82R5310 CAE-F
  By: Madden H.B. No. 2031
  relating to the establishment of a voluntary compensation plan as
  an alternative to litigation.
         SECTION 1.  Title 7, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 160 to read as follows:
         Sec. 160.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Claim" means a claim for personal injury, death,
  or property damage caused by an event or product covered by this
               (2)  "Claimant" means a person making a claim.
               (3)  "Plan administrator" means an individual a
  claimant can contact to obtain information about or compensation
  from a voluntary compensation plan. There may be more than one plan
               (4)  "Plan creator" means a person who establishes a
  voluntary compensation plan under this chapter.
               (5)  "Potentially liable person" means a person who:
                     (A)  may be responsible, in whole or in part, for
  damages arising out of personal injury, death, or property damage
  caused by an event covered by this chapter; or
                     (B)  may be liable for a cause of action covered by
  Chapter 82 for damages arising out of personal injury, death, or
  property damage caused by a defective product covered by this
               (6)  "Voluntary compensation plan" means a plan
  established under this chapter to compensate a claimant for damages
  arising out of personal injury, death, or property damage caused by
  an event or product covered by this chapter.
         Sec. 160.002.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. This chapter
  applies to:
               (1)  an event that caused:
                     (A)  the death of two or more people;
                     (B)  serious bodily injury to five or more people;
                     (C)  damage to real property owned by five or more
  people; and
               (2)  a product that may have caused:
                     (A)  the death of two or more people;
                     (B)  serious bodily injury to five or more people;
                     (C)  damage to real property owned by five or more
         Sec. 160.003.  ESTABLISHMENT OF PLAN. (a) A potentially
  liable person, acting alone or with another potentially liable
  person, may establish a voluntary compensation plan to compensate
  an individual who sustained damages covered by this chapter.
         (b)  Except as provided by Section 160.005(d), a voluntary
  compensation plan is established when the person establishing the
  plan has published the notice required by Subchapter B.
         (c)  Except as provided by Section 160.004, a voluntary
  compensation plan for damages caused by an event must be
  established not later than the 90th day after the date the event
         Sec. 160.004.  PETITION TO EXTEND TIME. (a) A person may
  file a petition in district court to request an extension of time to
  establish a voluntary compensation plan for an event.
         (b)  A petition for an extension of time under this section
  must be filed in the county in which notice of the establishment of
  a voluntary compensation plan must be published under Section
         (c)  A copy of a petition filed under this section must be
  served on a party to any pending case in which a plaintiff alleges
  that the potentially liable person is liable for damages caused by
  an event.
         (d)  Notice that a petition under this section was filed must
  be published as provided by Subchapter B.
         (e)  A hearing on a petition filed under this section may not
  be held before the 14th day after the date the notice is filed,
  served, or published, whichever date is later.
         (f)  An interested person may intervene in a proceeding under
  this section to support or oppose the petition. The court may not
  consider any other issue at a hearing under this section.
         (g)  The court shall extend the deadline for establishing a
  voluntary compensation plan under this chapter on a showing of good
         (h)  A court's decision under this section may be reviewed
  by petition for writ of mandamus.
         Sec. 160.005.  ABATEMENT OF SUITS. (a) A defendant in an
  action seeking damages arising out of personal injury, death, or
  property damage caused by an event or product covered by this
  chapter may file a plea in abatement instead of filing an answer to
  the action if:
               (1)  the action was filed after the defendant
  established a voluntary compensation plan with respect to the event
  or product alleged to have caused the damages; or
               (2)  the action is for damages allegedly caused by an
  event and the action was filed before the expiration of the period
  prescribed by Section 160.003(c) or an extension period granted by
  a court under Section 160.004.
         (b)  A court may impose an appropriate penalty authorized by
  Chapter 10 for the signing of a frivolous pleading or motion against
  a party who obtains an abatement under Subsection (a)(2) but does
  not establish a voluntary compensation plan within the period
  provided by this subchapter, including any extension period.
         (c)  If a defendant files a plea in abatement in accordance
  with Subsection (a), the defendant is not required to file an answer
  to the abated suit before the 21st day after the date the abatement
  period expires as provided by Subsection (d).
         (d)  Unless extended for good cause, an abatement under this
  section expires on the 90th day after the date the voluntary
  compensation plan is established, as determined by the trial court
  in which the plea in abatement is filed.
         (e)  A court's refusal to grant a plea in abatement under
  this section and a court's decision regarding the date the
  voluntary compensation plan was established may be reviewed by
  petition for writ of mandamus.
  [Sections 160.006-160.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 160.051.  NOTICE REQUIRED; CONTENT. (a) Before a
  voluntary compensation plan may be established, the person
  establishing the plan must publish notice of intent to create a
         (b)  A notice under this section must include:
               (1)  the name of the person establishing the voluntary
  compensation plan;
               (2)  the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail
  address of the plan administrator;
               (3)  the kind or class of claimants who may be eligible
  to receive compensation from the plan;
               (4)  the deadline by which claims must be filed with the
  plan administrator;
               (5)  the criteria the plan administrator will use to
  determine whether a claim is legitimate;
               (6)  the formula, method, or information the plan
  administrator will use to determine the amount that will be paid to
  a claimant for a legitimate claim;
               (7)  a schedule showing the dates and methods by which
  legitimate claims will be paid;
               (8)  a statement of the extent to which accepting a
  payment from the plan bars an action against the plan creator or
  others; and
               (9)  any other information necessary for a claimant to
  obtain information about or request compensation from the plan.
         Sec. 160.052.  PUBLICATION OF NOTICE. (a) A notice under
  Section 160.051 must be published in a newspaper of record in the
  county in which the person establishing the voluntary compensation
  plan has the person's principal office or the person's principal
  place of business in this state.
         (b)  If a voluntary compensation plan is established to pay
  for damages caused by an event covered by this chapter and that
  occurred in this state, notice must also be published in a newspaper
  in the county in which the event occurred.
         (c)  A notice published under this section must:
               (1)  state that the plan creator has established a
  voluntary compensation plan for a specified event or product;
               (2)  contain the information required by Section
  160.051; and
               (3)  be at least 25 square inches in size.
         (d)  Notice of the establishment of a voluntary compensation
  plan must also be posted on the home page of the Internet website of
  the person establishing the plan. The notice on the website must
  state that the plan creator has established a plan for a specified
  event or product, contain the information required by Section
  160.051, and provide a link to a website a potential claimant can
  use to contact the plan administrator. The notice must remain
  posted on the home page of the website until the plan is
  addition to the publication requirements of this subchapter, a plan
  creator must use the best method reasonably available under the
  circumstances to notify known potential claimants of the voluntary
  compensation plan's establishment.
  the request of a potential claimant, a plan administrator must
  provide a potential claimant a reasonably accurate statement of the
  compensation the claimant would receive under the voluntary
  compensation plan.
         (b)  A plan administrator may comply with Subsection (a) by
  making available to a potential claimant a program or other method
  that the potential claimant may use to determine a reasonable
  estimate of the compensation the potential claimant would receive
  under the voluntary compensation plan.
         Sec. 160.055.  AMENDMENT OF PLAN. A voluntary compensation
  plan may be amended at any time. Any amendment to a plan must be
  published in the same manner as required for the establishment of
  the plan.
  [Sections 160.056-160.100 reserved for expansion]
  PROVISIONS. (a) Not later than the 60th day after the date an
  abatement period expires as provided by Section 160.005, a plan
  creator who has been named as a defendant in an action seeking
  damages caused by an event or a product covered by this chapter may
  apply the settlement provisions of Section 42.004 to the action by
  filing with the court a document prepared by the plan administrator
  stating the gross amount of money that would have been paid to the
  claimant under the voluntary compensation plan as of the date the
  abatement period ended.
         (b)  Unless a plan administrator has rejected the claim, a
  filing under this section is a settlement offer for the purposes of
  Section 42.004.
         (c)  A filing under this section is not a declaration
  required by Section 42.002 that the settlement procedure allowed by
  Chapter 42 is available in the action.
  FAVORABLE JUDGMENT. For the purposes of applying Section 42.004
  under this subchapter:
               (1)  the award is the gross recovery under the judgment
  minus the claimant's attorney's fees under the contract between the
  claimant and the claimant's attorney at the time the claimant was
  notified of or became aware of the existence of the voluntary
  compensation plan; and
               (2)  the rejected settlement offer is the gross
  compensation the claimant would have received under the voluntary
  compensation plan minus the amount the claimant would have paid in
  attorney's fees if the claimant had accepted compensation from the
  [Sections 160.103-160.150 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 160.151.  NOT ADMISSION OF LIABILITY. Establishing,
  attempting to establish, or planning with respect to establishing a
  voluntary compensation plan under this chapter is not an admission
  of liability by any person.
         Sec. 160.152.  NOT ADMISSIBLE. Except as provided by this
  chapter, evidence that a person established, attempted to
  establish, planned with respect to establishing, or sought
  information or compensation from a voluntary compensation plan is
  not admissible in any civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding
  to determine:
               (1)  liability arising from an event or product; or
               (2)  damages:
                     (A)  caused by a product; or
                     (B)  that are the result of an event.
  plan creator's consideration of or planning with respect to
  establishing a voluntary compensation plan is privileged from
  discovery or disclosure in any civil, criminal, or administrative
  proceeding to determine:
               (1)  liability arising from an event or product; or
               (2)  damages:
                     (A)  caused by a product; or
                     (B)  that are the result of an event.
         Sec. 160.154.  NO DUTY OR CAUSE OF ACTION. (a)
  Establishing, attempting to establish, or planning with respect to
  establishing a voluntary compensation plan does not create a duty
  owed by the plan administrator or plan creator.
         (b)  Establishing, attempting to establish, or planning with
  respect to establishing a voluntary compensation plan does not give
  rise to a cause of action against a plan administrator or plan
               (1)  for a breach of a duty of good faith and fair
               (2)  under the Deceptive Trade Practices-Consumer
  Protection Act (Subchapter E, Chapter 17, Business & Commerce
  Code); or
               (3)  for a breach of any other common law or statutory
         (c)  Establishing a voluntary compensation plan does not
  create an obligation for the plan administrator or plan creator to
  negotiate the terms or conditions of payment from the plan or for
  the settlement of litigation or threatened litigation.
  [Sections 160.155-160.200 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 160.201.  ACTION SUBJECT TO ABATEMENT. If a voluntary
  compensation plan has been established and an action is filed that
  the plan creator has a right to abate under Section 160.005, an
  attorney representing a claimant or potential claimant must, not
  later than the 15th day after the date the attorney learns of the
  existence of the plan, inform the claimant or potential claimant in
               (1)  of the existence of the plan;
               (2)  of the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail
  address of the plan administrator;
               (3)  that the claimant or potential claimant may
  contact the plan administrator directly and without the attorney's
               (4)  that if the claimant or potential claimant seeks
  compensation from the plan without the assistance of the attorney,
  the claimant or potential claimant will not owe the attorney any fee
  for services in connection with that claim for compensation; and
               (5)  that if the claimant or potential claimant seeks
  compensation from the plan with the assistance of the attorney, it
  is unlawful for the attorney to receive or contract to receive a fee
  in excess of five percent of the amount received by a claimant or
  potential claimant from the plan.
         Sec. 160.202.  NO RIGHT TO ABATEMENT. If a voluntary
  compensation plan has been established and an action is filed that
  the plan creator has a right to abate under Section 160.005, an
  attorney representing a claimant in that action must, not later
  than the 15th day after the date the attorney learns of the
  existence of the plan, inform the claimant or potential claimant in
               (1)  of the existence of the plan;
               (2)  of the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail
  address of the plan administrator;
               (3)  that the claimant or potential claimant may
  contact the plan administrator directly and without the attorney's
  participation; and
               (4)  of the fee the attorney will charge to the claimant
  or potential claimant if the claimant or potential claimant elects
  to accept payment from the plan instead of pursuing litigation.
         Sec. 160.203.  PROHIBITED CONTACT. (a) A plan creator or
  plan administrator may not initiate the first contact with a
  claimant or potential claimant except to provide notice of the
  establishment of a voluntary compensation plan as provided by
  Subchapter B.
         (b)  A plan creator or plan administrator may not initiate
  contact with a claimant or potential claimant for the purpose of
  encouraging or attempting to induce the claimant or potential
  claimant to accept compensation under the voluntary compensation
         SECTION 2.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to
  a cause of action that accrues on or after the effective date of
  this Act. A cause of action that accrues before the effective date
  of this Act is governed by the law in effect immediately before the
  effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for
  that purpose.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.