. The form of the
  disclosure shall be specified by the commissioner, subject to
  Section 2301.053(c). At a minimum, the disclosure must refer the
  applicant or insured to the Internet website described by Section
  32.102 and state that the applicant may compare the rates of
  insurers at that site.
         SECTION 19.004.  The change in law made by this article
  applies only to an insurance policy delivered, issued for delivery,
  or renewed on or after January 1, 2012. A policy delivered, issued
  for delivery, or renewed before January 1, 2012, is governed by the
  law as it existed immediately before the effective date of this Act,
  and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 20.001.  Section 3503.005(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A bond that is made, given, tendered, or filed under
  Chapter 53, Property Code, or Chapter 2253, Government Code, may be
  executed only by a surety company that is authorized to write surety
  bonds in this state.  If the amount of the bond exceeds $100,000,
  the surety company must also:
               (1)  hold a certificate of authority from the United
  States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on
  obligations permitted or required under federal law; or
               (2)  have obtained reinsurance for any liability in
  excess of $1 million [$100,000] from a reinsurer that:
                     (A)  is an authorized reinsurer in this state; or
                     (B)  holds a certificate of authority from the
  United States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety or
  reinsurer on obligations permitted or required under federal law.
         SECTION 20.002.  Section 3503.004(b), Insurance Code, is
         SECTION 21.001.  Subchapter B, Chapter 542, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 542.063 to read as follows:
         Sec. 542.063.  APPRAISALS.  (a)  A request for appraisal with
  respect to a claim under a property insurance policy shall not stay
  court proceedings during the appraisal process.
         (b)  A decision resulting from the appraisal process under a
  property insurance policy is binding only as to the amount of loss.  
  An appraisal may not be used to determine liability issues such as
  coverage, causation, or conditions or limits imposed by the policy.  
  The appraisal decision does not affect any other remedy available
  at law.
         SECTION 21.002.  The heading to Subchapter B, Chapter 542,
  Insurance Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 21.003.  Section 542.063, Insurance Code, as added
  by this article, applies only to a dispute that arises on or after
  the effective date of this Act.  A dispute that arises before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect
  immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 22.001.  Subtitle A, Title 8, Insurance Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 1221 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1221.001.  RULES; EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS.  The
  commissioner by rule, unless it would violate state or federal law,
  may develop procedures to allow an employer to make financial
  contributions to or premium payments for an employee or retiree's
  individual consumer directed health insurance policy in a manner
  that eliminates or minimizes the state or federal tax consequences,
  or provides positive state or federal tax consequences, to the
         SECTION 23.001.  Subchapter B, Chapter 1952, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 1952.059 to read as follows:
  (a) In addition to applying to the insurers subject to this chapter
  under Section 1952.001, this section applies to a county mutual
  insurance company.
         (b)  An insurer that delivers or issues for delivery in this
  state a personal automobile insurance policy, including a policy
  provided through the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association
  under Chapter 2151, that covers liability arising out of the
  ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle and that would
  otherwise cover all residents in the named insured's household must
  offer the insured a provision that would exclude from coverage
  under the policy any resident of the named insured's household who
  is specifically named as being excluded.
         (c)  An exclusion under this section must be in writing and
               (1)  include the name of the person excluded from
               (2)  be signed by the named insured; and
               (3)  be attached to the policy and stated on the
  liability insurance card or any other form of proof of liability
  insurance verification.
         SECTION 24.001.  Section 6002.158(e), Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (e)  The curriculum for a residential fire alarm technician
  course must consist of at least seven [eight] hours of instruction
  on installing, servicing, and maintaining single-family and
  two-family residential fire alarm systems as defined by National
  Fire Protection Standard No. 72 and an examination on National Fire
  Protection Standard No. 72 for which at least one hour is allocated
  for completion. The examination must consist of at least 25
  questions, and an applicant must accurately answer at least 80
  percent of the questions to pass the examination.
         SECTION 24.002.  The changes in law made by this Act to
  Section 6002.158, Insurance Code, apply only to an application for
  approval or renewal of approval of a training school submitted to
  the state fire marshal on or after the effective date of this Act.
  An application submitted before the effective date of this Act is
  governed by the law in effect immediately before the effective date
  of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 25.001.  Subchapter A, Chapter 2502, Insurance Code,
  is amended by adding Section 2502.006 to read as follows:
  PROHIBITED.  (a)  A title insurance company may not insure against
  loss or damage sustained by reason of any claim that under federal
  bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditor's rights laws the
  transaction vesting title in the insured as shown in the policy or
  creating the lien of the insured mortgage is:
               (1)  a preference or preferential transfer under 11
  U.S.C. Section 547;
               (2)  a fraudulent transfer under 11 U.S.C. Section 548;
               (3)  a transfer that is fraudulent as to present and
  future creditors under Section 24.005, Business & Commerce Code, or
  a similar law of another state; or
               (4)  a transfer that is fraudulent as to present
  creditors under Section 24.006, Business & Commerce Code, or a
  similar law of another state.
         (b)  The commissioner may by rule designate coverages that
  violate this section. It is not a defense against a claim that a
  title insurance company has violated this section that the
  commissioner has not adopted a rule under this subsection.
         (c)  Title insurance issued in or on a form prescribed by the
  commissioner shall be considered to comply with this section.
         (d)  Nothing in this section prohibits title insurance with
  respect to liens, encumbrances, or other defects to title to land
               (1)  appear in the public records before the date on
  which the contract of title insurance is made;
               (2)  occur or result from transactions before the
  transaction vesting title in the insured or creating the lien of the
  insured mortgage; or
               (3)  result from failure to timely perfect or record
  any instrument before the date on which the contract of title
  insurance is made.
         (e)  A title insurance company may not engage in the business
  of title insurance in this state if the title insurance company
  provides insurance of the type prohibited by Subsection (a)
  anywhere in the United States, except to the extent that the laws of
  another state require the title insurance company to provide that
  type of insurance.
         SECTION 25.002.  Section 2502.006, Insurance Code, as added
  by this Act, applies only to an insurance policy that is delivered,
  issued for delivery, or renewed on or after January 1, 2012. A
  policy delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed before January 1,
  2012, is governed by the law as it existed immediately before the
  effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for
  that purpose.
         SECTION 26.001.  Chapter 1202, Insurance Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter C to read as follows:
         Sec. 1202.101.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter,
  "rescission" means the termination of an insurance agreement,
  contract, evidence of coverage, insurance policy, or other similar
  coverage document in which the health benefit plan issuer, as
  applicable, refunds premium payments or demands the recoupment of
  any benefit already paid under the plan.
         Sec. 1202.102.  APPLICABILITY. (a) This subchapter applies
  only to a health benefit plan, including a small or large employer
  health benefit plan written under Chapter 1501, that provides
  benefits for medical or surgical expenses incurred as a result of a
  health condition, accident, or sickness, including an individual,
  group, blanket, or franchise insurance policy or insurance
  agreement, a group hospital service contract, or an individual or
  group evidence of coverage or similar coverage document that is
  offered by:
               (1)  an insurance company;
               (2)  a group hospital service corporation operating
  under Chapter 842;
               (3)  a fraternal benefit society operating under
  Chapter 885;
               (4)  a stipulated premium company operating under
  Chapter 884;
               (5)  a reciprocal exchange operating under Chapter 942;
               (6)  a Lloyd's plan operating under Chapter 941;
               (7)  a health maintenance organization operating under
  Chapter 843;
               (8)  a multiple employer welfare arrangement that holds
  a certificate of authority under Chapter 846; or
               (9)  an approved nonprofit health corporation that
  holds a certificate of authority under Chapter 844.
         (b)  This subchapter does not apply to:
               (1)  a health benefit plan that provides coverage:
                     (A)  only for a specified disease or for another
  limited benefit other than an accident policy;
                     (B)  only for accidental death or dismemberment;
                     (C)  for wages or payments in lieu of wages for a
  period during which an employee is absent from work because of
  sickness or injury;
                     (D)  as a supplement to a liability insurance
                     (E)  for credit insurance;
                     (F)  only for dental or vision care;
                     (G)  only for hospital expenses; or
                     (H)  only for indemnity for hospital confinement;
               (2)  a Medicare supplemental policy as defined by
  Section 1882(g)(1), Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 1395ss),
  as amended;
               (3)  a workers' compensation insurance policy;
               (4)  medical payment insurance coverage provided under
  a motor vehicle insurance policy;
               (5)  a long-term care insurance policy, including a
  nursing home fixed indemnity policy, unless the commissioner
  determines that the policy provides benefit coverage so
  comprehensive that the policy is a health benefit plan described by
  Subsection (a);
               (6)  a Medicaid managed care plan offered under Chapter
  533, Government Code;
               (7)  any policy or contract of insurance with a state
  agency, department, or board providing health services to eligible
  individuals under Chapter 32, Human Resources Code; or
               (8)  a child health plan offered under Chapter 62,
  Health and Safety Code, or a health benefits plan offered under
  Chapter 63, Health and Safety Code.
         Sec. 1202.103.  RESCISSION PROHIBITED; EXCEPTION. (a)
  Notwithstanding any other law, except as provided by Subsection
  (b), a health benefit plan issuer may not rescind coverage under a
  health benefit plan with respect to an enrollee in the plan.
         (b)  A health benefit plan issuer may rescind coverage under
  a health benefit plan with respect to an enrollee if the enrollee
  engages in conduct that constitutes fraud or makes an intentional
  misrepresentation of a material fact.
         Sec. 1202.104.  NOTICE OF INTENT TO RESCIND. (a) A health
  benefit plan issuer may not rescind a health benefit plan without
  first notifying the affected enrollee in writing at least 30 days in
  advance of the issuer's intent to rescind the health benefit plan.
         (b)  The notice required under Subsection (a) must include,
  as applicable:
               (1)  the principal reasons for the decision to rescind
  the health benefit plan;
               (2)  the date on which the rescission is effective and
  the prior date to which the rescission retroactively reaches;
               (3)  an itemized list of any pending or paid claims the
  health benefit plan issuer intends to recoup following the
               (4)  an explanation of how the enrollee may obtain any
  documentation used by the health benefit plan issuer to justify the
               (5)  a statement that the enrollee is entitled to
  appeal a rescission decision to an independent review organization
  and that the health benefit plan issuer bears the burden of proof on
               (6)  an explanation of any time limit with which the
  enrollee must comply to appeal the rescission decision to an
  independent review organization, and a description of the
  consequences of failure to appeal within that time limit; and
               (7)  a statement that there is no cost to the individual
  to appeal the rescission decision to an independent review
  CLAIMS. (a) An enrollee may appeal a health benefit plan issuer's
  rescission decision to an independent review organization in the
  manner prescribed by the commissioner by rule.
         (b)  A health benefit plan issuer shall comply with all
  requests for information made by the independent review
  organization and with the independent review organization's
  determination regarding the appropriateness of the issuer's
  decision to rescind.
         (c)  A health benefit plan issuer shall pay all otherwise
  valid medical claims under an individual's plan until the later of:
               (1)  the date on which an independent review
  organization determines that the decision to rescind is
  appropriate; or
               (2)  the time to appeal to an independent review
  organization has expired without an affected individual initiating
  an appeal.
         (d)  The commissioner shall adopt rules necessary to
  implement and enforce this section, including rules establishing
  certification standards for independent review organizations for
  purposes of this chapter.
         Sec. 1202.106.  BURDEN OF PROOF. In an appeal to an
  independent review organization under Section 1202.105 or an
  enforcement action or cause of action based on a violation of this
  subchapter by a health benefit plan issuer, the health benefit plan
  issuer must prove that the issuer did not violate this subchapter.
         SECTION 26.002.  The change in law made by this article
  applies only to a health benefit plan that is delivered, issued for
  delivery, or renewed on or after January 1, 2012. A health benefit
  plan that is delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed before
  January 1, 2012, is governed by the law as it existed immediately
  before the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in
  effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 27.001.  Except as otherwise provided by this Act,
  this Act applies only to an insurance policy, contract, or evidence
  of coverage that is delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or
  after January 1, 2012. A policy, contract, or evidence of coverage
  delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed before January 1, 2012,
  is governed by the law as it existed immediately before the
  effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for
  that purpose.
         SECTION 27.002.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.